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NetApp Solutions

Data protection for Container Apps in OpenShift Container Platform using OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP)

Contributors banum-netapp

Author: Banu Sundhar, NetApp

This section of the reference document provides details for creating backups of Container Apps using the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) with Velero on NetApp ONTAP S3 or NetApp StorageGRID S3. The backups of namespace scoped resources including Persistent Volumes(PVs) of the app are created using CSI Astra Trident Snapshots.

The persistent storage for container apps can be backed by ONTAP storage integrated to the OpenShift Cluster using Astra Trident CSI. In this section we use OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) to perform backup of apps including its data volumes to

  • ONTAP Object Storage

  • StorageGrid

We then restore from the backup when needed. Please note that the app can be restored only to the cluster from where the backup was created.

OADP enables backup, restore, and disaster recovery of applications on an OpenShift cluster. Data that can be protected with OADP include Kubernetes resource objects, persistent volumes, and internal images.

OpenShift API for Data Protection

Red Hat OpenShift has leveraged the solutions developed by the OpenSource communities for data protection. Velero is an open-source tool to safely backup and restore, perform disaster recovery, and migrate Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. To use Velero easily, OpenShift has developed the OADP operator and the Velero plugin to integrate with the CSI storage drivers. The core of the OADP APIs that are exposed are based on the Velero APIs. After installing the OADP operator and configuring it, the backup/restore operations that can be performed are based on the operations exposed by the Velero API.

OpenShift API for Data Protection

OADP 1.3 is available from the operator hub of OpenShift cluster 4.12 and later. It has a built-in Data Mover that can move CSI volume snapshots to a remote object store. This provides portability and durability by moving snapshots to an object storage location during backup. The snapshots are then available for restoration after disasters.

The following are the versions of the various components used for the examples in this section

  • OpenShift Cluster 4.14

  • OADP Operator 1.13 provided by Red Hat

  • Velero CLI 1.13 for Linux

  • Astra Trident 24.02

  • ONTAP 9.12

  • postgresql installed using helm.