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E-Series Systems

Discover and connect to the storage from the host

Contributors NetAppZacharyWambold netapp-jsnyder netapp-jolieg

Before making definitions of each host in SANtricity System Manager, you must discover the target controller ports from the host, and then establish NVMe connections.

  1. Discover available subsystems on the NVMe-oF target for all paths using the following command:

    nvme discover -t rdma -a target_ip_address

    In this command, target_ip_address is the IP address of the target port.

    Note The nvme discover command discovers all controller ports in the subsystem, regardless of host access.
    # nvme discover -t rdma -a
    Discovery Log Number of Records 2, Generation counter 0
    =====Discovery Log Entry 0======
    trtype:  rdma
    adrfam:  ipv4
    subtype: nvme subsystem
    treq:    not specified
    portid:  0
    trsvcid: 4420
    rdma_prtype: roce
    rdma_qptype: connected
    rdma_cms:    rdma-cm
    rdma_pkey: 0x0000
    =====Discovery Log Entry 1======
    trtype:  rdma
    adrfam:  ipv4
    subtype: nvme subsystem
    treq:    not specified
    portid:  1
    trsvcid: 4420
    rdma_prtype: roce
    rdma_qptype: connected
    rdma_cms:    rdma-cm
    rdma_pkey: 0x0000
  2. Repeat step 1 for any other connections.

  3. Connect to the discovered subsystem on the first path using the command: nvme connect -t rdma -n discovered_sub_nqn -a target_ip_address -Q queue_depth_setting -l controller_loss_timeout_period

    Note The command listed above does not persist through reboot. The NVMe connect command will need to be executed after each reboot to re-establish the NVMe connections.
    Note Connections are not established for any discovered port inaccessible by the host.
    Note If you specify a port number using this command, the connection fails. The default port is the only port set up for connections.
    Note The recommended queue depth setting is 1024. Override the default setting of 128 with 1024 using the -Q 1024command line option, as shown in the following example.
    Note The recommended controller loss timeout period in seconds is 60 minutes (3600 seconds). Override the default setting of 600 seconds with 3600 seconds using the -l 3600 command line option, as shown in the following example.
    # nvme connect -t rdma -a -n -Q 1024 -l 3600
    # nvme connect -t rdma -a -n -Q 1024 -l 3600
  4. Repeat step 3 to connect the discovered subsystem on the second path.

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