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NetApp Solutions

Kubeflow Deployment

Contributors banum-netapp mboglesby

This section describes the tasks that you must complete to deploy Kubeflow in your Kubernetes cluster.


Before you perform the deployment exercise that is outlined in this section, we assume that you have already performed the following tasks:

  1. You already have a working Kubernetes cluster, and you are running a version of Kubernetes that is supported by Kubeflow. For a list of supported versions, see the official Kubeflow documentation.

  2. You have already installed and configured NetApp Trident in your Kubernetes cluster as outlined in Trident Deployment and Configuration.

Set Default Kubernetes StorageClass

Before you deploy Kubeflow, you must designate a default StorageClass within your Kubernetes cluster. The Kubeflow deployment process attempts to provision new persistent volumes using the default StorageClass. If no StorageClass is designated as the default StorageClass, then the deployment fails. To designate a default StorageClass within your cluster, perform the following task from the deployment jump host. If you have already designated a default StorageClass within your cluster, then you can skip this step.

  1. Designate one of your existing StorageClasses as the default StorageClass. The example commands that follow show the designation of a StorageClass named ontap-ai- flexvols-retain as the default StorageClass.

Note The ontap-nas-flexgroup Trident Backend type has a minimum PVC size that is fairly large. By default, Kubeflow attempts to provision PVCs that are only a few GBs in size. Therefore, you should not designate a StorageClass that utilizes the ontap-nas-flexgroup Backend type as the default StorageClass for the purposes of Kubeflow deployment.
$ kubectl get sc
NAME                                PROVISIONER             AGE
ontap-ai-flexgroups-retain   25h
ontap-ai-flexgroups-retain-iface1   25h
ontap-ai-flexgroups-retain-iface2   25h
ontap-ai-flexvols-retain     3s
$ kubectl patch storageclass ontap-ai-flexvols-retain -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}' patched
$ kubectl get sc
NAME                                 PROVISIONER             AGE
ontap-ai-flexgroups-retain    25h
ontap-ai-flexgroups-retain-iface1   25h
ontap-ai-flexgroups-retain-iface2   25h
ontap-ai-flexvols-retain (default)   54s

Use NVIDIA DeepOps to Deploy Kubeflow

NetApp recommends using the Kubeflow deployment tool that is provided by NVIDIA DeepOps. To deploy Kubeflow in your Kubernetes cluster using the DeepOps deployment tool, perform the following tasks from the deployment jump host.

Note Alternatively, you can deploy Kubeflow manually by following the installation instructions in the official Kubeflow documentation
  1. Deploy Kubeflow in your cluster by following the Kubeflow deployment instructions on the NVIDIA DeepOps GitHub site.

  2. Note down the Kubeflow Dashboard URL that the DeepOps Kubeflow deployment tool outputs.

    $ ./scripts/k8s/ -x
    INFO[0007] Applied the configuration Successfully!       filename="cmd/apply.go:72"
    Kubeflow app installed to: /home/ai/kubeflow
    It may take several minutes for all services to start. Run 'kubectl get pods -n kubeflow' to verify
    To remove (excluding CRDs, istio, auth, and cert-manager), run: ./scripts/ -d
    To perform a full uninstall : ./scripts/ -D
    Kubeflow Dashboard (HTTP NodePort):
  3. Confirm that all pods deployed within the Kubeflow namespace show a STATUS of Running and confirm that no components deployed within the namespace are in an error state. It may take several minutes for all pods to start.

