Performance tests with produce-consume workload generator
We performed tiered storage testing with either five or eight broker nodes during a produce-consume workload with the one AFF A900 HA pair NetApp storage controller. According to our tests, the time to completion and the performance results scaled with the number of broker nodes until AFF A900 resource utilization reached one hundred percent. The ONTAP storage controller setup required a minimum of one HA pair.
The performance for the S3 retrieve operation increased linearly based on number of Confluent broker nodes. ONTAP storage controller supports up to 12 HA pair in a single deployment.
The following graph shows combined S3 tiering traffic with five or eight broker nodes. We maximized the AFF A900 single HA pair performance.
The following graph shows the Kafka throughput at approximately 31.74GBps.
We also observed similar throughput in the ONTAP storage controller perfstat
object_store_server:wle-mendocino-07-08:get_data:34080805907b/ s object_store_server:wle-mendocino-07-08:put_data:484236974b/ s