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E-Series Systems

Complete storage system setup and configuration

Contributors NetAppZacharyWambold netapp-driley netapp-echurch netapp-jsnyder

Learn how to cable the controllers to your network and complete storage system setup and configuration.

Step 1: Cable the data hosts

Cable the system according to your network topology.

Note If you are using AIX®, you must install the E-Series multipath driver on the host before connecting it to the array.

Option 1: Direct-attach topology

The following example shows cabling to the data hosts using a direct-attach topology.

Table 1. Example A: Direct-attach topology

2U DirectTopology

  1. Connect each host adapter directly to the host ports on the controllers.

Option 2: Fabric topology

The following example shows cabling to the data hosts using a fabric topology.

Table 2. Example B: Fabric topology

2U FabricTopology

  1. Connect each host adapter directly to the switch.

  2. Connect each switch directly to the host ports on the controllers.

Step 2: Connect and configure the management connection

You can configure the controller management ports using one of two options: using a DHCP server or using a static IP address.

Option 1: DHCP server

Learn how to configure the management ports with a DHCP server.

Before you begin
  • Configure your DHCP server to associate an IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address as a permanent lease for each controller.

  • Obtain the assigned IP addresses you will use to connect to the storage system from your network administrator.

  1. Connect an Ethernet cable to each controller's management port, and connect the other end to your network.

    cable ethernet inst hw e2800 e5700

    Ethernet cables (if ordered)

    The following figures show examples of the controller's management port location:

    e2800 mgmt ports

    E2800 controller P1 Management Port

    e5700 mgmt ports

    E5700 controller P1 Management Port

  2. Open a browser and connect to the storage system using one of the controller IP addresses provided to you by your network administrator.

Option 2: Static IP address

Learn how to configure the management ports manually by entering the IP address and the subnet mask.

Before you begin
  • Obtain the controllers' IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS and NTP server information from your network administrator.

  • Make sure the laptop you are using is not receiving network configuration from a DHCP server.

  1. Using an Ethernet cable, connect controller A's management port to the Ethernet port on a laptop.

    cable ethernet inst hw e2800 e5700

    Ethernet cables (if ordered)

    The following figures show examples of the controller's management port location:

    e2800 mgmt ports

    E2800 controller P1 Management Port

    e5700 mgmt ports

    E5700 controller P1 Management Port

  2. Open a browser and use the default IP address ( to establish a connection to the controller. The controller sends back a self-signed certificate. The browser informs you that the connection is not secure.

    Note For platforms running SANtricity 11.60 and greater, the default subnet mask is
  3. Follow the browser's instructions to proceed and launch SANtricity System Manager.

    Note If you are unable to establish a connection, verify that you are not receiving network configuration from a DHCP server.
  4. Set the storage system's password to login.

  5. Use the network settings provided by your network administrator in the Configure Network Settings wizard to configure controller A's network settings, and then select Finish.

    Note Because you reset the IP address, System Manager loses connection to the controller.
  6. Disconnect your laptop from the storage system, and connect the management port on controller A to your network.

  7. Open a browser on a computer connected to your network, and enter controller A's newly configured IP address.

    Note If you lose the connection to controller A, you can connect an ethernet cable to controller B to reestablish connection to controller A through controller B (
  8. Log in using the password you set previously.

    The Configure Network Settings wizard will appear.

  9. Use the network settings provided by your network administrator in the Configure Network Settings wizard to configure controller B's network settings, and then select Finish.

  10. Connect controller B to your network.

  11. Validate controller B's network settings by entering controller B's newly configured IP address in a browser.

    Note If you lose the connection to controller B, you can use your previously validated connection to controller A to reestablish connection to controller B through controller A.

Step 3: Configure storage system

After you have installed your hardware, use the SANtricity software to configure and manage your storage system.

Before you begin
  • Configure your management ports.

  • Verify and record your password and IP addresses.

  1. Use the SANtricity software to configure and manage your storage arrays.

  2. In the simplest network configuration, connect your controller to a web browser and use SANtricity System Manager for managing a single E2800 or E5700 series storage array.

management s g2285tation inst hw e2800 e5700 g2285

For accessing System Manager, use the same IP addresses that you used to configure your management ports.