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Snap Creator Framework

Managing user access

Contributors NetAppZacharyWambold

Snap Creator provides security features such as role-based access control (RBAC), which enables you to manage user access within Snap Creator.

RBAC involves users, roles, permissions, operations, and profiles. The users, roles, and permissions can be defined by Snap Creator users.


  • Users are uniquely identified by a user name and password.

  • A user can be assigned and unassigned to one or more roles and profiles.

  • The SNAPCREATOR_USER in the file is added as a user when the Snap Creator Server is started.

  • The SNAPCREATOR_USER in the file is assigned the Default Administrator role when the user is created during startup.


Roles have one or more permissions. The assigned permissions determine the actions a user can perform and also which GUI elements the user can access. There are three built-in roles:


    Has full access to all the APIs. This is the only role which can create, edit, and delete users.


    This role is configured to be a super user and has access to all the APIs except RBAC.


    Has very limited access. This role has access to read-only Snap Creator API calls.

These built-in roles cannot be added, removed, or modified.


Permissions are a set of operations the user is authorized to perform. The following are built-in permissions:


    Required to perform a backup or clone operation.


    Required to create, read, update, and delete configuration files.


    Required to start a custom plug-in operation.


    Required to perform catalog (also known as extended repository) operations.


    Required to create, edit, and delete global configuration files.


    Required to call policy operations (for example, addPolicy, updatePolicy, removePolicy).


    Required for read-only policy operations.


    Required to manage users (for example, create, update, delete users, and roles; also to assign and unassign roles, permissions).


    Required to view user accounts, assigned roles, and assigned permissions.


    Required to perform restore operations.


    Required to perform scheduler operations.


    Provides authorization for read-only operations.


Operations are the base values that Snap Creator checks for authorization. Some examples of operations are getTask, fileCloneCreate, createTask, dirCreate, and so on.

Note Operations cannot be added, removed, or modified.


  • Profiles are assigned to users.

  • Profiles in RBAC are created in the profile directory on the file system.

  • Certain Snap Creator APIs check if a user is assigned to a profile and also check the permissions for operations.

    For example, if a user wants a job status, RBAC verifies if the user has authorization to call SchedulergetJob and then checks if the profile associated with the job is assigned to the user.

  • If a user, who is assigned the Operator role, creates a profile, then that profile is automatically assigned to the user.

Managing user access for storage controllers

If you are not using the Active IQ Unified Manager proxy, you need a user name and password to communicate with the storage controllers. Passwords can be encrypted for security.

Note You should not use the root user or the admin/vsadmin user. Best practice is to create a backup user with the necessary API permissions.

Network communications are through HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443), so you must have one or both of these ports open between the host where Snap Creator runs and the storage controllers. A user must be created on the storage controllers for authentication. For HTTPS, you must ensure that the user is enabled and configured on the storage controllers.