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Cluster and storage switches

更换 Cisco Nexus 9336C-x2 集群交换机


更换集群网络中存在故障的 Nexus 9336C-x2 交换机是无中断操作步骤( NDU )。



  • 现有 Nexus 9336C-FX2 交换机的名称是 CS1 和 CS2 。

  • 新 Nexus 9336C-x2 交换机的名称是 newcs2 。

  • 节点名称为 node1 和 node2 。

  • 每个节点上的集群端口均名为 e0a 和 e0b 。

  • 集群 LIF 名称分别为 node1 和 node1_clus1 和 node1_clus2 , node2 和 node2_clus1 和 node2_clus2 。

  • 对所有集群节点进行更改的提示为 cluster1 ::: * > 。



  • 现有集群和网络基础架构:

    • 必须使用至少一个完全连接的集群交换机验证现有集群是否完全正常运行。

    • 所有集群端口都必须已启动。

    • 所有集群逻辑接口( LIF )都必须已启动并位于其主端口上。

    • ONTAP cluster ping-cluster -node node1 命令必须指示所有路径上的基本连接以及大于 PMTU 的通信均成功。

  • Nexus 9336C-x2 更换交换机:

    • 更换用的交换机上的管理网络连接必须正常工作。

    • 必须能够通过控制台访问更换用的交换机。

    • 节点连接为端口 1/1 到 1/34 :

    • 必须在端口 1/35 和 1/36 上禁用所有交换机间链路( ISL )端口。

    • 必须将所需的参考配置文件( Reference Configuration File , RCF )和 NX-OS 操作系统映像交换机加载到交换机上。

    • 必须完成交换机的初始自定义,如中所述:

    之前的任何站点自定义设置,例如 STP , SNMP 和 SSH ,都应复制到新交换机。

您必须执行命令,从托管集群 LIF 的节点迁移集群 LIF 。



cluster1::*> network port show -ipspace Cluster

Node: node1
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false

Node: node2
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
4 entries were displayed.

cluster1::*> network interface show -vserver Cluster
            Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
            node1_clus1  up/up  node1         e0a     true
            node1_clus2  up/up  node1         e0b     true
            node2_clus1  up/up  node2         e0a     true
            node2_clus2  up/up  node2         e0b     true
4 entries were displayed.

cluster1::*> network device-discovery show -protocol cdp
Node/       Local  Discovered
Protocol    Port   Device (LLDP: ChassisID)  Interface         Platform
----------- ------ ------------------------- ----------------  ----------------
node2      /cdp
            e0a    cs1                       Eth1/2            N9K-C9336C
            e0b    cs2                       Eth1/2            N9K-C9336C
node1      /cdp
            e0a    cs1                       Eth1/1            N9K-C9336C
            e0b    cs2                       Eth1/1            N9K-C9336C
4 entries were displayed.

cs1# show cdp neighbors

Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans-Bridge, B - Source-Route-Bridge
                  S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater,
                  V - VoIP-Phone, D - Remotely-Managed-Device,
                  s - Supports-STP-Dispute

Device-ID          Local Intrfce  Hldtme Capability  Platform      Port ID
node1              Eth1/1         144    H           FAS2980       e0a
node2              Eth1/2         145    H           FAS2980       e0a
cs2                Eth1/35        176    R S I s     N9K-C9336C    Eth1/35
cs2(FDO220329V5)   Eth1/36        176    R S I s     N9K-C9336C    Eth1/36

Total entries displayed: 4

cs2# show cdp neighbors

Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans-Bridge, B - Source-Route-Bridge
                  S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater,
                  V - VoIP-Phone, D - Remotely-Managed-Device,
                  s - Supports-STP-Dispute

Device-ID          Local Intrfce  Hldtme Capability  Platform      Port ID
node1              Eth1/1         139    H           FAS2980       e0b
node2              Eth1/2         124    H           FAS2980       e0b
cs1                Eth1/35        178    R S I s     N9K-C9336C    Eth1/35
cs1                Eth1/36        178    R S I s     N9K-C9336C    Eth1/36

Total entries displayed: 4
  1. 如果在此集群上启用了 AutoSupport ,请通过调用 AutoSupport 消息来禁止自动创建案例: ssystem node AutoSupport invoke -node * -type all -message MAINT=xh

