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NetApp Solutions

Getting started

Contributors kevin-hoke

This solution has been designed to be run in an AWX/Tower environment.


For AWX/Tower environments, you are guided through creating an inventory of your ONTAP cluster management and Oracle server (IPs and hostnames), creating credentials, configuring a project that pulls the Ansible code from NetApp Automation Github, and the Job Template that launches the automation.

  1. The solution has been designed to run in a private cloud scenario (on-premise to on-premise), and hybrid cloud (on-premise to public cloud Cloud Volumes ONTAP [CVO])

  2. Fill out the variables specific to your environment, and copy and paste them into the Extra Vars fields in your job template.

  3. After the extra vars have been added to your job template, you can launch the automation.

  4. The automation is set to be ran three phases (Setup, Replication Schedule for Oracle Binaries, Database, Logs, and Replication Schedule just for Logs), and a forth phase to recovering the database at a DR site.

  5. For detailed instructions for obtaining the keys and tokens necessary for the CVO Data Protection visit Gather Pre-requisites For CVO and Connector Deployments


Environment Requirements

Ansible environment


Ansible v.2.10 and higher

Python 3

Python libraries
- netapp-lib
- xmltodict
- jmespath


ONTAP version 9.8 +

Two data aggregates

NFS vlan and ifgrp created

Oracle server(s)

RHEL 7/8

Oracle Linux 7/8

Network interfaces for NFS, public, and optional mgmt

Existing Oracle environment on source, and the equivalent Linux operating system at the destination (DR Site or Public Cloud)

Environment Requirements

Ansible environment


Ansible v.2.10 and higher

Python 3

Python libraries
- netapp-lib
- xmltodict
- jmespath


ONTAP version 9.8 +

Two data aggregates

NFS vlan and ifgrp created

Oracle server(s)

RHEL 7/8

Oracle Linux 7/8

Network interfaces for NFS, public, and optional mgmt

Existing Oracle environment on source, and the equivalent Linux operating system at the destination (DR Site or Public Cloud)

Set appropriate swap space on the Oracle EC2 instance, by default some EC2 instances are deployed with 0 swap

Cloud Manager/AWS

AWS Access/Secret Key

NetApp Cloud Manager Account

NetApp Cloud Manager Refresh Token

Add source intercluster lifs to AWS Security group

Automation Details


This automated deployment is designed with a single Ansible playbook that consists of three separate roles. The roles are for ONTAP, Linux, and Oracle configurations.
The following table describes which tasks are being automated.

Playbook Tasks


Pre-check of the ONTAP environment

Creation of Intercluster LIFs on source cluster (OPTIONAL)

Creation of Intercluster LIFs on destination cluster (OPTIONAL)

Creation of Cluster and SVM Peering

Creation of destination SnapMirror and Initialization of designated Oracle volumes


Enable backup mode for each database in /etc/oratab

Snapshot taken of Oracle Binary and Database volumes

Snapmirror Updated

Turn off backup mode for each database in /etc/oratab


Switch current log for each database in /etc/oratab

Snapshot taken of Oracle Log volume

Snapmirror Updated


Break SnapMirror

Enable NFS and create junction path for Oracle volumes on the destination

Configure DR Oracle Host

Mount and verify Oracle volumes

Recover and start Oracle database


This automated deployment is designed with a single Ansible playbook that consists of three separate roles. The roles are for ONTAP, Linux, and Oracle configurations.
The following table describes which tasks are being automated.

Playbook Tasks


Pre-check of the environment

AWS Configure/AWS Access Key ID/Secret Key/Default Region

Creation of AWS Role

Creation of NetApp Cloud Manager Connector instance in AWS

Creation of Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO) instance in AWS

Add On-Prem Source ONTAP Cluster to NetApp Cloud Manager

Creation of destination SnapMirror and Initialization of designated Oracle volumes


Enable backup mode for each database in /etc/oratab

Snapshot taken of Oracle Binary and Database volumes

Snapmirror Updated

Turn off backup mode for each database in /etc/oratab


Switch current log for each database in /etc/oratab

Snapshot taken of Oracle Log volume

Snapmirror Updated


Break SnapMirror

Enable NFS and create junction path for Oracle volumes on the destination CVO

Configure DR Oracle Host

Mount and verify Oracle volumes

Recover and start Oracle database

Default parameters

To simplify automation, we have preset many required Oracle parameters with default values. It is generally not necessary to change the default parameters for most deployments. A more advanced user can make changes to the default parameters with caution. The default parameters are located in each role folder under defaults directory.


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Note that there are certain restrictions around producing and/or sharing any derivative works with the content in this repository. Please make sure you read the terms of the License before using the content. If you do not agree to all of the terms, do not access, download, or use the content in this repository.

After you are ready, click here for detailed AWX/Tower procedures.