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ONTAP MetroCluster

将 FC SAN 工作负载从 MetroCluster FC 移动到 MetroCluster IP 节点


在从 MetroCluster FC 无中断过渡到 IP 节点时,您必须无中断地将 FC SAN 主机对象从 MetroCluster FC 移动到 IP 节点。

将 FC SAN 工作负载从 MetroCluster FC 移动到 MetroCluster IP 节点

  1. 在 MetroCluster IP 节点上设置新的 FC 接口( LIF ):

    1. 如果需要,请在 MetroCluster IP 节点上修改 FC 端口,以便客户端连接到 FC 目标特性。


    2. 在IP节点上为所有SAN SVM创建FC IF/接口。(可选)验证新创建的FC SIFs中的WWPN是否已登录到FC SAN交换机

  2. 更新 MetroCluster IP 节点上新添加的 FC LIF 的 SAN 分区配置。

    为了便于移动包含主动为 FC SAN 客户端提供数据的 LUN 的卷,请更新现有 FC 交换机分区,以允许 FC SAN 客户端访问 MetroCluster IP 节点上的 LUN 。

    1. 在 FC SAN 交换机( Cisco 或 Brocade )上,将新添加的 FC SAN LIF 的 WWPN 添加到分区中。

    2. 更新,保存并提交分区更改。

    3. 在客户端中,检查 FC 启动程序是否登录到 MetroCluster IP 节点上的新 SAN LIF : sanlun lun show -p

      此时,客户端应看到并登录到 MetroCluster FC 和 MetroCluster IP 节点上的 FC 接口。LUN 和卷仍以物理方式托管在 MetroCluster FC 节点上。

      由于 LUN 仅在 MetroCluster FC 节点接口上报告,因此客户端仅显示 FC 节点上的路径。可从的输出中看到此问题 sanlun lun show -pmultipath -ll -d 命令

    [root@stemgr]# sanlun lun show -p
    ONTAP Path: vsa_1:/vol/vsa_1_vol6/lun_linux_12
     LUN: 4
     LUN Size: 2g
     Product: cDOT
     Host Device: 3600a098038304646513f4f674e52774b
     Multipath Policy: service-time 0
     Multipath Provider: Native
    --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------
    host vserver
    path path /dev/ host vserver
    state type node adapter LIF
    --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------
    up primary sdk host3 iscsi_lf__n2_p1_
    up secondary sdh host2 iscsi_lf__n1_p1_
    [root@stemgr]# multipath -ll -d
    3600a098038304646513f4f674e52774b dm-5 NETAPP ,LUN C-Mode
    size=2.0G features='4 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50 retain_attached_hw_handle' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
    |-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=50 status=active
    | `- 3:0:0:4 sdk 8:160 active ready running
    `-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=10 status=enabled
     `- 2:0:0:4 sdh 8:112 active ready running
  3. 修改报告节点以添加 MetroCluster IP 节点

    1. 列出 SVM 上 LUN 的报告节点: lun mapping show -vserver svm-name -fields reporting-nodes -ostype linux

      显示的报告节点是本地节点,因为 LUN 实际位于 FC 节点 A_1 和 A_2 上。

      cluster_A::> lun mapping show -vserver vsa_1 -fields reporting-nodes -ostype linux
      vserver  path                        igroup         reporting-nodes
      -------  --------------------------- ------------   -------------------------------------
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol1/lun_linux_2 igroup_linux   A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol1/lun_linux_3 igroup_linux   A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol2/lun_linux_4 igroup_linux   A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol3/lun_linux_7 igroup_linux   A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol4/lun_linux_8 igroup_linux   A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol4/lun_linux_9 igroup_linux   A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol6/lun_linux_12 igroup_linux  A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol6/lun_linux_13 igroup_linux  A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol7/lun_linux_14 igroup_linux  A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol8/lun_linux_17 igroup_linux  A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol9/lun_linux_18 igroup_linux  A_1,A_2
      vsa_1    /vol/vsa_1_vol9/lun_linux_19 igroup_linux  A_1,A_2
      12 entries were displayed.
    2. 添加报告节点以包括 MetroCluster IP 节点。

      cluster_A::> lun mapping add-reporting-nodes -vserver vsa_1 -path /vol/vsa_1_vol*/lun_linux_* -nodes B_1,B_2 -igroup igroup_linux
      12 entries were acted on.
    3. 列出报告节点并验证是否存在新节点:

      cluster_A::> lun mapping show -vserver vsa_1 -fields reporting-nodes -ostype linux
      vserver path                          igroup          reporting-nodes
      ------- ---------------------------   ------------    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      vsa_1   /vol/vsa_1_vol1/lun_linux_2   igroup_linux    A_1,A_2,B_1,B_2
      vsa_1   /vol/vsa_1_vol1/lun_linux_3   igroup_linux    A_1,A_2,B_1,B_2
      vsa_1   /vol/vsa_1_vol2/lun_linux_4   igroup_linux    A_1,A_2,B_1,B_2
      vsa_1   /vol/vsa_1_vol3/lun_linux_7   igroup_linux    A_1,A_2,B_1,B_2
      12 entries were displayed.
    4. 验证是否已 sg3-utils 软件包安装在Linux主机上。这样可以避免 utility not found 使用重新扫描Linux主机以查找新映射的LUN时出错 rescan-scsi-bus 命令:

    5. 重新扫描主机上的SCSI总线以发现新添加的路径: /usr/bin/ -a

      [root@stemgr]# /usr/bin/ -a
      Scanning SCSI subsystem for new devices
      Scanning host 0 for SCSI target IDs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, all LUNs
      Scanning host 1 for SCSI target IDs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, all LUNs
      Scanning host 2 for SCSI target IDs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, all LUNs
       Scanning for device 2 0 0 0 ...
      OLD: Host: scsi5 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 09
       Vendor: NETAPP Model: LUN C-Mode Rev: 9800
       Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05
      0 new or changed device(s) found.
      0 remapped or resized device(s) found.
      0 device(s) removed.
    6. 显示新添加的路径: sanlun lun show -p

      每个 LUN 将有四个路径。

      [root@stemgr]# sanlun lun show -p
      ONTAP Path: vsa_1:/vol/vsa_1_vol6/lun_linux_12
       LUN: 4
       LUN Size: 2g
       Product: cDOT
       Host Device: 3600a098038304646513f4f674e52774b
       Multipath Policy: service-time 0
       Multipath Provider: Native
      --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------
      host vserver
      path path /dev/ host vserver
      state type node adapter LIF
      --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------
      up primary sdk host3 iscsi_lf__n2_p1_
      up secondary sdh host2 iscsi_lf__n1_p1_
      up secondary sdag host4 iscsi_lf__n4_p1_
      up secondary sdah host5 iscsi_lf__n3_p1_
    7. 在控制器上,将包含 LUN 的卷从 MetroCluster FC 移动到 MetroCluster IP 节点。

      cluster_A::> vol move start -vserver vsa_1 -volume vsa_1_vol1 -destination-aggregate A_1_htp_005_aggr1
      [Job 1877] Job is queued: Move "vsa_1_vol1" in Vserver "vsa_1" to aggregate "A_1_htp_005_aggr1". Use the "volume move show -vserver vsa_1 -volume vsa_1_vol1"
      command to view the status of this operation.
      cluster_A::> volume move show
      Vserver    Volume    State    Move Phase   Percent-Complete Time-To-Complete
      --------- ---------- -------- ----------   ---------------- ----------------
      vsa_1     vsa_1_vol1 healthy  initializing
       - -
    8. 在 FC SAN 客户端上,显示 LUN 信息: sanlun lun show -p

      LUN 现在所在的 MetroCluster IP 节点上的 FC 接口将更新为主路径。如果在卷移动后未更新主路径,请运行 /usr/bin/ -a ,或者等待多路径重新扫描发生。

      以下示例中的主路径是 MetroCluster IP 节点上的 LIF 。

    [root@localhost ~]# sanlun lun show -p
                        ONTAP Path: vsa_1:/vol/vsa_1_vol1/lun_linux_2
                               LUN: 22
                          LUN Size: 2g
                           Product: cDOT
                       Host Device: 3600a098038302d324e5d50305063546e
                  Multipath Policy: service-time 0
                Multipath Provider: Native
    --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------
    host      vserver
    path      path       /dev/   host         vserver
    state     type       node    adapter      LIF
    --------- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------
    up        primary    sddv    host6        fc_5
    up        primary    sdjx    host7        fc_6
    up        secondary  sdgv    host6        fc_8
    up        secondary  sdkr    host7        fc_8
    1. 对属于 FC SAN 主机的所有卷, LUN 和 FC 接口重复上述步骤。

      完成后,给定 SVM 和 FC SAN 主机的所有 LUN 都应位于 MetroCluster IP 节点上。

  4. 删除报告节点并从客户端重新扫描路径。

    1. 删除 Linux LUN 的远程报告节点( MetroCluster FC 节点): lun mapping remove-reporting-nodes -vserver vsa_1 -path * -igroup igroup_linux -remote-nodes true

      cluster_A::> lun mapping remove-reporting-nodes -vserver vsa_1 -path * -igroup igroup_linux -remote-nodes true
      12 entries were acted on.
    2. 检查 LUN 的报告节点: lun mapping show -vserver vsa_1 -fields reporting-nodes -ostype linux

      cluster_A::> lun mapping show -vserver vsa_1 -fields reporting-nodes -ostype linux
      vserver path igroup reporting-nodes
      ------- --------------------------- ------------ -----------------------------------------
      vsa_1 /vol/vsa_1_vol1/lun_linux_2 igroup_linux B_1,B_2
      vsa_1 /vol/vsa_1_vol1/lun_linux_3 igroup_linux B_1,B_2
      vsa_1 /vol/vsa_1_vol2/lun_linux_4 igroup_linux B_1,B_2
      12 entries were displayed.
    3. 重新扫描客户端上的SCSI总线: /usr/bin/ -r

      从 MetroCluster FC 节点删除路径:

    [root@stemgr]# /usr/bin/ -r
    Syncing file systems
    Scanning SCSI subsystem for new devices and remove devices that have disappeared
    Scanning host 0 for SCSI target IDs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, all LUNs
    Scanning host 1 for SCSI target IDs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, all LUNs
    Scanning host 2 for SCSI target IDs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, all LUNs
    sg0 changed: LU not available (PQual 1)
    REM: Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
    DEL: Vendor: NETAPP Model: LUN C-Mode Rev: 9800
     Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05
    sg2 changed: LU not available (PQual 1)
    OLD: Host: scsi5 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 09
     Vendor: NETAPP Model: LUN C-Mode Rev: 9800
     Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05
    0 new or changed device(s) found.
    0 remapped or resized device(s) found.
    24 device(s) removed.
    1. 验证是否仅可从主机中看到 MetroCluster IP 节点的路径: sanlun lun show -p

    2. 如果需要,请从 MetroCluster FC 节点中删除 iSCSI LIF 。

      如果节点上没有映射到其他客户端的其他 LUN ,则应执行此操作。