    其中 x 是维护时段的持续时间,以小时为单位。

    备注 AutoSupport 消息会通知技术支持此维护任务,以便在维护窗口期间禁止自动创建案例。
  2. 在交换机 newcs2 上安装相应的 RCF 和映像,并进行必要的站点准备。

    如有必要,请验证,下载并安装适用于新交换机的 RCF 和 NX-OS 软件的相应版本。如果您已确认新交换机设置正确,并且不需要更新 RCF 和 NX-OS 软件,请继续执行步骤 2 。

    1. 转至 NetApp 支持站点上的 NetApp 集群和管理网络交换机参考配置文件问题描述 Page

    2. 单击 _Cluster Network and Management Network Compatibility Matrix _ 的链接,然后记下所需的交换机软件版本。

    3. 单击浏览器的后退箭头返回到问题描述页面,单击 * 继续 * ,接受许可协议,然后转到下载页面。

    4. 按照下载页面上的步骤下载与您要安装的 ONTAP 软件版本对应的正确 RCF 和 NX-OS 文件。

  3. 在新交换机上,以 admin 身份登录并关闭将连接到节点集群接口的所有端口(端口 1/1 到 1/34 )。

    如果要更换的交换机无法正常工作并已关闭电源,请转至步骤 4 。集群节点上的 LIF 应已故障转移到每个节点的另一个集群端口。

    newcs2# config
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    newcs2(config)# interface e1/1-34
    newcs2(config-if-range)# shutdown
  4. 确认所有集群 LIF 均已启用自动还原: network interface show -vserver cluster -fields auto-revert

    cluster1::> network interface show -vserver Cluster -fields auto-revert
    Vserver      Interface     Auto-revert
    ------------ ------------- -------------
    Cluster      node1_clus1   true
    Cluster      node1_clus2   true
    Cluster      node2_clus1   true
    Cluster      node2_clus2   true
    4 entries were displayed.
  5. 验证所有集群 LIF 是否均可通信: cluster ping-cluster

    cluster1::*> cluster ping-cluster node1
    Host is node2
    Getting addresses from network interface table...
    Cluster node1_clus1 node1 e0a
    Cluster node1_clus2 node1 e0b
    Cluster node2_clus1 node2 e0a
    Cluster node2_clus2 node2 e0b
    Local =
    Remote =
    Cluster Vserver Id = 4294967293
    Ping status:
    Basic connectivity succeeds on 4 path(s)
    Basic connectivity fails on 0 path(s)
    Detected 9000 byte MTU on 4 path(s):
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
    Larger than PMTU communication succeeds on 4 path(s)
    RPC status:
    2 paths up, 0 paths down (tcp check)
    2 paths up, 0 paths down (udp check)
  6. 关闭 Nexus 9336C-FX2 交换机 CS1 上的 ISL 端口 1/35 和 1/36 :

    cs1# configure
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    cs1(config)# interface e1/35-36
    cs1(config-if-range)# shutdown
  7. 拔下 Nexus 9336C-x2 CS2 交换机上的所有缆线,然后将其连接到 Nexus C9336C-x2 newcs2 交换机上的相同端口。

  8. 启动 CS1 和 newcs2 交换机之间的 ISL 端口 1/35 和 1/36 ,然后验证端口通道操作状态。

    端口通道应指示 PO1 ( SU ),成员端口应指示 Eth1/35 ( P )和 Eth1/36 ( P )。

    此示例将启用 ISL 端口 1/35 和 1/36 ,并显示交换机 CS1 上的端口通道摘要:

    cs1# configure
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    cs1(config)# int e1/35-36
    cs1(config-if-range)# no shutdown
    cs1(config-if-range)# show port-channel summary
    Flags:  D - Down        P - Up in port-channel (members)
            I - Individual  H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
            s - Suspended   r - Module-removed
            b - BFD Session Wait
            S - Switched    R - Routed
            U - Up (port-channel)
            p - Up in delay-lacp mode (member)
            M - Not in use. Min-links not met
    Group Port-       Type     Protocol  Member       Ports
    1     Po1(SU)     Eth      LACP      Eth1/35(P)   Eth1/36(P)
  9. 验证所有节点上的端口 e0b 是否均已启动: network port show ipspace cluster


    cluster1::*> network port show -ipspace Cluster
    Node: node1
                                                       Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
    Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU   Admin/Oper  Status   Status
    --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ----- ----------- -------- -------
    e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    Node: node2
                                                       Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
    Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU   Admin/Oper  Status   Status
    --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ----- ----------- -------- -------
    e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/auto   -        false
    4 entries were displayed.
  10. 在上一步中使用的同一节点上,使用 network interface revert 命令还原与上一步中的端口关联的集群 LIF 。