    $ kubectl get all -n kubeflow
    NAME                                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/admission-webhook-bootstrap-stateful-set-0                 1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/admission-webhook-deployment-6b89c84c98-vrtbh              1/1     Running   0          91s
    pod/application-controller-stateful-set-0                      1/1     Running   0          98s
    pod/argo-ui-5dcf5d8b4f-m2wn4                                   1/1     Running   0          97s
    pod/centraldashboard-cf4874ddc-7hcr8                           1/1     Running   0          97s
    pod/jupyter-web-app-deployment-685b455447-gjhh7                1/1     Running   0          96s
    pod/katib-controller-88c97d85c-kgq66                           1/1     Running   1          95s
    pod/katib-db-8598468fd8-5jw2c                                  1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/katib-manager-574c8c67f9-wtrf5                             1/1     Running   1          95s
    pod/katib-manager-rest-778857c989-fjbzn                        1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/katib-suggestion-bayesianoptimization-65df4d7455-qthmw     1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/katib-suggestion-grid-56bf69f597-98vwn                     1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/katib-suggestion-hyperband-7777b76cb9-9v6dq                1/1     Running   0          93s
    pod/katib-suggestion-nasrl-77f6f9458c-2qzxq                    1/1     Running   0          93s
    pod/katib-suggestion-random-77b88b5c79-l64j9                   1/1     Running   0          93s
    pod/katib-ui-7587c5b967-nd629                                  1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/metacontroller-0                                           1/1     Running   0          96s
    pod/metadata-db-5dd459cc-swzkm                                 1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/metadata-deployment-6cf77db994-69fk7                       1/1     Running   3          93s
    pod/metadata-deployment-6cf77db994-mpbjt                       1/1     Running   3          93s
    pod/metadata-deployment-6cf77db994-xg7tz                       1/1     Running   3          94s
    pod/metadata-ui-78f5b59b56-qb6kr                               1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/minio-758b769d67-llvdr                                     1/1     Running   0          91s
    pod/ml-pipeline-5875b9db95-g8t2k                               1/1     Running   0          91s
    pod/ml-pipeline-persistenceagent-9b69ddd46-bt9r9               1/1     Running   0          90s
    pod/ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow-7b8d756c76-7x56s             1/1     Running   0          90s
    pod/ml-pipeline-ui-79ffd9c76-fcwpd                             1/1     Running   0          90s
    pod/ml-pipeline-viewer-controller-deployment-5fdc87f58-b2t9r   1/1     Running   0          90s
    pod/mysql-657f87857d-l5k9z                                     1/1     Running   0          91s
    pod/notebook-controller-deployment-56b4f59bbf-8bvnr            1/1     Running   0          92s
    pod/profiles-deployment-6bc745947-mrdkh                        2/2     Running   0          90s
    pod/pytorch-operator-77c97f4879-hmlrv                          1/1     Running   0          92s
    pod/seldon-operator-controller-manager-0                       1/1     Running   1          91s
    pod/spartakus-volunteer-5fdfddb779-l7qkm                       1/1     Running   0          92s
    pod/tensorboard-6544748d94-nh8b2                               1/1     Running   0          92s
    pod/tf-job-dashboard-56f79c59dd-6w59t                          1/1     Running   0          92s
    pod/tf-job-operator-79cbfd6dbc-rb58c                           1/1     Running   0          91s
    pod/workflow-controller-db644d554-cwrnb                        1/1     Running   0          97s
    NAME                                                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
    service/admission-webhook-service                    ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP             97s
    service/application-controller-service               ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP             98s
    service/argo-ui                                      NodePort   <none>        80:31799/TCP        97s
    service/centraldashboard                             ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP              97s
    service/jupyter-web-app-service                      ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP              97s
    service/katib-controller                             ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP             96s
    service/katib-db                                     ClusterIP   <none>        3306/TCP            97s
    service/katib-manager                                ClusterIP   <none>        6789/TCP            96s
    service/katib-manager-rest                           ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP              96s
    service/katib-suggestion-bayesianoptimization        ClusterIP   <none>        6789/TCP            95s
    service/katib-suggestion-grid                        ClusterIP    <none>        6789/TCP            95s
    service/katib-suggestion-hyperband                   ClusterIP     <none>        6789/TCP            95s
    service/katib-suggestion-nasrl                       ClusterIP    <none>        6789/TCP            95s
    service/katib-suggestion-random                      ClusterIP   <none>        6789/TCP            95s
    service/katib-ui                                     ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP              96s
    service/metadata-db                                  ClusterIP     <none>        3306/TCP            96s
    service/metadata-service                             ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP            96s
    service/metadata-ui                                  ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP              96s
    service/minio-service                                ClusterIP    <none>        9000/TCP            94s
    service/ml-pipeline                                  ClusterIP   <none>        8888/TCP,8887/TCP   94s
    service/ml-pipeline-tensorboard-ui                   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP              93s
    service/ml-pipeline-ui                               ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP              93s
    service/mysql                                        ClusterIP   <none>        3306/TCP            94s
    service/notebook-controller-service                  ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP             95s
    service/profiles-kfam                                ClusterIP    <none>        8081/TCP            92s
    service/pytorch-operator                             ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP            95s
    service/seldon-operator-controller-manager-service   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP             92s
    service/tensorboard                                  ClusterIP   <none>        9000/TCP            94s
    service/tf-job-dashboard                             ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP              94s
    service/tf-job-operator                              ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP            94s
    service/webhook-server-service                       ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP             87s
    NAME                                                       READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/admission-webhook-deployment               1/1     1            1           97s
