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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition

Transitioning a secondary volume

Contributors netapp-aherbin

Transitioning a secondary volume involves creating a SnapMirror relationship, performing a baseline transfer, performing incremental updates, and setting up a SnapMirror relationship between the 7-Mode primary volume and the clustered Data ONTAP secondary volume.

The secondary cluster and storage virtual machine (SVM) must already be set up.

  1. Copy data from the 7-Mode volume to the clustered Data ONTAP volume:

    1. Use the snapmirror create command with the relationship type as TDP to create a SnapMirror relationship between the 7-Mode system and the SVM.

      sec_cluster::> snapmirror create -source-path sec_system:dst_7_vol -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_c_vol -type TDP
      Operation succeeded: snapmirror create the relationship with destination dst_vserver:dst_c_vol.
    2. Use the snapmirror initialize command to start the baseline transfer.

      sec_cluster::> snapmirror initialize -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_c_vol
      Operation is queued: snapmirror initialize of destination dst_vserver:dst_c_vol.
    3. Depending on whether you want to update the clustered Data ONTAP volume manually or by setting up a SnapMirror schedule, perform the appropriate action:

      If you want to…​ Then…​

      Update transfers manually

      1. Use the snapmirror update command.

        sec_cluster::> snapmirror update -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_c_vol
      2. Use the snapmirror show command to monitor the data copy status.

        sec_cluster::> snapmirror show -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_c_vol
                                    Source Path: sec_system:dst_7_vol
                               Destination Path: dst_vserver:dst_c_vol
                              Relationship Type: TDP
                        Relationship Group Type: none
                            SnapMirror Schedule: -
                         SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                              SnapMirror Policy: DPDefault
                                    Tries Limit: -
                              Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                                   Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                   Number of Successful Updates: 1
                       Number of Failed Updates: 0
                   Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
                       Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
                    Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                        Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                           Total Transfer Bytes: 278528
                 Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 11
      3. Go to step 3.

      Perform scheduled update transfers

      1. Use the job schedule cron create command to create a schedule for update transfers.

        sec_cluster::> job schedule cron create -name 15_minute_sched -minute 15
      2. Use the snapmirror modify command to apply the schedule to the SnapMirror relationship.

        sec_cluster::> snapmirror modify -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_c_vol -schedule 15_minute_sched
      3. Use the snapmirror show command to monitor the data copy status.

        sec_cluster::> snapmirror show -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_c_vol
                                    Source Path: sec_system:dst_7_vol
                               Destination Path: dst_vserver:dst_c_vol
                              Relationship Type: TDP
                        Relationship Group Type: none
                            SnapMirror Schedule: 15_minute_sched
                         SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
                              SnapMirror Policy: DPDefault
                                    Tries Limit: -
                              Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                                   Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                   Number of Successful Updates: 1
                       Number of Failed Updates: 0
                   Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
                       Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
                    Number of Successful Breaks: 0
                        Number of Failed Breaks: 0
                           Total Transfer Bytes: 278528
                 Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 11
  2. If you have a schedule for incremental transfers, perform the following steps when you are ready to perform cutover:

    1. Use the snapmirror quiesce command to disable all future update transfers.

      sec_cluster::> snapmirror quiesce -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_vol
    2. Use the snapmirror modify command to delete the SnapMirror schedule.

      sec_cluster::> snapmirror modify -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_vol -schedule ""
    3. If you quiesced the SnapMirror transfers earlier, use the snapmirror resume command to enable SnapMirror transfers.

      sec_cluster::> snapmirror resume -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_vol
  3. Wait for any ongoing transfers between the 7-Mode volumes and the clustered Data ONTAP volumes to finish, and then disconnect client access from the 7-Mode volumes to start cutover.

  4. Use the snapmirror update command to perform a final data update to the clustered Data ONTAP volume.

    sec_cluster::> snapmirror update -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_vol
    Operation is queued: snapmirror update of destination dst_vserver:dst_vol.
  5. Use the snapmirror show command to verify that the last transfer was successful.

  6. Use the snapmirror break command to break the SnapMirror relationship between the 7-Mode secondary volume and the clustered Data ONTAP secondary volume.

    sec_cluster::> snapmirror break -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_vol
    [Job 60] Job succeeded: SnapMirror Break Succeeded
  7. If your volumes have LUNs configured, at the advanced privilege level, use the lun transition 7-mode show command to verify that the LUNs were transitioned.

    You can also use the lun show command on the clustered Data ONTAP volume to view all of the LUNs that were successfully transitioned.

  8. Use the snapmirror delete command to delete the SnapMirror relationship between the 7-Mode secondary volume and the clustered Data ONTAP secondary volume.

    sec_cluster::> snapmirror delete -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_vol
  9. Use the snapmirror release command to remove the SnapMirror relationship information from the 7-Mode system.

    system7mode> snapmirror release dataVol20 vs1:dst_vol
  10. Establish a disaster recovery relationship between the 7-Mode primary volume and clustered Data ONTAP secondary volume:

    1. Use the vserver peer transition create command to create an SVM peer relationship between the 7-Mode primary volume and the clustered Data ONTAP secondary volume.

      sec_cluster::> vserver peer transition create -local-vserver dst_vserver -src-filer-name src_system
      Transition peering created
    2. Use the job schedule cron create command to create a job schedule that matches the schedule configured for the 7-Mode SnapMirror relationship.

      sec_cluster::> job schedule cron create -name 15_minute_sched -minute 15
    3. Use the snapmirror create command to create a SnapMirror relationship between the 7-Mode primary volume and the clustered Data ONTAP secondary volume.

      sec_cluster::> snapmirror create -source-path src_system:src_7_vol -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_c_vol -type TDP -schedule 15_minute_sched
      Operation succeeded: snapmirror create the relationship with destination dst_vserver:dst_c_vol.
    4. Use the snapmirror resync command to resynchronize the clustered Data ONTAP secondary volume.

      For successful resynchronization, a common 7-Mode Snapshot copy must exist between the 7-Mode primary volume and the clustered Data ONTAP secondary volume.

      sec_cluster::> snapmirror  resync -destination-path dst_vserver:dst_c_vol
      • If the target cluster is running Data ONTAP 8.3.2 or later, you must create the required igroups and map the LUNs manually.

      • If the target cluster is running Data ONTAP 8.3.1 or earlier, you must map the secondary LUNs manually after completing the storage cutover of the primary volumes.

      • You must delete the SVM peer relationship between the secondary 7-Mode system and the secondary SVM when all of the required volumes in the 7-Mode system are transitioned to the SVM.

      • You must delete the SnapMirror relationship between the 7-Mode primary and the 7-Mode secondary systems.

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