Uninstalling 7-Mode Transition Tool on Linux
You can uninstall the 7-Mode Transition Tool on Linux by using the command-line interface.
You must have completed all in-progress transitions.
Installing a newer version or reinstalling the same version of the tool does not allow you to access the transition operations started by the uninstalled instance. -
If the 7-Mode Transition Tool is running, it must be stopped.
JRE is not removed as part of the uninstallation.
Uninstall 7-Mode Transition Tool by running the following command from the location where you extracted the 7-Mode Transition Tool:
Remove the 7-Mode Transition Tool directory:
cd ..
rm -rf NetApp_7ModeTransitionTool
bash-4.2# cd /root/Downloads/extracted_folder/NetApp_7ModeTransitionTool bash-4.2# ./unconfigure bash-4.2# cd .. bash-4.2# rm -rf NetApp_7ModeTransitionTool