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NetApp HCI Solutions

9. Deploy Additional User Clusters: NetApp HCI with Anthos

Contributors ac-ntap

With Anthos, organizations can scale their environments to incorporate multiple user clusters and segregate workloads between teams. A single admin cluster can support up to five user clusters, and each user cluster can support up to twenty-five nodes.

To add additional user clusters to your deployment, complete the following steps:

  1. Copy the config.yaml file to a new file named anthos-cluster02-config.yaml.

    ubuntu@Anthos-Admin-Workstation:~$ cp config.yaml anthos-cluster02-config.yaml
  2. Make the following edits to the newly created file:

    1. Comment out the sections that refer to the existing admin cluster with (#).

    2. When you get to the usercluster section, update the following fields:

      1. Update the partition name under the bigip section.

      2. Update the controlplanvip and ingressvip values under the vip section.

      3. Update the clustername value.

          # In-Cluster vCenter configuration
            # If specified it overwrites the network field in global vcenter configuration
            network: ""
          # # The absolute or relative path to the yaml file to use for static IP allocation.
          # # Do not include if using DHCP
          # ipblockfilepath: ""
          # # Specify pre-defined nodeports if using "manual" load balancer mode
          # manuallbspec:
          #   ingresshttpnodeport: 30243
          #   ingresshttpsnodeport: 30879
          #   controlplanenodeport: 30562
          #   addonsnodeport: 0
          # Specify the already-existing partition and credentials to use with F5
            # To re-use credentials across clusters we recommend using YAML node anchors.
            # See
              address: ""
              username: "admin"
              password: "NetApp!23"
            partition: "Anthos-Cluster02-Part"
            # # Optionally specify a pool name if using SNAT
            # snatpoolname: ""
          # The VIPs to use for load balancing
            # Used to connect to the Kubernetes API
            controlplanevip: ""
            # Shared by all services for ingress traffic
            ingressvip: ""
            # # Used for admin cluster addons (needed for multi cluster features). Must be the same
            # # across clusters
            # addonsvip: ""
          # A unique name for this cluster
          clustername: "anthos-cluster02"
          # User cluster master nodes must have either 1 or 3 replicas
            cpus: 4
            memorymb: 8192
            # How many machines of this type to deploy
            replicas: 1
          # The number of worker nodes to deploy and their size. Min. 2 replicas
            cpus: 4
            memorymb: 8192
            # How many machines of this type to deploy
            replicas: 3
          # The Kubernetes service CIDR range for the cluster
          # The Kubernetes pod CIDR range for the cluster
  3. Run the following command to check the config file again to verify that there are no syntax errors. Because you have removed the admin section, you must reference the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster named kubeconfig (found in the working directory).

    ubuntu@Anthos-Admin-Workstation:~$ gkectl check-config --config anthos-cluster02-config.yaml --kubeconfig kubeconfig
    - Validation Category: Config Check
        - [SUCCESS] Config
    - Validation Category: Docker Registry
        - [SUCCESS] access
    - Validation Category: vCenter
        - [SUCCESS] Credentials
        - [SUCCESS] Datacenter
        - [SUCCESS] Datastore
        - [FAILURE] Data Disk: vCenter data disk already exists
        - [SUCCESS] Resource Pool
        - [SUCCESS] Network
    - Validation Category: F5 BIG-IP
        - [SUCCESS] Credentials
        - [SUCCESS] Partition
    - Validation Category: Network Configuration
        - [SUCCESS] CIDR, VIP and static IP (availability and overlapping)
    - Validation Category: VIPs
        - [SUCCESS] ping (availability)
    - Validation Category: Node IPs
        - [SUCCESS] ping (availability)
    Some validations FAILED or SKIPPED. Check report above.
  4. If all the checks succeed as expected, you can deploy this new user cluster in a manner very similar to the first cluster creation, referencing the kubeconfig file from the admin cluster.

    ubuntu@Anthos-Admin-Workstation:~$ gkectl create cluster --config anthos-cluster02-config.yaml --kubeconfig kubeconfig
  5. As with the previous deployment, the process runs for several minutes and can be monitored on screen and in vCenter by watching the resource pool as the VMs populate. When complete, you should be able to see the new user cluster (four nodes).

    See the new user cluster.
  6. You can access and execute commands against the deployed user cluster using the kubectl command line tool and the kubeconfig file generated by the process (stored in the working directory).

    ubuntu@Anthos-Admin-Workstation:~$ kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig anthos-cluster02-kubeconfig
    NAME                                STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
    anthos-cluster02-84744f5bd8-8rqk6   Ready    <none>   9m16s   v1.13.7-gke.20
    anthos-cluster02-84744f5bd8-fl786   Ready    <none>   9m28s   v1.13.7-gke.20
    anthos-cluster02-84744f5bd8-fnsmp   Ready    <none>   9m21s   v1.13.7-gke.20