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Configurare SNMPv3


Seguire questa procedura per configurare SNMPv3, che supporta il monitoraggio dello stato dello switch Ethernet (CSHM).

A proposito di questa attività

I seguenti comandi configurano un nome utente SNMPv3 sugli switch Cisco 3132Q-V:

  • Per nessuna autenticazione: snmp-server user SNMPv3_USER NoAuth

  • Per l'autenticazione MD5/SHA: snmp-server user SNMPv3_USER auth [md5|sha] AUTH-PASSWORD

  • Per l'autenticazione MD5/SHA con crittografia AES/DES: snmp-server user SNMPv3_USER AuthEncrypt auth [md5|sha] AUTH-PASSWORD priv aes-128 PRIV-PASSWORD

Il seguente comando configura un nome utente SNMPv3 sul lato ONTAP: cluster1::*> security login create -user-or-group-name SNMPv3_USER -application snmp -authentication-method usm -remote-switch-ipaddress ADDRESS

Il seguente comando stabilisce il nome utente SNMPv3 con CSHM: cluster1::*> system switch ethernet modify -device DEVICE -snmp-version SNMPv3 -community-or-username SNMPv3_USER

  1. Impostare l'utente SNMPv3 sullo switch per l'utilizzo dell'autenticazione e della crittografia:

    show snmp user

    Mostra esempio
    (sw1)(Config)# snmp-server user SNMPv3User auth md5 <auth_password> priv aes-128 <priv_password>
    (sw1)(Config)# show snmp user
                                  SNMP USERS
    User              Auth            Priv(enforce)   Groups          acl_filter
    ----------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----------
    admin             md5             des(no)         network-admin
    SNMPv3User        md5             aes-128(no)     network-operator
         NOTIFICATION TARGET USERS (configured  for sending V3 Inform)
    User              Auth               Priv
    ----------------- ------------------ ------------
  2. Impostare l'utente SNMPv3 sul lato ONTAP:

    security login create -user-or-group-name <username> -application snmp -authentication-method usm -remote-switch-ipaddress

    Mostra esempio
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet modify -device "sw1 (b8:59:9f:09:7c:22)" -is-monitoring-enabled-admin true
    cluster1::*> security login create -user-or-group-name <username> -application snmp -authentication-method usm -remote-switch-ipaddress
    Enter the authoritative entity's EngineID [remote EngineID]:
    Which authentication protocol do you want to choose (none, md5, sha, sha2-256)
    [none]: md5
    Enter the authentication protocol password (minimum 8 characters long):
    Enter the authentication protocol password again:
    Which privacy protocol do you want to choose (none, des, aes128) [none]: aes128
    Enter privacy protocol password (minimum 8 characters long):
    Enter privacy protocol password again:
  3. Configurare CSHM per il monitoraggio con il nuovo utente SNMPv3:

    system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1" -instance

    Mostra esempio
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1" -instance
                                       Device Name: sw1
                                        IP Address:
                                      SNMP Version: SNMPv2c
                                     Is Discovered: true
       SNMPv2c Community String or SNMPv3 Username: cshm1!
                                      Model Number: N3K-C3132Q-V
                                    Switch Network: cluster-network
                                  Software Version: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version 9.3(7)
                         Reason For Not Monitoring: None  <---- displays when SNMP settings are valid
                          Source Of Switch Version: CDP/ISDP
                                    Is Monitored ?: true
                       Serial Number of the Device: QTFCU3826001C
                                       RCF Version: v1.8X2 for Cluster/HA/RDMA
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet modify -device "sw1" -snmp-version SNMPv3 -community-or-username <username>
  4. Verificare che il numero seriale da sottoporre a query con l'utente SNMPv3 appena creato sia lo stesso descritto nel passaggio precedente dopo il completamento del periodo di polling CSHM.

    system switch ethernet polling-interval show

    Mostra esempio
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet polling-interval show
             Polling Interval (in minutes): 5
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1" -instance
                                       Device Name: sw1
                                        IP Address:
                                      SNMP Version: SNMPv3
                                     Is Discovered: true
       SNMPv2c Community String or SNMPv3 Username: SNMPv3User
                                      Model Number: N3K-C3132Q-V
                                    Switch Network: cluster-network
                                  Software Version: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version 9.3(7)
                         Reason For Not Monitoring: None  <---- displays when SNMP settings are valid
                          Source Of Switch Version: CDP/ISDP
                                    Is Monitored ?: true
                       Serial Number of the Device: QTFCU3826001C
                                       RCF Version: v1.8X2 for Cluster/HA/RDMA