在熊猫中加载 Criteo 单击 Logs Day 15 ,然后训练一个 sc科学 学习随机林模型
本节介绍如何使用熊猫和 dask DataFrames 从 Criteo TB 数据集中加载 Click Logs 数据。在广告交换的数字广告中,使用情形与此相关,它可以预测是否会点击广告,或者如果交换在自动管道中使用的模型不准确,从而构建用户的个人资料。
我们从 Click Logs 数据集加载了第 15 天的数据,总计 45 GB 。在 Jupyter 笔记本电脑中运行以下单元 CT-PandasRF-colled.ipynb
创建一个包含前 5 , 000 万行的熊猫 DataFrame ,并生成一个 scide-Learn 随机林模型。
%%time import pandas as pd import numpy as np header = ['col'+str(i) for i in range (1,41)] #note that according to criteo, the first column in the dataset is Click Through (CT). Consist of 40 columns first_row_taken = 50_000_000 # use this in pd.read_csv() if your compute resource is limited. # total number of rows in day15 is 20B # take 50M rows """ Read data & display the following metrics: 1. Total number of rows per day 2. df loading time in the cluster 3. Train a random forest model """ df = pd.read_csv(file, nrows=first_row_taken, delimiter='\t', names=header) # take numerical columns df_sliced = df.iloc[:, 0:14] # split data into training and Y Y = df_sliced.pop('col1') # first column is binary (click or not) # change df_sliced data types & fillna df_sliced = df_sliced.astype(np.float32).fillna(0) from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier # Random Forest building parameters # n_streams = 8 # optimization max_depth = 10 n_bins = 16 n_trees = 10 rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=max_depth, n_estimators=n_trees) rf_model.fit(df_sliced, Y)
要使用经过培训的随机林模型执行预测,请在此笔记本电脑中运行以下段落。为了避免重复,我们采用了自第 15 天起的最后 100 万行作为测试集。该单元格还会计算预测准确性,其定义为模型准确预测用户是否单击 AD 。要查看此笔记本中任何不熟悉的组件,请参见 "官方科学知识工具包学习文档"。
# testing data, last 1M rows in day15 test_file = '/data/day_15_test' with open(test_file) as g: print(g.readline()) # dataFrame processing for test data test_df = pd.read_csv(test_file, delimiter='\t', names=header) test_df_sliced = test_df.iloc[:, 0:14] test_Y = test_df_sliced.pop('col1') test_df_sliced = test_df_sliced.astype(np.float32).fillna(0) # prediction & calculating error pred_df = rf_model.predict(test_df_sliced) from sklearn import metrics # Model Accuracy print("Accuracy:",metrics.accuracy_score(test_Y, pred_df))