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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition

Preparing the cluster for transition

Contributors netapp-cgoff

Before transition, you must ensure that the cluster meets requirements such as allowing HTTPS, setting up intercluster LIFs, and verifying the network connectivity for transition.

  • The cluster and the SVM must already be set up.

    The target SVM must not be in an SVM disaster recovery relationship.

  • The cluster must be healthy and none of the nodes must be in takeover mode.

  • The target aggregates that will contain the transitioned volumes must have an SFO policy.

  • The aggregates must be on nodes that have not reached the maximum volume limit.

  • If you want to transition volumes from a 32-bit aggregate of a 7-Mode system to a 64-bit aggregate of a Data ONTAP 8.2.x cluster, you must have provided an additional 5 percent space in the destination aggregate.

    The additional space is required to upgrade the transitioned volume to 64-bit format.

  • For establishing an SVM peer relationship when transitioning a volume SnapMirror relationship, the following conditions must be met:

    • The secondary cluster should not have an SVM with the same name as that of the primary SVM.

    • The primary cluster should not have an SVM with the same name as that of the secondary SVM.

    • The name of the source 7-Mode system should not conflict with any of the local SVMs or SVMs that are already peered.

You should not upgrade the cluster to a different ONTAP version during transition.

Note You can upgrade the cluster to a patch release of the same ONTAP version, if required.
  1. From an administration host, verify that the cluster is reachable by using the cluster-management LIF:

    ssh username@cluster_mgmt_IP

  2. Enable SSLv3 or FIPS on the cluster:

    If you want to enable…​ Enter…​


    system services web modify -sslv3-enabled true

    FIPS 140-2 compliance

    system services web modify -ssl-fips-enabled true

    When FIPS 140-2 compliance is enabled, SSLv3 is disabled. ONTAP prevents you from enabling SSLv3 when FIPS 140-2 compliance is enabled. If you enable FIPS 140-2 and then subsequently disable it, SSLv3 remains disabled.

    Important The best practice is to enable FIPS because of the security vulnerabilities in SSLv3.
  3. Verify that HTTPS is allowed on the cluster management LIF:

    1. View the firewall policy for the cluster management LIF:

      network interface show -vserver svm_name -lif cluster_mgmt_lif -fields firewall-policy

      cluster1::> network interface show -vserver cluster1 -lif cluster_mgmt -fields firewall-policy
      vserver lif          firewall-policy
      ------- ------------ ---------------
      cluster1  cluster_mgmt mgmt
    2. Verify that the firewall policy associated with the cluster management LIF allows HTTPS access:

      system services firewall policy show -policy mgmt

      cluster1::> system services firewall policy show -policy mgmt
      Policy           Service    Action IP-List
      ---------------- ---------- ------ --------------------
                       dns        allow, ::/0
                       http       allow, ::/0
                       https      allow, ::/0
                       ndmp       allow, ::/0
                       ntp        allow, ::/0
                       rsh        deny, ::/0
                       snmp       allow, ::/0
                       ssh        allow, ::/0
                       telnet     deny, ::/0
      9 entries were displayed.
  4. Create an intercluster LIF on each node of the cluster for communication between the cluster and 7-Mode system:

    1. network interface create -vserver svm_name -lif intercluster_lif -role intercluster -home-node home_node -home-port home_port -address ip_address -netmask netmask

      cluster1::> network interface create -vserver cluster1-01 -lif intercluster_lif -role intercluster -home-node cluster1-01 -home-port e0c -address -netmask
    2. Create a static route.

      If you are transitioning to…​ Run this command…​

      ONTAP 9.5 or earlier or clustered Data ONTAP 8.3.x

      network route create

      cluster1::> network route create -vserver vs0 -destination -gateway

      Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.x

      network routing-groups route create

      cluster1::> network routing-groups route create -vserver cluster1-01 -routing-group i192.0.0.0/18 -destination - gateway
    3. Verify that you can use the intercluster LIF to ping the 7-Mode system:

      network ping -lif intercluster_lif -vserver svm_name -destination remote_inetaddress

      cluster1::> network ping -lif intercluster_lif -vserver cluster1 -destination system7mode
      system7mode is alive

      For multipathing, you must have two intercluster LIFs on each node.