    在此示例中,如果 Home 值为 true 且端口为 e0b ,则 node1 上的 LIF node1_clus2 将成功还原。

    以下命令会将 LIF node1_clus2 on node1 返回到主端口 e0a ,并显示有关两个节点上的 LIF 的信息。如果两个集群接口的 is Home 列均为 true 且显示正确的端口分配,则启动第一个节点将成功,此示例中为 node1 上的 e0ae0b

    cluster1::*> network interface show -vserver Cluster
                Logical      Status     Network            Current    Current Is
    Vserver     Interface    Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node       Port    Home
    ----------- ------------ ---------- ------------------ ---------- ------- -----
                node1_clus1  up/up  node1      e0a     true
                node1_clus2  up/up  node1      e0b     true
                node2_clus1  up/up  node2      e0a     true
                node2_clus2  up/up  node2      e0a     false
    4 entries were displayed.
  11. 显示有关集群中节点的信息: cluster show

    此示例显示此集群中 node1 和 node2 的节点运行状况为 true :

    cluster1::*> cluster show
    Node          Health  Eligibility
    ------------- ------- ------------
    node1         false   true
    node2         true    true
  12. 验证所有物理集群端口是否均已启动: network port show IPSpace Cluster

    cluster1::*> network port show -ipspace Cluster
    Node node1                                                               Ignore
                                                        Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
    Port      IPspace     Broadcast Domain  Link  MTU   Admin/Oper  Status   Status
    --------- ----------- ----------------- ----- ----- ----------- -------- ------
    e0a       Cluster     Cluster           up    9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    e0b       Cluster     Cluster           up    9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    Node: node2
                                                        Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
    Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link  MTU   Admin/Oper  Status   Status
    --------- ------------ ---------------- ----- ----- ----------- -------- ------
    e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up    9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up    9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    4 entries were displayed.
  13. 验证所有集群 LIF 是否均可通信: cluster ping-cluster

    cluster1::*> cluster ping-cluster -node node2
    Host is node2
    Getting addresses from network interface table...
    Cluster node1_clus1 node1 e0a
    Cluster node1_clus2 node1 e0b
    Cluster node2_clus1 node2 e0a
    Cluster node2_clus2 node2 e0b
    Local =
    Remote =
    Cluster Vserver Id = 4294967293
    Ping status:
    Basic connectivity succeeds on 4 path(s)
    Basic connectivity fails on 0 path(s)
    Detected 9000 byte MTU on 4 path(s):
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
    Local to Remote
    Larger than PMTU communication succeeds on 4 path(s)
    RPC status:
    2 paths up, 0 paths down (tcp check)
    2 paths up, 0 paths down (udp check)
  14. 确认以下集群网络配置: network port show

