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Data Infrastructure Insights

Workload Security Agent Installation

Contributors netapp-alavoie

Workload Security (formerly Cloud Secure) collects user activity data using one or more agents. Agents connect to devices in your environment and collect data that is sent to the Workload Security SaaS layer for analysis. See Agent Requirements to configure an agent VM.

Before You Begin

  • The sudo privilege is required for installation, running scripts, and uninstall.

  • While installing the agent, a local user cssys and a local group cssys are created on the machine. If permission settings do not allow creation of a local user, and instead require Active Directory, a user with the username cssys must be created in the Active Directory server.

  • You can read about Data Infrastructure Insights security here.

Steps to Install Agent

  1. Log in as Administrator or Account Owner to your Workload Security environment.

  2. Select Collectors > Agents > +Agent

    The system displays the Add an Agent page:

    Adding a workload security agent
  3. Verify that the agent server meets the minimum system requirements.

  4. To verify that the agent server is running a supported version of Linux, click Versions Supported (i).

  5. If your network is using proxy server, please set the proxy server details by following the instructions in the Proxy section.

    Agent Install with Proxy Note

  6. Click the Copy to Clipboard icon to copy the installation command.

  7. Run the installation command in a terminal window.

  8. The system displays the following message when the installation completes successfully:

    Message for successful agent installation
After You Finish
  1. You need to configure a User Directory Collector .

  2. You need to configure one or more Data Collectors.

Network Configuration

Run the following commands on the local system to open ports that will be used by Workload Security. If there is a security concern regarding the port range, you can use a lesser port range, for example 35000:35100. Each SVM uses two ports.

  1. sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=35000-55000/tcp

  2. sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Follow the next steps according to your platform:

CentOS 7.x / RHEL 7.x:

  1. sudo iptables-save | grep 35000

Sample output:

-A IN_public_allow -p tcp -m tcp --dport 35000:55000 -m conntrack -ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED -j ACCEPT

CentOS 8.x / RHEL 8.x:

  1. sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports | grep 35000 (for CentOS 8)

Sample output:


"Pinning" an Agent at the current version

By default, Data Infrastructure Insights Workload Security updates agents automatically. Some customers may wish to pause automatic updating, which leaves an Agent at its current version until one of the following occurs:

  • The customer resumes automatic Agent updates.

  • 30 days have passed. Note that the 30 days starts on the day of the most recent Agent update, not at the day the Agent is paused.

In each of these cases, the agent will be updated at the next Workload Security refresh.

To pause or resume automatic agent updates, use the cloudsecure_config.agents APIs:

cloudsecure agent APIs to pin and unpin agents

Note that it may take up to five minutes for the pause or resume action to take effect.

You can view your current Agent versions on the Workload Security > Collectors page, in the Agents tab.

WS Agent versions shown in the agents table

Troubleshooting Agent Errors

Known problems and their resolutions are described in the following table.

Problem: Resolution:

Agent installation fails to create the /opt/netapp/cloudsecure/agent/logs/agent.log folder and the install.log file provides no relevant information.

This error occurs during bootstrapping of the agent. The error is not logged in log files because it occurs before logger is initialized.
The error is redirected to standard output, and is visible in the service log using the journalctl -u cloudsecure-agent.service command. This command can be used for troubleshooting the issue further.

Agent installation fails with ‘This linux distribution is not supported. Exiting the installation’.

This error appears when you attempt to install the Agent on an unsupported system. See Agent Requirements.

Agent Installation failed with the error:
"-bash: unzip: command not found"

Install unzip and then run the installation command again. If Yum is installed on the machine, try “yum install unzip” to install unzip software.
After that, re-copy the command from the Agent installation UI and paste it in the CLI to execute the installation again.

Agent was installed and was running. However agent has stopped suddenly.

SSH to the Agent machine. Check the status of the agent service via sudo systemctl status cloudsecure-agent.service.
1. Check if the logs shows a message“Failed to start Workload Security daemon service” .
2. Check if cssys user exists in the Agent machine or not. Execute the following commands one by one with root permission and check if the cssys user and group exists.
sudo id cssys
sudo groups cssys
3. If none exists, then a centralized monitoring policy may have deleted the cssys user.
4. Create cssys user and group manually by executing the following commands.
sudo useradd cssys
sudo groupadd cssys
5. Restart the agent service after that by executing the following command:
sudo systemctl restart cloudsecure-agent.service
6. If it is still not running, please check the other troubleshooting options.

