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NetApp Solutions

Deployment Procedure

Contributors kevin-hoke nkarthik

This section discusses the deployment procedure for the vector database solution for NetApp.

Deployment procedure

In this deployment section, we used milvus vector database with Kubernetes for the lab setup as below.

Figure showing input/output dialog or representing written content

The netapp storage provides the storage for the cluster to keep customers data and milvus cluster data.

NetApp storage setup – ONTAP

  • Storage system initialization

  • Storage virtual machine (SVM) creation

  • Assignment of logical network interfaces

  • NFS, S3 configuration and licensing

Please follow the steps below for NFS (Network File System):

  1. Create a FlexGroup volume for NFSv4. In our set up for this validation, we have used 48 SSDs, 1 SSD dedicated for the controller’s root volume and 47 SSDs spread across for NFSv4]].Verify that the NFS export policy for the FlexGroup volume has read/write permissions for the Kubernetes (K8s) nodes network. If these permissions are not in place, grant read/write (rw) permissions for the K8s nodes network.

  2. On all K8s nodes, create a folder and mount the FlexGroup volume onto this folder through a Logical Interface (LIF) on each K8s nodes.

Please follow the steps below for NAS S3 (Network Attached Storage Simple Storage Service):

  1. Create a FlexGroup volume for NFS.

  2. Set up an object-store-server with HTTP enabled and the admin status set to 'up' using the "vserver object-store-server create" command. You have the option to enable HTTPS and set a custom listener port.

  3. Create an object-store-server user using the "vserver object-store-server user create -user <username>" command.

  4. To obtain the access key and secret key, you can run the following command: "set diag; vserver object-store-server user show -user <username>". However, moving forward, these keys will be supplied during the user creation process or can be retrieved using REST API calls.

  5. Establish an object-store-server group using the user created in step 2 and grant access. In this example, we have provided "FullAccess".

  6. Create a NAS bucket by setting its type to "nas" and supplying the path to the NFSv3 volume. It's also possible to utilize an S3 bucket for this purpose.

NetApp storage setup – StorageGRID

  1. Install the storageGRID software.

  2. Create a tenant and bucket.

  3. Create user with required permission.