Unlock drives
The Drive Security feature for these controllers will lock down the drives partially, externally, or internally. If the Drive Security feature is enabled, you must manually unlock these drives.
Follow the appropriate procedure for:
Internal key management
Follow these steps for internal key management when all drives are locked.
The newly swapped controllers will lock down with a seven-segment display code of L5. This lock-down occurs when no drives can perform autocode synchronization (ACS). After the security key is imported, ACS resumes and updates the new controllers.
If you are not using management port 1, try with other default IP addresses: Ctrl A port 1: Ctrl A port 2: Ctrl B port 1: Ctrl B port 2: |
Make a direct, private ethernet connection between the storage array and the SANtricity client's laptop or PC. To do this:
Use an RJ45 ethernet cable to connect the laptop to management port 1 on controller A.
To complete the connection, you might need to assign the laptop to an IP address in the same subnet as controller A. During controller lockdown, controller A defaults to a management address of So you can assign the laptop to a subnet such as "".
Using the IP address with username admin and the password blank, import the internal key using the
import storageArray securityKey file
CLI command, with the security key saved from Prepare to upgrade controllers. For information about using this command, see the Command Line Interface reference.Example:
SMcli -u admin -p "" -c "import storageArray securityKey file=\"Directory&FileName\" passPhrase=\"passPhraseString\";"
Alternatively, you can import the internal key via the Rest API through the following call:
Controllers will continue with the autocode synchronization process from the drives and reboot. After reboot the controllers will be accessible through the original IP configuration.
External key management
Follow these steps for external key management when all drives are locked.
The newly swapped controllers will lock down with a seven-segment display code of L5. This lock-down occurs when no drives can perform autocode synchronization (ACS). After the security key is imported, ACS resumes and updates the new controllers.
Your storage array must be in an optimal state to retrieve client and server certificates. If the certificates are not retrievable, then you must create a new certificate signing request (CSR) and then import the server certificate from the external key management server. |
Make a direct, private ethernet connection between the storage array and the SANtricity client's laptop or PC. To do this:
Use an RJ45 ethernet cable to connect the laptop to management port 1 on controller A.
To complete the connection, you might need to assign the laptop to an IP address in the same subnet as controller A. During controller lockdown, controller A defaults to a management address of So you can assign the laptop to a subnet such as "".
Using default IP address with username admin and the password blank, set up the external key management server using the
set storageArray externalKeyManagement
CLI command and provide theserverAddress
saved from Prepare to upgrade controllers. For information about using this command, see the Command Line Interface reference.Example:
SMcli -u admin -p "" -c "set storageArray externalKeyManagement serverAddress=<ServerIPAddress> serverPort=<serverPort>;"
Alternatively, you can set up the external key management server via the Rest API through the following call:
Using the default IP address with the username admin and the password remaining blank, import the certificates using the
storageArray keyManagementCertificate
CLI command: once for the client certificate and a second time for the server certificate.Example A:
SMcli -u admin -p "" -c "download storageArray keyManagementCertificate certificateType=client file=\"Directory&FileName\";"
Example B:
SMcli -u admin -p "" -c "download storageArray keyManagementCertificate certificateType=server file=\"Directory&FileName\";"
Alternatively, you can import the keyserver certificate via the Rest API through the following call:
Using the security key saved from Prepare to upgrade controllers, import the external key to IP address with the username admin and the password remaining blank.
SMcli -u admin -p "" -c "import storageArray securityKey file=\"Directory&FileName\" passPhrase=\"passPhraseString\";"
Alternatively, you can import the external key via the Rest API through the following call:
Controllers will continue with the autocode synchronization process from the drives and reboot. After reboot the controllers will be accessible through the original IP configuration.