The smo profile list command
Suggest changes
This command displays a list of the current profiles.
smo profile list \[-quiet \| -verbose\]
Displays only error messages on the console. The default is to display error and warning messages.
Displays error, warning, and informational messages on the console.
Example command
The following example displays existing profiles with their details.
smo profile list -verbose Profile name: FGTER Repository: Database name: SMOREPO SID: SMOREPO Host: hotspur Port: 1521 Username: swagrahn Password: ******** Profile name: TEST_RBAC Repository: Database name: smorep SID: smorep Host: Port: 1521 Username: smosaal Password: ******** Profile name: TEST_RBAC_DP_PROTECT Repository: Database name: smorep SID: smorep Host: Port: 1521 Username: smosaal Password: ******** Profile name: TEST_HOSTCREDEN_OFF Repository: Database name: smorep SID: smorep Host: Port: 1521 Username: smosaal Password: ******** Profile name: SMK_PRF Repository: Database name: smorep SID: smorep Host: Port: 1521 Username: smosaal Password: ******** Profile name: FGLEX Repository: Database name: SMOREPO SID: SMOREPO Host: hotspur Port: 1521 Username: swagrahn Password: ********