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Snap Creator Framework

Upgrading Snap Creator Server 4.1.x on UNIX-based systems


You can upgrade from Snap Creator Server 4.1.x on UNIX-based systems.

  • You have stopped the Snap Creator processes before backing up the Snap Creator directories to ensure that the backed-up data is complete.

    For example, enter the following commands:

    /install_path/scServer4.1.0/bin/scServer stop
    /install_path/scAgent4.1.0/bin/scAgent stop
  • You have backed up the following directories, and all associated subdirectories and files, within the Snap Creator 4.1.x Server engine subdirectory (/install_path/scServer4.1.x/engine):

    • Snap Creator database (../snapcreator)

    • Snap Creator Server properties (../etc)

    • Configuration files (../configs)

    • Logs (../logs)

    • Plug-in repository, if enabled (../snapcreatorPlugin) Note: You must not delete the Snap Creator 4.1.x backup copies that you created.

The paths provided in the following steps refer to the default installation path. Path information might differ from your installation path if the defaults were not used.

After the upgrade process is complete, you should consider the following issues:

  • If the Snap Creator database that is upgraded contains some tasks marked as “in progress”, the state remains the same even after the upgrade process is complete.

  • The default administrator in the latest Snap Creator must be an administrator in Snap Creator 4.1.x.

    If the 4.1.x user is not an administrator, then the upgrade assigns an operator role to the 4.1.x user.

    1. Stop the Snap Creator processes if you have not already done so.

      For information about stopping the processes, refer to the details provided earlier in this topic.

    2. Install the latest version of Snap Creator, but do not start Snap Creator Server.

      For details, see the information about installing Snap Creator Server on UNIX.

    3. Copy the backed-up Snap Creator 4.1.x database directory to the latest location at /install_path/scServer4.1.x/engine/snapcreator.

    4. Copy the backed-up 4.1.x configuration directory to the latest location at /install_path/scServer4.1.x/engine/configs).

    5. Copy the backed-up 4.1.x logs directory to the latest location at /install_path/scServer4.1.x/engine/logs.

    6. Change directories to the engine subdirectory in the Snap Creator install path at /install_path/scServer4.1.x/engine.

    7. Upgrade Snap Creator by entering the following command: java -jar snapcreator.jar -upgrade

After the upgrade process is complete, start Snap Creator Server by entering the following command:

/install_path/scServer4.1.x/bin/scServer start

Also, delete the Snap Creator 4.1.x installation directory.

Important Do not delete your backup copies until you are certain that you do not need to revert to an older version.

You must also validate the Snap Creator Framework GUI startup by navigating to the local host on the specified port (https://IP_address:gui_port).

You must connect using HTTPS; otherwise, the connection is not automatically redirected to an HTTPS connection and the GUI will not work.