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E-Series Systems

Prepare to upgrade controllers

Contributors netapp-jolieg NetAppZacharyWambold netapp-echurch netapp-jsnyder

Prepare to upgrade controllers by saving the Drive Security key (if used), recording the serial number, gathering support data, disabling certain features (if used), and taking the controller offline.

Note Gathering support data can temporarily impact performance on your storage array.
  1. Make sure that the existing storage array is updated to the latest released operating system (controller firmware) version available for your current controllers. From SANtricity System Manager, go to Support  Upgrade Center to view your software and firmware inventory.

    Note If you are upgrading to controllers that support SANtricity OS version 8.50, you must install the latest versions of SANtricity OS and the latest NVSRAM after you install and power on the new controllers. If you do not perform this upgrade, you might not be able to configure the storage array for Automatic Load Balancing (ALB).
  2. If you have secure-enabled drives installed and you plan to perform a complete controller replacement, refer to the following table to complete the appropriate steps for your security type (internal or external) and drive state. If you do not have secure-enabled drives installed, you can skip this step and go to step 3 below the table.

    Note Some steps in the table require command line interface (CLI) commands. For information about using these commands, see the Command Line Interface reference.
    Security type and context Steps

    Internal key management, one or more drives locked

    Export the internal security key file to a known location on the management client (the system with a browser used for accessing System Manager). Use the export storageArray securityKey CLI command. You must provide the pass phrase associated with the security key and specify the location where you want to save the key.

    External key management, all drives locked, you are able to transition to internal key management temporarily for the controller replacement (recommended).

    Perform the following steps, in order:

    1. Record the External KMS server address and port number. From System Manager, go to Settings  System  Security Key Management  View/Edit Key Management Server Settings.

    2. Ensure that the client and server certificates are available on your local host so the storage array and key management server can authenticate each other after the controller replacement is finished. Use the save storageArray keyManagementCertificate CLI command to save the certificates. Be sure to run the command twice, once with the certificateType parameter set to client, and the other with the parameter set to server.

    3. Transition to internal key management by running the disable storageArray externalKeyManagement CLI command.

    4. Export the internal security key file to a known location on the management client (the system with a browser used for accessing System Manager). Use the export storageArray securityKey CLI command. You must provide the pass phrase associated with the security key and specify the location where you want to save the key.

    External key management, all drives locked, you are not able to transition to internal key management temporarily for the controller replacement.

    Perform the following steps, in order:

    1. Record the External KMS server address and port number. From System Manager, go to Settings  System  Security Key Management  View/Edit Key Management Server Settings.

    2. Ensure that the client and server certificates are available on your local host so the storage array and key management server can authenticate each other after the controller replacement is finished. Use the save storageArray keyManagementCertificate CLI command to save the certificates. Be sure to run the command twice, once with the certificateType parameter set to client, and the other with the parameter set to server.

    3. Export the internal security key file to a known location on the management client (the system with a browser used for accessing System Manager). Use the export storageArray securityKey CLI command. You must provide the pass phrase associated with the security key and specify the location where you want to save the key.

    External key management, partial drives locked

    No additional steps are necessary.

    Note Your storage array must be in an optimal state to retrieve client and server certificates. If the certificates are not retrievable, then you must create a new CSR, get the CSR signed, and download the server certificate from the external key management server (EKMS).
  3. Record the serial number for your storage array:

    1. From System Manager, select Support  Support Center  Support Resources tab.

    2. Scroll down to Launch detailed storage array information, and then select Storage Array Profile.

      The Report appears on your screen.

    3. To locate the chassis serial number under the storage array profile, type serial number in the Find text box, and then click Find.

      All matching terms are highlighted. To scroll through all the results one at a time, continue to click Find.

    4. Make a record of the Chassis Serial Number.

      You need this serial number to perform the steps in Complete controller upgrade.

  4. Gather support data about your storage array by using either the GUI or the CLI:

    • Use either System Manager or the Array Management Window in Storage Manager to collect and save a support bundle of your storage array.

      • From System Manager, select Support  Support Center  Diagnostics tab. Then select Collect Support Data and click Collect.

      • From the Array Management Window toolbar, select Monitor  Health  Collect Support Data Manually. Then enter a name and specify a location on your system where you want to store the support bundle.

        The file is saved in the Downloads folder for your browser with the name support-data.7z.

        If your shelf contains drawers, the diagnostics data for that shelf is archived in a separate zipped file named tray-component-state-capture.7z.

    • Use the CLI to run the save storageArray supportData command to gather comprehensive support data about the storage array.

  5. Ensure that no I/O operations are occurring between the storage array and all connected hosts:

    1. Stop all processes that involve the LUNs mapped from the storage to the hosts.

    2. Ensure that no applications are writing data to any LUNs mapped from the storage to the hosts.

    3. Unmount all file systems associated with volumes on the array.

      Note The exact steps to stop host I/O operations depend on the host operating system and the configuration, which are beyond the scope of these instructions. If you are not sure how to stop host I/O operations in your environment, consider shutting down the host.
      Caution Possible data loss — If you continue this procedure while I/O operations are occurring, you might lose data.
  6. If the storage array participates in a mirroring relationship, stop all host I/O operations on the secondary storage array.

  7. If you are using asynchronous or synchronous mirroring, delete any mirrored pairs and deactivate any mirroring relationships through the System Manager or the Array Management window.

  8. If there is a thin provisioned volume that is reported to the host as a thin volume and the old array is running firmware (8.25 firmware or above) that supports the UNMAP feature, disable Write Back Caching for all thin volumes:

    1. From System Manager, select Storage  Volumes.

    2. Select any volume, and then select More  Change cache settings.

      The Change Cache Setting dialog box appears. All volumes on the storage array appear in this dialog box.

    3. Select the Basic tab and change the settings for read caching and write caching.

    4. Click Save.

    5. Wait five minutes to allow any data in cache memory to be flushed to disk.

  9. If the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is enabled on the controller, contact technical support to disable the SAML authentication.

    Note After SAML is enabled, you cannot disable it through the SANtricity System Manager interface. To disable the SAML configuration, contact technical support for assistance.
  10. Wait for all operations in progress to complete before continuing to the next step.

    1. From System Manager's Home page, select View Operations in Progress.

    2. Make sure all operations shown on the Operations in Progress window are complete before continuing.

  11. Turn off power to the controller-drive tray.

    Wait for all of the LEDs on the controller-drive tray to go dark.

  12. Turn off power to each drive tray that is connected to the controller-drive tray.

    Wait two minutes for all of the drives to spin down.

What's next?

Go to Remove controllers.