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Load Criteo按一下「日誌第15天」(日誌第15天)、然後訓練sci套 件學習隨機樹系模式


本節說明我們如何使用Pandas和dask DataFrames從Criteo Terabyte資料集載入Click記錄資料。使用案例與數位廣告有關、可預測是否要點選廣告、或是Exchange未在自動化管道中使用準確的模式、藉此建立使用者的設定檔。

我們從Click Logs資料集載入第15天的資料、總計45GB。在Jupyter筆記型電腦「CTer-andasRF-collated .ipynb」中執行下列儲存格、會建立一個包含前5、000萬列的大圓子資料框架、並產生scipit-記憶 隨機樹系模型。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
header = ['col'+str(i) for i in range (1,41)] #note that according to criteo, the first column in the dataset is Click Through (CT). Consist of 40 columns
first_row_taken = 50_000_000 # use this in pd.read_csv() if your compute resource is limited.
# total number of rows in day15 is 20B
# take 50M rows
Read data & display the following metrics:
1. Total number of rows per day
2. df loading time in the cluster
3. Train a random forest model
df = pd.read_csv(file, nrows=first_row_taken, delimiter='\t', names=header)
# take numerical columns
df_sliced = df.iloc[:, 0:14]
# split data into training and Y
Y = df_sliced.pop('col1') # first column is binary (click or not)
# change df_sliced data types & fillna
df_sliced = df_sliced.astype(np.float32).fillna(0)
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# Random Forest building parameters
# n_streams = 8 # optimization
max_depth = 10
n_bins = 16
n_trees = 10
rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=max_depth, n_estimators=n_trees), Y)

若要使用受過訓練的隨機樹系模型來執行預測、請執行本筆記型電腦的下一段。我們從第15天開始採用最後一百萬列作為測試集、以避免任何重複資料。儲存格也會計算預測的準確度、定義為模型準確預測使用者是否點選廣告的發生百分比。若要檢閱此筆記型電腦中任何不熟悉的元件、請參閱 "正式的sci套 件學習文件"

# testing data, last 1M rows in day15
test_file = '/data/day_15_test'
with open(test_file) as g:

# dataFrame processing for test data
test_df = pd.read_csv(test_file, delimiter='\t', names=header)
test_df_sliced = test_df.iloc[:, 0:14]
test_Y = test_df_sliced.pop('col1')
test_df_sliced = test_df_sliced.astype(np.float32).fillna(0)
# prediction & calculating error
pred_df = rf_model.predict(test_df_sliced)
from sklearn import metrics
# Model Accuracy
print("Accuracy:",metrics.accuracy_score(test_Y, pred_df))