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Cloud Insights

Configuring Data Collectors

Contributors netapp-alavoie dgracenetapp

You configure Data Collectors in your Cloud Insights environment to collect data from devices in the data center.

Before you begin
  • You must have configured an Acquisition Unit before you can start collecting data.

  • You need credentials for the devices from which you are collecting Data.

  • Device network addresses, account information, and passwords are required for all devices you are collecting data from.

  1. From the Cloud Insights menu, click Observability > Collectors

    The system displays the available Data Collectors arranged by vendor.

  2. Click + Collector and select the data collector to configure.

    In the dialog box you can configure the data collector and add an Acquisition Unit.

  3. Enter a name for the data collector.

  4. Click Advanced Configuration to add additional configuration fields. (Not all data collectors require advanced configuration.)

  5. Click Test Configuration to verify that the data collector is properly configured.

  6. Click Add Collector to save the configuration and add the data collector to your Cloud Insights tenant.

It may take up to two poll periods before data from the service is displayed in dashboards or available for querying.

  • 1st inventory poll: immediately

  • 1st performance data poll to establish a baseline: immediately after inventory poll

  • 2nd performance poll: within 15 seconds after completion of 1st performance poll

Polling then proceeds according to the configured inventory and performance poll intervals.