    cluster1::*> network port show -ipspace Cluster
    Node: node1
                                           Speed(Mbps)            Health   Health
    Port      IPspace     Broadcast Domain Link MTU   Admin/Oper  Status   Status
    --------- ----------- ---------------- ---- ----- ----------- -------- ------
    e0a       Cluster     Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    e0b       Cluster     Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000  healthy  false
    Node: node2
                                            Speed(Mbps)           Health   Health
    Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
    --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
    e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000 auto/10000  healthy  false
    e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000 auto/10000  healthy  false
    4 entries were displayed.
    cluster1::*> network interface show -vserver Cluster
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
    Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                node1_clus1  up/up  node1         e0a     true
                node1_clus2  up/up  node1         e0b     true
                node2_clus1  up/up  node2         e0a     true
                node2_clus2  up/up  node2         e0b     true
    4 entries were displayed.
    cluster1::> network device-discovery show -protocol cdp
    Node/       Local  Discovered
    Protocol    Port   Device (LLDP: ChassisID)  Interface         Platform
    ----------- ------ ------------------------- ----------------  ----------------
    node2      /cdp
                e0a    cs1                       0/2               N9K-C9336C
                e0b    newcs2                    0/2               N9K-C9336C
    node1      /cdp
                e0a    cs1                       0/1               N9K-C9336C
                e0b    newcs2                    0/1               N9K-C9336C
    4 entries were displayed.
    cs1# show cdp neighbors
    Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans-Bridge, B - Source-Route-Bridge
                      S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater,
                      V - VoIP-Phone, D - Remotely-Managed-Device,
                      s - Supports-STP-Dispute
    Device-ID            Local Intrfce  Hldtme Capability  Platform      Port ID
    node1                Eth1/1         144    H           FAS2980       e0a
    node2                Eth1/2         145    H           FAS2980       e0a
    newcs2               Eth1/35        176    R S I s     N9K-C9336C    Eth1/35
    newcs2               Eth1/36        176    R S I s     N9K-C9336C    Eth1/36
    Total entries displayed: 4
    cs2# show cdp neighbors
    Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans-Bridge, B - Source-Route-Bridge
                      S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater,
                      V - VoIP-Phone, D - Remotely-Managed-Device,
                      s - Supports-STP-Dispute
    Device-ID          Local Intrfce  Hldtme Capability  Platform      Port ID
    node1              Eth1/1         139    H           FAS2980       e0b
    node2              Eth1/2         124    H           FAS2980       e0b
    cs1                Eth1/35        178    R S I s     N9K-C9336C    Eth1/35
    cs1                Eth1/36        178    R S I s     N9K-C9336C    Eth1/36
    Total entries displayed: 4
  15. 对于 ONTAP 9.8 及更高版本,请使用以下命令启用以太网交换机运行状况监控器日志收集功能以收集交换机相关的日志文件: ssystem switch Ethernet log setup-passwordssystem switch Ethernet log enable-Collection

    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet log setup-password
    Enter the switch name: <return>
    The switch name entered is not recognized.
    Choose from the following list:
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet log setup-password
    Enter the switch name: cs1
    RSA key fingerprint is e5:8b:c6:dc:e2:18:18:09:36:63:d9:63:dd:03:d9:cc
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}::[n] y
    Enter the password: <enter switch password>
    Enter the password again: <enter switch password>
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet log setup-password
    Enter the switch name: cs2
    RSA key fingerprint is 57:49:86:a1:b9:80:6a:61:9a:86:8e:3c:e3:b7:1f:b1
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}:: [n] y
    Enter the password: <enter switch password>
    Enter the password again: <enter switch password>
    cluster1::*> system  switch ethernet log enable-collection
    Do you want to enable cluster log collection for all nodes in the cluster?
    {y|n}: [n] y
    Enabling cluster switch log collection.
    备注 如果其中任何一个命令返回错误,请联系 NetApp 支持部门。
  16. 对于 ONTAP 9.5P16 , 9.6P12 和 9.7P10 及更高版本的修补程序,请使用以下命令启用以太网交换机运行状况监控器日志收集功能以收集交换机相关的日志文件: ssystem cluster-switch log setup-passwordssystem cluster-switch log enable-Collection

    cluster1::*> system cluster-switch log setup-password
    Enter the switch name: <return>
    The switch name entered is not recognized.
    Choose from the following list:
    cluster1::*> system cluster-switch log setup-password
    Enter the switch name: cs1
    RSA key fingerprint is e5:8b:c6:dc:e2:18:18:09:36:63:d9:63:dd:03:d9:cc
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}::[n] y
    Enter the password: <enter switch password>
    Enter the password again: <enter switch password>
    cluster1::*> system cluster-switch log setup-password
    Enter the switch name: cs2
    RSA key fingerprint is 57:49:86:a1:b9:80:6a:61:9a:86:8e:3c:e3:b7:1f:b1
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}:: [n] y
    Enter the password: <enter switch password>
    Enter the password again: <enter switch password>
    cluster1::*> system cluster-switch log enable-collection
    Do you want to enable cluster log collection for all nodes in the cluster?
    {y|n}: [n] y
    Enabling cluster switch log collection.
    备注 如果其中任何一个命令返回错误,请联系 NetApp 支持部门。
  17. 如果禁止自动创建案例,请通过调用 AutoSupport 消息重新启用此功能: ssystem node AutoSupport invoke -node * -type all -message MAINT=end