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NetApp Solutions

Deployment Procedure

Contributors nkarthik

In this reference architecture validation, we used a Dremio configuration composed of one coordinator and four executors
Figure showing dremio architecture with NetApp storage Controller

NetApp setup

  • Storage system initialization

  • Storage virtual machine (SVM) creation

  • Assignment of logical network interfaces

  • NFS, S3 configuration and licensing

Please follow the steps below for NFS (Network File System):
1. Create a Flex Group volume for NFSv4 or NFSv3. In our setup for this validation, we have used 48 SSDs, 1 SSD dedicated to the controller’s root volume, and 47 SSDs spread across for NFSv4]]. Verify that the NFS export policy for the Flex Group volume has read/write permissions for the Dremio servers network.

  1. On all Dremio servers, create a folder and mount the Flex Group volume onto this folder through a Logical Interface (LIF) on each Dremio server.

Please follow the steps below for S3 (Simple Storage Service):

  1. Set up an object-store-server with HTTP enabled and the admin status set to 'up' using the "vserver object-store-server create" command. You have the option to enable HTTPS and set a custom listener port.

  2. Create an object-store-server user using the "vserver object-store-server user create -user <username>" command.

  3. To obtain the access key and secret key, you can run the following command: "set diag; vserver object-store-server user show -user <username>". However, moving forward, these keys will be supplied during the user creation process or can be retrieved using REST API calls.

  4. Establish an object-store-server group using the user created in step 2 and grant access. In this example, we have provided "FullAccess".

  5. Create two S3 buckets by setting its type to "S3". One for Dremio configuration and one for customer data.

Zookeeper setup

You can use Dremio provided zookeeper configuration. In this validation, we used separate zookeeper. we followed the steps mentioned in this weblink

Dremio setup

We followed this weblink to install Dremio via tar ball.

  1. Create a Dremio group.

    sudo groupadd -r dremio
  2. Create a dremio user.

    sudo useradd -r -g dremio -d /var/lib/dremio -s /sbin/nologin dremio
  3. Create Dremio directories.

    sudo mkdir /opt/dremio
    sudo mkdir /var/run/dremio && sudo chown dremio:dremio /var/run/dremio
    sudo mkdir /var/log/dremio && sudo chown dremio:dremio /var/log/dremio
    sudo mkdir /var/lib/dremio && sudo chown dremio:dremio /var/lib/dremio
  4. Download the tar file from

  5. Unpack Dremio into the /opt/dremio directory.

    sudo tar xvf dremio-enterprise-25.0.3-202405170357270647-d2042e1b.tar.gz -C /opt/dremio --strip-components=1
  6. Create a symbolic link for the configuration folder.

    sudo ln -s /opt/dremio/conf /etc/dremio
  7. Set up your service configuration (SystemD setup).

    1. Copy the unit file for the dremio daemon from /opt/dremio/share/dremio.service to /etc/systemd/system/dremio.service.

    2. Restart system

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    3. Enable dremio to start at boot.

      sudo systemctl enable dremio
  8. Configure Dremio on coordinator. See Dremio Configuration for more information

    1. Dremio.conf

      root@hadoopmaster:/usr/src/tpcds# cat /opt/dremio/conf/dremio.conf
      paths: {
        # the local path for dremio to store data.
        local: ${DREMIO_HOME}"/dremiocache"
        # the distributed path Dremio data including job results, downloads, uploads, etc
        #dist: "hdfs://hadoopmaster:9000/dremiocache"
        dist: "dremioS3:///dremioconf"
      services: {
        coordinator.enabled: true,
        coordinator.master.enabled: true,
        executor.enabled: false,
        flight.use_session_service: false
      zookeeper: ",,"
      services.coordinator.master.embedded-zookeeper.enabled: false
    2. Core-site.xml

      root@hadoopmaster:/usr/src/tpcds# cat /opt/dremio/conf/core-site.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
        Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
        you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
        You may obtain a copy of the License at

        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
        limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
      <!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
             		<description>The credential provider type.</description>
      		<description>Value has to be set to true.</description>
      		<description>Value can either be true or false, set to true to use SSL with a secure Minio server.</description>
  9. The Dremio configuration is stored in NetApp object storage. In our validation, the “dremioconf” bucket resides in an ontap S3 bucket. The below picture shows some details from “scratch” and “uploads” folder of the “dremioconf” S3 bucket.

Figure showing dremio with NetApp object storage

  1. Configure Dremio on executors. In our setup, we have 3 executors.

    1. dremio.conf

      paths: {
        # the local path for dremio to store data.
        local: ${DREMIO_HOME}"/dremiocache"
        # the distributed path Dremio data including job results, downloads, uploads, etc
        #dist: "hdfs://hadoopmaster:9000/dremiocache"
        dist: "dremioS3:///dremioconf"
      services: {
        coordinator.enabled: false,
        coordinator.master.enabled: false,
        executor.enabled: true,
        flight.use_session_service: true
      zookeeper: ",,"
      services.coordinator.master.embedded-zookeeper.enabled: false
    2. Core-site.xml – same as coordinator configuration.

Note NetApp recommends StorageGRID as its primary object storage solution for Datalake and Lakehouse environments. Additionally, NetApp ONTAP is employed for file/object duality. In the context of this document, we have conducted tests on ONTAP S3 in response to a customer request, and it successfully functions as a data source.

Multiple sources setup

  1. Configure ONTAP S3 and storageGRID as a s3 source in Dremio.

    1. Dremio dashboard → datasets → sources → add source.

    2. In the general section, please update AWS access and secret key

    3. In the advanced option, enable compatibility mode, update connection properties with the below details. The endpoint IP/Name from NetApp storage controller either from ontap S3 or storageGRID.

      fs.s3a.endoint = = true
    4. Enable local caching when possible, Max Percent of total available cache to use when possible = 100

    5. Then view the list of buckets from NetApp object storage.
      Figure showing list of files from  NetApp object storage

    6. Sample view of storageGRID bucket details
      Figure showing list of files from  NetApp object storage

  2. Configure NAS ( specifically NFS ) as a source in Dremio.

    1. Dremio dashboard → datasets → sources → add source.

    2. In the general section, enter the name and NFS mount path. Please make sure the NFS mount path is mounted on the same folder on all the nodes in the Dremio cluster.

Figure showing list of files from  NetApp object storage


root@hadoopmaster:~# for i in hadoopmaster hadoopnode1 hadoopnode2 hadoopnode3 hadoopnode4; do ssh $i "date;hostname;du -hs /opt/dremio/data/spill/ ; df -h //dremionfsdata "; done
Fri Sep 13 04:13:19 PM UTC 2024
du: cannot access '/opt/dremio/data/spill/': No such file or directory
Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  2.1T  921M  2.0T   1% /dremionfsdata
Fri Sep 13 04:13:19 PM UTC 2024
12K	/opt/dremio/data/spill/
Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  2.1T  921M  2.0T   1% /dremionfsdata
Fri Sep 13 04:13:19 PM UTC 2024
12K	/opt/dremio/data/spill/
Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  2.1T  921M  2.0T   1% /dremionfsdata
Fri Sep 13 16:13:20 UTC 2024
16K	/opt/dremio/data/spill/
Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  2.1T  921M  2.0T   1% /dremionfsdata
Fri Sep 13 04:13:21 PM UTC 2024
12K	/opt/dremio/data/spill/
Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  2.1T  921M  2.0T   1% /dremionfsdata