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NetApp HCI Solutions

7. Access Console/Web Console: NetApp HCI for Red Hat OpenShift on RHV


To access the console or web console, complete the following steps:

  1. To access the OCP cluster through the CLI, extract the oc command-line tools tar file and place its content in a directory that is in the user’s path.

    [user@rhel7 openshift-deploy]$ tar xvf openshift-client-linux.tar.gz
    [user@rhel7 openshift-deploy]$ echo $PATH
    /usr/local/bin: /usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
    [user@rhel7 openshift-deploy]$ cp oc /usr/local/bin
  2. To interact with the cluster through the CLI, you can use the kubeconfig file provided by the IPI process located in the /auth directory inside the folder from where you launched the installation program. To easily interact with the cluster, export the file that is created in the directory. After a successful cluster deployment, the file location and the following command are displayed.

    [user@rhel7 openshift-deploy]$ export KUBECONFIG=/home/user/openshift-deploy/auth/kubeconfig
  3. Verify whether you have access to the cluster and whether the nodes are in the Ready state.

    [user@rhel7 openshift-deploy]$ oc get nodes
    NAME                                   STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
    rhv-ocp-cluster-hdr7k-master-0         Ready    master   93m   v1.17.1
    rhv-ocp-cluster-hdr7k-master-1         Ready    master   93m   v1.17.1
    rhv-ocp-cluster-hdr7k-master-2         Ready    master   93m   v1.17.1
    rhv-ocp-cluster-hdr7k-worker-0-ghskz   Ready    worker   83m   v1.17.1
    rhv-ocp-cluster-hdr7k-worker-0-xdl99   Ready    worker   86m   v1.17.1
    rhv-ocp-cluster-hdr7k-worker-0-zkxmt   Ready    worker   85m   v1.17.1
  4. Log in to the web console URL by using the credentials, both of which were provided after the successful deployment of the cluster, and then verify GUI access to the cluster.

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