Data Infrastructure Insights Onboarding
Before you can start working with Data Infrastructure Insights, you must sign up on the NetApp BlueXP portal. If you already have a NetApp BlueXP login, you can start a free trial of Data Infrastructure Insights with a few quick steps.
Creating your NetApp BlueXP account
To get started with NetApp's cloud services, go to NetApp BlueXP and click Get Started.
If you have not already signed up, select Sign Up
Enter a valid business email address and choose a password.
Enter your company name, and your full name.
Accept the terms and conditions and select Continue.
BlueXP will walk you through getting started.
What if I already have a NetApp BlueXP login?
Once you have a NetApp BlueXP account, simply choose Log In on the NetApp BlueXP portal page.
Enter your email address and password. You will then be taken to NetApp's cloud offerings page.
Select Data Infrastructure Insights.
Starting your Data Infrastructure Insights free trial
If this is your first time logging in to Data Infrastructure Insights, under the Data Infrastructure Insights offering, click on Start Free Trial. Data Infrastructure Insights will walk you through creating your company's tenant, including selecting the region where you want your tenant to reside.
Once the creation of your tenant is complete, you can use your BlueXP credentials to log in and start your free, 30-day trial of Data Infrastructure Insights. During this trial you can explore the features that Data Infrastructure Insights has to offer.
During the free trial, you can start your subscription to Data Infrastructure Insights at any time. When you are subscribed, You can use the Data Infrastructure Insights features based on your current subscription.
Sign in and go
Once your tenant has been created, at any time you can simply log in to the NetApp BlueXP Portal and click Go to Data Infrastructure Insights. You will be taken directly to your Data Infrastructure Insights tenant.
You can also open a browser directly to your Data Infrastructure Insights tenant URL, for example:
The URL will also be included in each user's invitation email for simple access and bookmarking. If the user is not already logged in to BlueXP, they will be prompted to log in.
New users must still sign up for access to BlueXP before they can access their tenant URL. |
The first time you log in to a new tenant, you will be guided through setting up to begin gathering data.
Logging Out
To log out of Data Infrastructure Insights, click your User Name and select Log Out. You will be taken back to the BlueXP sign in screen.
Logging out of Data Infrastructure Insights logs you out of BlueXP. You will also be logged out of other NetApp Cloud services that use the BlueXP sign-in. |
Inactivity Timeout
By default, BlueXP will log a user out if there is no activity for six hours (360 minutes). Regardless of activity, users will be logged out after seven days.