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NetApp Solutions

Solution verification overview

Contributors nkarthik

In this section, we have executed SQL test queries from multiple sources to verify the functionality, test and verify the spillover to NetApp storage.

SQL query on Object storage

  1. Set the memory to 250GB per server in dremio.env

    root@hadoopmaster:~# for i in hadoopmaster hadoopnode1 hadoopnode2 hadoopnode3 hadoopnode4; do ssh $i "hostname; grep -i  DREMIO_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_MB /opt/dremio/conf/dremio-env; cat /proc/meminfo  | grep -i memtotal"; done
    MemTotal:       263515760 kB
    MemTotal:       263515860 kB
    MemTotal:       263515864 kB
    MemTotal:       264004556 kB
    MemTotal:       263515484 kB
  2. Check the spill over location (${DREMIO_HOME}"/dremiocache) in dremio.conf file and storage details.

    paths: {
      # the local path for dremio to store data.
      local: ${DREMIO_HOME}"/dremiocache"
      # the distributed path Dremio data including job results, downloads, uploads, etc
      #dist: "hdfs://hadoopmaster:9000/dremiocache"
      dist: "dremioS3:///dremioconf"
    services: {
      coordinator.enabled: true,
      coordinator.master.enabled: true,
      executor.enabled: false,
      flight.use_session_service: false
    zookeeper: ",,"
    services.coordinator.master.embedded-zookeeper.enabled: false
  3. Point the Dremio spill over location to NetApp NFS storage

    root@hadoopnode1:~# ls -ltrh /dremiocache
    total 4.0K
    drwx------ 3 nobody nogroup 4.0K Sep 13 16:00 spilling_stlrx2540m4-12-10g_45678
    root@hadoopnode1:~# ls -ltrh /opt/dremio/dremiocache/
    total 8.0K
    drwxr-xr-x 3 dremio dremio 4.0K Aug 22 18:19 spill_old
    drwxr-xr-x 4 dremio dremio 4.0K Aug 22 18:19 cm
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root     12 Aug 22 19:03 spill -> /dremiocache
    root@hadoopnode1:~# ls -ltrh /dremiocache
    total 4.0K
    drwx------ 3 nobody nogroup 4.0K Sep 13 16:00 spilling_stlrx2540m4-12-10g_45678
    root@hadoopnode1:~# df -h /dremiocache
    Filesystem                              Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  2.1T  209M  2.0T   1% /dremiocache
  4. Select the context. In our test, we ran the test against TPCDS generated parquet files residing in ONTAP S3. Dremio Dashboard → SQL runner → context → NetAppONTAPS3→Parquet1TB

set the contex to ontaps3 parquet folder

  1. Run the TPC-DS query67 from the Dremio dashboard

Run query 67 which is one of 99 queries in TPC-DS

  1. Check that the job is running on all executor. Dremio dashboard → jobs → <jobid> → raw profile → select EXTERNAL_SORT → Hostname

list of nodes in the Q67 query

  1. When the SQL query running, you can check the split folder for data caching in NetApp storage controller.

    root@hadoopnode1:~# ls -ltrh /dremiocache
    total 4.0K
    drwx------ 3 nobody nogroup 4.0K Sep 13 16:00 spilling_stlrx2540m4-12-10g_45678
    root@hadoopnode1:~# ls -ltrh /dremiocache/spilling_stlrx2540m4-12-10g_45678/
    total 4.0K
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root daemon 4.0K Sep 13 16:23 1726243167416
  2. The SQL query completed with spill over
    spill over details when query 67 completes

  3. Job completion summary.
    Job summary of the completed query 67

  4. Check the spilled data size
    splleddata details from query result

The same procedure applicable for NAS and StorageGRID Object storage.