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Move non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs owned by node1 from node2 to node3

Contributors netapp-pcarriga

After you verify network configuration on node3 and before you relocate aggregates from node2 to node3, you must verify that the NAS data LIFs belonging to node1 that are currently on node2 are relocated from node2 to node3. You must also verify that the SAN LIFs exist on node3.

About this task

Remote LIFs handle traffic to SAN LUNs during the upgrade procedure. Moving SAN LIFs is not necessary for cluster or service health during the upgrade. SAN LIFs are not moved unless they need to be mapped to new ports. You will verify that the LIFs are healthy and located on appropriate ports after you bring node3 online.

  1. The iSCSI LIFs automatically find the correct home ports using the reachability scan. The FC and NVMe/FC SAN LIFs do not move automatically. They continue to show the home port they were on before upgrading.

    Check the SAN LIFs on node3:

    1. Modify any iSCSI SAN LIFs reporting a "down" operation status to the new data ports:

      network interface modify -vserver <vserver> -lif <iscsi_san_lif> admin down

      network interface modify -vserver <vserver> -lif <iscsi_san_lif> port <new_port> node <node>

      network interface modify -vserver <vserver> -lif <iscsi_san_lif>

    2. Modify any FC and NVMe/FC SAN LIFs that are home to the new controller and reporting a "down" operational status to the FCP ports on the new controller:

      network interface modify -vserver <vserver> -lif <fc_san_lif> admin down

      network interface modify -vserver <vserver> -lif <fc_san_lif> port <new_port> node <node>

      network interface modify -vserver <vserver> -lif <fc_san_lif>

  2. Resume the relocation operation:

    system controller replace resume

    The system performs the following tasks:

    • Cluster quorum check

    • System ID check

    • Image version check

    • Target platform check

    • Network reachability check

    The operation pauses at this stage in the network reachability check.

  3. Resume the relocation operation:

    system controller replace resume

    The system performs the following checks:

    • Cluster health check

    • Cluster LIF status check

    After performing these checks, the system relocates the non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs owned by node1 to the new controller, node3.
    The controller replacement operation pauses after the resource relocation is complete.

  4. Check the status of the aggregate relocation and NAS data LIF move operations:

    system controller replace show-details

    If the controller replacement procedure is paused, check and correct the error, if any, and then issue resume to continue the operation.

  5. If necessary, restore and revert any displaced LIFs. List any displaced LIFs:

    cluster controller-replacement network displaced-interface show

    If any LIFs are displaced, restore the home node back to node3:

    cluster controller-replacement network displaced-interface restore-home-node

  6. Resume the operation to prompt the system to perform the required post-checks:

    system controller replace resume

    The system performs the following post-checks:

    • Cluster quorum check

    • Cluster health check

    • Aggregates reconstruction check

    • Aggregate status check

    • Disk status check

    • Cluster LIF status check

    • Volume check