NetApp Solution Automation
This page provides detailed information for collecting required Refresh Tokens and Access/Secret keys for CVO and Cloud Manager Connector Deployments via NetApp Cloud Manager.
AWS Authentication Requirements for CVO and Connector Using NetApp Cloud Manager
To configure automated Deployments of CVO and Connectors using Ansible playbooks via AWX/Ansible Tower, the following information is needed:
Acquiring Access/Secret Keys from AWS
To deploy CVO and Connector in Cloud Manager, we need AWS Access/Secret Key. Acquire the keys in AWS console by launching IAM-→Users-→your username-→security credentials-→Create Access key.
Copy access keys and keep them secured to use in Connector and CVO deployment.
If you lose your key, you can create another access key and delete the one you lost |
Acquiring Refresh Token from NetApp Cloud Central
Login into your cloud central account using your account credentials at
Generate a refresh Token and save it for deployments.
Acquiring Client ID
Access the API page to copy Client ID at
Click on "learn How to Authenticate", in the top right corner.
From the Authentication window that pops up, copy the Client ID from Regular Access if you require a username/password to login. Federated users with SSO should copy the client ID from the "Refresh Token Tab".
Acquiring Key Pair from AWS
In AWS console, search for “Key Pair” and create a key pair with “pem”. Remember the name of you key_pair, we will use it to deploy the connector.
Acquiring Account ID
In Cloud Manager, click on Account –> Manage Accounts and then copy the account id for use in variables for AWX.