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NetApp HCI Solutions

Deploy NetApp Trident (Automated Deployment)


NetApp Trident is deployed by using an Ansible playbook that is available with NVIDIA DeepOps. Follow these steps to set up NetApp Trident:

  1. From the Deployment Jump VM, navigate to the DeepOps directory and open a VI editor to config/group_vars/netapp-trident.yml. The file from DeepOps lists two backends and two storage classes. In this solution only one backend and storage class are used.

    Use the following template to update the file and its parameters (highlighted in yellow) to match your environment.

    # vars file for netapp-trident playbook
    # URL of the Trident installer package that you wish to download and use
    trident_version: "20.07.0"# Version of Trident desired
    trident_installer_url: "{{ trident_version }}/trident-installer-{{ trident_version }}.tar.gz"
    # Kubernetes version
    # Note: Do not include patch version, e.g. provide value of 1.16, not 1.16.7.
    # Note: Versions 1.14 and above are supported when deploying Trident with DeepOps.
    #   If you are using an earlier version, you must deploy Trident manually.
    k8s_version: 1.17.9# Version of Kubernetes running
    # Denotes whether or not to create new backends after deploying trident
    # For more info, refer to:
    create_backends: true
    # List of backends to create
    # For more info on parameter values, refer to:
    # Note: Parameters other than those listed below are not avaible when creating a backend via DeepOps
    #   If you wish to use other parameter values, you must create your backend manually.
      - backendName: ontap-flexvol
        storageDriverName: ontap-nas # only 'ontap-nas' and 'ontap-nas-flexgroup' are supported when creating a backend via DeepOps
        managementLIF: Cluster Management IP or SVM Mgmt LIF IP
        dataLIF: NFS LIF IP
        svm: infra-NFS-hci-ai# Name of SVM
        username: admin# Username to connect to the ONTAP cluster
        password:  P@ssw0rd# Password to login
        storagePrefix: trident
        limitAggregateUsage: ""
        limitVolumeSize: ""
        nfsMountOptions: ""
          spaceReserve: none
          snapshotPolicy: none
          snapshotReserve: 0
          splitOnClone: false
          encryption: false
          unixPermissions: 777
          snapshotDir: false
          exportPolicy: default
          securityStyle: unix
          tieringPolicy: none
    # Add additional backends as needed
    # Denotes whether or not to create new StorageClasses for your NetApp storage
    # For more info, refer to:
    create_StorageClasses: true
    # List of StorageClasses to create
    # Note: Each item in the list should be an actual K8s StorageClass definition in yaml format
    # For more info on StorageClass definitions, refer to
      - apiVersion:
        kind: StorageClass
          name: ontap-flexvol
          backendType: "ontap-nas"
    # Add additional StorageClasses as needed
    # Denotes whether or not to copy tridenctl binary to localhost
    copy_tridentctl_to_localhost: true
    # Directory that tridentctl will be copied to on localhost
    tridentctl_copy_to_directory: ../ # will be copied to 'deepops/' directory
  2. Setup NetApp Trident by using the Ansible playbook.

    ansible-playbook -l k8s-cluster playbooks/netapp-trident.yml
  3. Verify that Trident is running.

    ./tridentctl -n trident version

    The expected output is as follows:

rarvind@deployment-jump:~/deepops$ ./tridentctl -n trident version
| 20.07.0        | 20.07.0        |