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E-Series Systems


Contributors netapp-asubhas netapp-jolieg NetAppZacharyWambold

The VMware express method is based on the following assumptions:

Component Assumptions


  • You have used the Installation and Setup Instructions included with the controller shelves to install the hardware.

  • You have connected cables between the optional drive shelves and the controllers.

  • You have applied power to the storage system.

  • You have installed all other hardware (for example, management station, switches) and made the necessary connections.


  • You have made a connection between the storage system and the data host.

  • You have installed the host operating system.

  • You are not using VMware as a virtualized guest.

  • You are not configuring the data (I/O attached) host to boot from SAN.

Storage management station

  • You are using a 1 Gbps or faster management network.

  • You are using a separate station for management rather than the data (I/O attached) host.

  • You are using out-of-band management, in which a storage management station sends commands to the storage system through the Ethernet connections to the controller.

  • You have attached the management station to the same subnet as the storage management ports.

IP addressing

  • You have installed and configured a DHCP server.

  • You have not yet made an Ethernet connection between the management station and the storage system.

Storage provisioning

  • You will not use shared volumes.

  • You will create pools rather than volume groups.

Protocol: FC

  • You have made all host-side FC connections and activated switch zoning.

  • You are using NetApp-supported FC HBAs and switches.

  • You are using FC HBA driver and firmware versions as listed in the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool.

Protocol: NVMe over Fibre Channel

  • You have made all host-side FC connections and activated switch zoning.

  • You are using NetApp-supported FC HBAs and switches.

  • You are using FC HBA driver and firmware versions as listed in the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool.

Protocol: iSCSI

  • You are using Ethernet switches capable of transporting iSCSI traffic.

  • You have configured the Ethernet switches according to the vendor's recommendation for iSCSI.

Protocol: SAS

If these assumptions are not correct for your installation, or if you want more conceptual background information, see the following technical report: VMware Configuration Guide for E-Series SANtricity iSCSI Integration with ESXi 6.X

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