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SnapManager Oracle

The smo backup delete command

Contributors NetAppZacharyWambold

You can run the backup delete command to remove backups that are not automatically removed, such as backups that were used to create a clone or backups that failed. You can delete backups retained on an unlimited basis without changing the retention class.


        smo backup delete
-profile profile_name
[-label label \[-data \| -archivelogs\] \| \[-id guid \| -all\]
\[-quiet \| -verbose\]


  • -profile profile_name

    Specifies the database associated with the backup you want to remove. The profile contains the identifier of the database and other database information.

  • -id guid

    Specifies the backup with the specified GUID. The GUID is generated by SnapManager when you create a backup. You can use the smo backup list command to display the GUID for each backup.

  • -label label

    Specifies the backup with the specified label. Optionally, specify the scope of the backup as data file or archive log.

  • -data

    Specifies the data files.

  • -archivelogs

    Specifies the archive log files.

  • -all

    Specifies all backups. To delete only specified backups instead, use the -id or -label option.

  • -dump

    Collects the dump files after a successful or failed backup delete operation.

  • -force

    Forces the removal of the backup. SnapManager removes the backup even if there are problems in freeing the resources associated with the backup. For example, if the backup was cataloged with Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), but the RMAN database no longer exists, including -force deletes the backup even though it cannot connect with RMAN.

  • -quiet

    Displays only error messages in the console. The default is to display error and warning messages.

  • -verbose

    Displays error, warning, and informational messages in the console.


The following example deletes the backup:

smo backup delete -profile SALES1 -label full_backup_sales_May
Operation Id [8abc01ec0e79004b010e79006da60001] succeeded.

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