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NetApp Solutions

AWS FSx ONTAP Cluster and EC2 Instance Provision

Contributors kevin-hoke acao8888

NetApp Solutions Engineering Team

This solution provides a Terraform based automation toolkit for provisioning of FSx ONTAP cluster and EC2 compute instance.


This toolkit automates the tasks of provisioning of an AWS FSx ONTAP storage cluster and an EC2 compute instance, which can be subsequently used for database deployment.

This solution addresses the following use cases:

  • Provision an EC2 compute instance in AWS cloud in a predefined VPC subnet and set ssh key for EC2 instance access as ec2-user.

  • Provision an AWS FSx ONTAP storage cluster in desired availability zones and configure a storage SVM and set cluster admin user fsxadmin password.


This solution is intended for the following people:

  • A DBA who manages databases in AWS EC2 environment.

  • A database solution architect who is interested in database deployment in AWS EC2 ecosystem.

  • A storage administrator who manages AWS FSx ONTAP storage that supports databases.

  • An application owner who likes to standup database in AWS EC2 ecosystem.


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Solution deployment

Prerequisites for deployment


Deployment requires the following prerequisites.

An Organization and AWS account has been setup in AWS public cloud
  An user to run the deployment has been created
  IAM roles has been configured
  IAM roles granted to user to permit provisioning the resources
VPC and security configuration
  A VPC has been created to host the resources to be provisioned
  A security group has been configured for the VPC
  A ssh key pair has been created for EC2 instance access
Network configuration
  Subnets has been created for VPC with network segments assigned
  Route tables and network ACL configured
  NAT gateways or internet gateways configured for internet access

Download the toolkit

git clone

Connectivity and authentication


The toolkit is supposed to be executed from an AWS cloud shell. AWS cloud shell is a browser-based shell that makes it easy to securely manage, explore, and interact with your AWS resources. CloudShell is pre-authenticated with your console credentials. Common development and operations tools are pre-installed, so no local installation or configuration is required.

Terraform and files configuration


The defines the provider that Terraform is provisioning resources from via API calls. The defines the resources and attributes of resources that are to be provisioned. Following are some details:
  terraform {
    required_providers {
      aws = {
        source  = "hashicorp/aws"
        version = "~> 4.54.0"
  resource "aws_instance" "ora_01" {
    ami                           = var.ami
    instance_type                 = var.instance_type
    subnet_id                     = var.subnet_id
    key_name                      = var.ssh_key_name
    root_block_device {
      volume_type                 = "gp3"
      volume_size                 = var.root_volume_size
    tags = {
      Name                        = var.ec2_tag

Terraform and terraform.tfvars configuration


The declares the variables to be used in The terraform.tfvars contains the actual values for the variables. Following are some examples:
  ### EC2 instance variables ###
variable "ami" {
  type        = string
  description = "EC2 AMI image to be deployed"
variable "instance_type" {
  type        = string
  description = "EC2 instance type"
  # EC2 instance variables
ami                     = "ami-06640050dc3f556bb" //RedHat 8.6  AMI
instance_type           = "t2.micro"
ec2_tag                 = "ora_01"
subnet_id               = "subnet-04f5fe7073ff514fb"
ssh_key_name            = "sufi_new"
root_volume_size        = 30

Step by step procedures - executed in sequence

  1. Install Terraform in AWS cloud shell.

    git clone ~/.tfenv
    mkdir ~/bin
    ln -s ~/.tfenv/bin/* ~/bin/
    tfenv install
    tfenv use 1.3.9
  2. Download the toolkit from NetApp GitHub public site

    git clone
  3. Run init to initialize terraform

    terraform init
  4. Output the execution plan

    terraform plan -out=main.plan
  5. Apply the execution plan

    terraform apply "main.plan"
  6. Run destroy to remove the resources when done

    terraform destroy

Where to find additional information

To learn more about the NetApp solution automation, review the following website NetApp Solution Automation