Uninstalling Snap Creator Server on UNIX
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You can uninstall Snap Creator Server from UNIX by deleting the Snap Creator Server installation folder.
Back up the following directories, and all associated subdirectories and files, within the Snap Creator Server engine directory (/install_path/scServer4.1.0/engine):
Snap Creator database (../snapcreator)
Snap Creator Server properties (../etc)
Configuration (../configs)
Logs (../logs)
Plug-in repository, if enabled (../snapcreatorPlugin)
Make sure you back up these directories; otherwise, you will lose the user data and it will not be recoverable. |
To uninstall the Snap Creator Server, perform the following steps.
The paths provided in the following steps refer to the generic installation path. You can modify the path in these commands to reflect the customized Snap Creator Server installation path. |
Stop the Snap Creator Server service (
) by using the following script:/install_path/scServer4.1.0/bin/scServer stop
Delete the Snap Creator Server installation folder.
For example, for a Linux system, run the following command:
rm -Rf /install_path/scServer4.1.0