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NetApp HCI Solutions

2. Download OpenShift Installation Files: NetApp HCI for Red Hat OpenShift on RHV


To download the OpenShift installation files, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Red Hat login page and log in with your Red Hat credentials.

  2. On the Clusters page, click Create Cluster.

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  3. Select OpenShift Container Platform.

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  4. Select Run on Red Hat Virtualization.

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  5. The next page allows you to download the OpenShift installer (available for Linux and MacOS), a unique pull secret that is required to create the install-config file and the oc command-line tools (available for Linux, Windows, and MacOS).

    Download the files, transfer them to a RHEL administrative workstation from where you can run the OpenShift installation, or download these files directly using wget or curl on a RHEL administrative workstation.

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