    deployment.apps/argo-ui                                    1/1     1            1           97s
    deployment.apps/centraldashboard                           1/1     1            1           97s
    deployment.apps/jupyter-web-app-deployment                 1/1     1            1           97s
    deployment.apps/katib-controller                           1/1     1            1           96s
    deployment.apps/katib-db                                   1/1     1            1           97s
    deployment.apps/katib-manager                              1/1     1            1           96s
    deployment.apps/katib-manager-rest                         1/1     1            1           96s
    deployment.apps/katib-suggestion-bayesianoptimization      1/1     1            1           95s
    deployment.apps/katib-suggestion-grid                      1/1     1            1           95s
    deployment.apps/katib-suggestion-hyperband                 1/1     1            1           95s
    deployment.apps/katib-suggestion-nasrl                     1/1     1            1           95s
    deployment.apps/katib-suggestion-random                    1/1     1            1           95s
    deployment.apps/katib-ui                                   1/1     1            1           96s
    deployment.apps/metadata-db                                1/1     1            1           96s
    deployment.apps/metadata-deployment                        3/3     3            3           96s
    deployment.apps/metadata-ui                                1/1     1            1           96s
    deployment.apps/minio                                      1/1     1            1           94s
    deployment.apps/ml-pipeline                                1/1     1            1           94s
    deployment.apps/ml-pipeline-persistenceagent               1/1     1            1           93s
    deployment.apps/ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow              1/1     1            1           93s
    deployment.apps/ml-pipeline-ui                             1/1     1            1           93s
    deployment.apps/ml-pipeline-viewer-controller-deployment   1/1     1            1           93s
    deployment.apps/mysql                                      1/1     1            1           94s
    deployment.apps/notebook-controller-deployment             1/1     1            1           95s
    deployment.apps/profiles-deployment                        1/1     1            1           92s
    deployment.apps/pytorch-operator                           1/1     1            1           95s
    deployment.apps/spartakus-volunteer                        1/1     1            1           94s
    deployment.apps/tensorboard                                1/1     1            1           94s
    deployment.apps/tf-job-dashboard                           1/1     1            1           94s
    deployment.apps/tf-job-operator                            1/1     1            1           94s
    deployment.apps/workflow-controller                        1/1     1            1           97s
    NAME                                                                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/admission-webhook-deployment-6b89c84c98              1         1         1       97s
    replicaset.apps/argo-ui-5dcf5d8b4f                                   1         1         1       97s
    replicaset.apps/centraldashboard-cf4874ddc                           1         1         1       97s
    replicaset.apps/jupyter-web-app-deployment-685b455447                1         1         1       97s
    replicaset.apps/katib-controller-88c97d85c                           1         1         1       96s
    replicaset.apps/katib-db-8598468fd8                                  1         1         1       97s
    replicaset.apps/katib-manager-574c8c67f9                             1         1         1       96s
    replicaset.apps/katib-manager-rest-778857c989                        1         1         1       96s
    replicaset.apps/katib-suggestion-bayesianoptimization-65df4d7455     1         1         1       95s
    replicaset.apps/katib-suggestion-grid-56bf69f597                     1         1         1       95s
    replicaset.apps/katib-suggestion-hyperband-7777b76cb9                1         1         1       95s
    replicaset.apps/katib-suggestion-nasrl-77f6f9458c                    1         1         1       95s
    replicaset.apps/katib-suggestion-random-77b88b5c79                   1         1         1       95s
    replicaset.apps/katib-ui-7587c5b967                                  1         1         1       96s
    replicaset.apps/metadata-db-5dd459cc                                 1         1         1       96s
    replicaset.apps/metadata-deployment-6cf77db994                       3         3         3       96s
    replicaset.apps/metadata-ui-78f5b59b56                               1         1         1       96s
    replicaset.apps/minio-758b769d67                                     1         1         1       93s
    replicaset.apps/ml-pipeline-5875b9db95                               1         1         1       93s
    replicaset.apps/ml-pipeline-persistenceagent-9b69ddd46               1         1         1       92s
    replicaset.apps/ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow-7b8d756c76             1         1         1       91s
    replicaset.apps/ml-pipeline-ui-79ffd9c76                             1         1         1       91s
    replicaset.apps/ml-pipeline-viewer-controller-deployment-5fdc87f58   1         1         1       91s
    replicaset.apps/mysql-657f87857d                                     1         1         1       92s
    replicaset.apps/notebook-controller-deployment-56b4f59bbf            1         1         1       94s
    replicaset.apps/profiles-deployment-6bc745947                        1         1         1       91s
    replicaset.apps/pytorch-operator-77c97f4879                          1         1         1       94s
    replicaset.apps/spartakus-volunteer-5fdfddb779                       1         1         1       94s
    replicaset.apps/tensorboard-6544748d94                               1         1         1       93s
    replicaset.apps/tf-job-dashboard-56f79c59dd                          1         1         1       93s
    replicaset.apps/tf-job-operator-79cbfd6dbc                           1         1         1       93s
    replicaset.apps/workflow-controller-db644d554                        1         1         1       97s
    NAME                                                        READY   AGE
    statefulset.apps/admission-webhook-bootstrap-stateful-set   1/1     97s
    statefulset.apps/application-controller-stateful-set        1/1     98s
    statefulset.apps/metacontroller                             1/1     98s
    statefulset.apps/seldon-operator-controller-manager         1/1     92s
    $ kubectl get pvc -n kubeflow
    NAME             STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS               AGE
    katib-mysql      Bound    pvc-b07f293e-d028-11e9-9b9d-00505681a82d   10Gi       RWO            ontap-ai-flexvols-retain   27m
    metadata-mysql   Bound    pvc-b0f3f032-d028-11e9-9b9d-00505681a82d   10Gi       RWO            ontap-ai-flexvols-retain   27m
    minio-pv-claim   Bound    pvc-b22727ee-d028-11e9-9b9d-00505681a82d   20Gi       RWO            ontap-ai-flexvols-retain   27m
    mysql-pv-claim   Bound    pvc-b2429afd-d028-11e9-9b9d-00505681a82d   20Gi       RWO            ontap-ai-flexvols-retain   27m
  4. In your web browser, access the Kubeflow central dashboard by navigating to the URL that you noted down in step 2.

    The default username is, and the default password is 12341234. To create additional users, follow the instructions in the official Kubeflow documentation.

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