Unable to add more than 50 Data collectors to an Agent.

Only 50 Data collectors can be added to an Agent. This can be a combination of all the collector types, for example, Active Directory, SVM and other collectors.

UI shows Agent is in NOT_CONNECTED state.

Steps to restart the Agent.
1. SSH to the Agent machine.
2. Restart the agent service after that by executing the following command:
sudo systemctl restart cloudsecure-agent.service
3. Check the status of the agent service via sudo systemctl status cloudsecure-agent.service.
4. Agent should go to CONNECTED state.

Agent VM is behind Zscaler proxy and the agent installation is failing. Because of Zscaler proxy’s SSL inspection, the Workload Security certificates are presented as it is signed by Zscaler CA so the agent is not trusting the communication.

Disable SSL inspection in the Zscaler proxy for the * url. If Zscaler does SSL inspection and replaces the certificates, Workload Security will not work.

While installing the agent, the installation hangs after unzipping.

“chmod 755 -Rf” command is failing.
The command fails when the agent installation command is being run by a non-root sudo user that has files in the working directory, belonging to another user, and permissions of those files cannot be changed. Because of the failing chmod command, the rest of the installation does not execute.

1. Create a new directory named “cloudsecure”.
2. Go to that directory.
3. Copy and paste the full “token=…… … ./" installation command and press enter.
4. Installation should be able to proceed.

If the Agent is still not able to connect to Saas, please open a case with NetApp Support. Provide the Data Infrastructure Insights serial number to open a case, and attach logs to the case as noted.

To attach logs to the case:
1. Execute the following script with root permission and share the output file (
a. /opt/netapp/cloudsecure/agent/bin/
2. Execute the following commands one by one with root permission and share the output.
a. id cssys
b. groups cssys
c. cat /etc/os-release

The script fails with the following error.

[root@machine tmp]# /opt/netapp/cloudsecure/agent/bin/
Collecting service log
Collecting application logs
Collecting agent configurations
Taking service status snapshot
Taking agent directory structure snapshot
/opt/netapp/cloudsecure/agent/bin/ line 52: zip: command not found
ERROR: Failed to create /tmp/

Zip tool is not installed..
Install the zip tool by running the command “yum install zip”.
Then run the again.

Agent installation Fails with useradd: cannot create directory /home/cssys

This error can occur if user's login directory cannot be created under /home, due to lack of permissions.

The workaround would be to create cssys user and add its login directory manually using the following command:

sudo useradd user_name -m -d HOME_DIR

-m :Create the user's home directory if it does not exist.
-d : The new user is created using HOME_DIR as the value for the user's login directory.

For instance, sudo useradd cssys -m -d /cssys, adds a user cssys and creates its login directory under root.

Agent is not running after installation.
Systemctl status cloudsecure-agent.service shows the following:

[root@demo ~]# systemctl status cloudsecure-agent.service
agent.service – Workload Security Agent Daemon Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cloudsecure-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2021-08-03 21:12:26 PDT; 2s ago
Process: 25889 ExecStart=/bin/bash /opt/netapp/cloudsecure/agent/bin/cloudsecure-agent (code=exited status=126)
Main PID: 25889 (code=exited, status=126),

Aug 03 21:12:26 demo systemd[1]: cloudsecure-agent.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=126/n/a
Aug 03 21:12:26 demo systemd[1]: Unit cloudsecure-agent.service entered failed state.
Aug 03 21:12:26 demo systemd[1]: cloudsecure-agent.service failed.

This can be failing because cssys user may not have permission to install.

If /opt/netapp is an NFS mount and if cssys user does not have access to this folder, installation will fail. cssys is a local user created by the Workload Security installer that may not have permission to access the mounted share.

You can check this by attempting to access /opt/netapp/cloudsecure/agent/bin/cloudsecure-agent using cssys user.
If it returns “Permission denied”, installation permission is not present.

Instead of a mounted folder, install on a directory local to the machine.

Agent was initially connected via a proxy server and the proxy was set during Agent installation. Now the proxy server has changed. How can the Agent’s proxy configuration be changed?

You can edit the to add the proxy details. Follow these steps:

1. Change to the folder containing the properties file:

cd /opt/netapp/cloudsecure/conf

2. Using your favorite text editor, open the file for editing.

3. Add or modify the following lines:

4. Save the file.

5. Restart the agent:

sudo systemctl restart cloudsecure-agent.service