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Cluster and storage switches
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Installare lo script del file di configurazione di riferimento (RCF)


Seguire questa procedura per installare lo script RCF.

Di cosa hai bisogno

Prima di installare lo script RCF, assicurarsi che sullo switch siano disponibili le seguenti informazioni:

  • Cumulus Linux è installato. Vedere "Hardware Universe" per le versioni supportate.

  • Indirizzo IP, subnet mask e gateway predefinito definiti tramite DHCP o configurati manualmente.

Nota È necessario specificare un utente nell'RCF (oltre all'utente amministratore) da utilizzare specificamente per la raccolta dei log.
Versioni correnti degli script RCF

Sono disponibili due script RCF per le applicazioni cluster e storage. Scaricare gli RCF da "qui". La procedura per ciascuno di essi è la stessa.

  • Cluster: MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-ha-Breakout-LLDP

  • Storage: MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Storage

A proposito degli esempi

La seguente procedura di esempio mostra come scaricare e applicare lo script RCF per gli switch del cluster.

L'output di comando di esempio utilizza l'indirizzo IP di gestione dello switch, la netmask e il gateway predefinito

Esempio 1. Fasi
Cumulus Linux 4.4.3
  1. Visualizzare le interfacce disponibili sullo switch SN2100:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ net show interface all
    State  Name   Spd  MTU    Mode         LLDP                Summary
    -----  -----  ---  -----  -----------  ------------------  --------------
    ADMDN  swp1   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp2   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp3   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp4   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp5   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp6   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp7   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp8   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp9   N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp10  N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp11  N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp12  N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp13  N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp14  N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp15  N/A  9216   NotConfigured
    ADMDN  swp16  N/A  9216   NotConfigured
  2. Copiare lo script python RCF sullo switch.

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ cd /tmp
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:/tmp$ scp <user>@<host:/<path>/MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-HA-Breakout-LLDP .
    ssologin@'s password:
    MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-HA-Breakout-LLDP         100% 8607   111.2KB/s         00:00
    Nota Mentre scp viene utilizzato nell'esempio, è possibile utilizzare il metodo di trasferimento file preferito.
  3. Applicare lo script python RCF MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-ha-Breakout-LLDP.

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:/tmp$ sudo python3 MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-HA-Breakout-LLDP
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    Step 1: Creating the banner file
    Step 2: Registering banner message
    Step 3: Updating the MOTD file
    Step 4: Ensuring passwordless use of cl-support command by admin
    Step 5: Disabling apt-get
    Step 6: Creating the interfaces
    Step 7: Adding the interface config
    Step 8: Disabling cdp
    Step 9: Adding the lldp config
    Step 10: Adding the RoCE base config
    Step 11: Modifying RoCE Config
    Step 12: Configure SNMP
    Step 13: Reboot the switch

    Lo script RCF completa le istruzioni elencate nell'esempio precedente.

    Nota Nel passaggio 3 aggiornamento del file MOTD precedente, il comando cat /etc/motd è eseguito. Questo consente di verificare il nome file RCF, la versione RCF, le porte da utilizzare e altre informazioni importanti nel banner RCF.
    Nota Per qualsiasi problema di script RCF python che non può essere corretto, contatta "Supporto NetApp" per assistenza.
  4. Riapplicare le eventuali personalizzazioni precedenti alla configurazione dello switch. Fare riferimento a "Esaminare le considerazioni relative al cablaggio e alla configurazione" per i dettagli su eventuali ulteriori modifiche necessarie.

  5. Verificare la configurazione dopo il riavvio:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ net show interface all
    State  Name      Spd   MTU    Mode       LLDP              Summary
    -----  --------- ----  -----  ---------- ----------------- --------
    DN     swp1s0    N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp1s1    N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp1s2    N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp1s3    N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp2s0    N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp2s1    N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp2s2    N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp2s3    N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    UP     swp3      100G  9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    UP     swp4      100G  9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp5      N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp6      N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp7      N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp8      N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp9      N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp10     N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp11     N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp12     N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp13     N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    DN     swp14     N/A   9216   Trunk/L2                     Master: bridge(UP)
    UP     swp15     N/A   9216   BondMember                   Master: bond_15_16(UP)
    UP     swp16     N/A   9216   BondMember                   Master: bond_15_16(UP)
    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ net show roce config
    RoCE mode.......... lossless
    Congestion Control:
      Enabled SPs.... 0 2 5
      Mode........... ECN
      Min Threshold.. 150 KB
      Max Threshold.. 1500 KB
      Status......... enabled
      Enabled SPs.... 2 5
      Interfaces......... swp10-16,swp1s0-3,swp2s0-3,swp3-9
    DSCP                     802.1p  switch-priority
    -----------------------  ------  ---------------
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7               0                0
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15         1                1
    16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23       2                2
    24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31       3                3
    32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39       4                4
    40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47       5                5
    48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55       6                6
    56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63       7                7
    switch-priority  TC  ETS
    ---------------  --  --------
    0 1 3 4 6 7       0  DWRR 28%
    2                 2  DWRR 28%
    5                 5  DWRR 43%
  6. Verificare le informazioni relative al ricetrasmettitore nell'interfaccia:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ net show interface pluggables
    Interface  Identifier     Vendor Name  Vendor PN        Vendor SN       Vendor Rev
    ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------------  --------------  ----------
    swp3       0x11 (QSFP28)  Amphenol     112-00574        APF20379253516  B0
    swp4       0x11 (QSFP28)  AVAGO        332-00440        AF1815GU05Z     A0
    swp15      0x11 (QSFP28)  Amphenol     112-00573        APF21109348001  B0
    swp16      0x11 (QSFP28)  Amphenol     112-00573        APF21109347895  B0
  7. Verificare che i nodi dispongano di una connessione a ciascuno switch:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ net show lldp
    LocalPort  Speed  Mode        RemoteHost              RemotePort
    ---------  -----  ----------  ----------------------  -----------
    swp3       100G   Trunk/L2    sw1                     e3a
    swp4       100G   Trunk/L2    sw2                     e3b
    swp15      100G   BondMember  sw13                    swp15
    swp16      100G   BondMember  sw14                    swp16
  8. Verificare lo stato delle porte del cluster sul cluster.

    1. Verificare che le porte del cluster siano funzionanti in tutti i nodi del cluster:

      cluster1::*> network port show -role cluster
      Node: node1
                                                        Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
      Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
      --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
      e3a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
      e3b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
      Node: node2
                                                        Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
      Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
      --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
      e3a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
      e3b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
    2. Verificare lo stato dello switch dal cluster (potrebbe non essere visualizzato lo switch sw2, poiché i LIF non sono presenti su e0d).

      cluster1::*> network device-discovery show -protocol lldp
      Node/       Local  Discovered
      Protocol    Port   Device (LLDP: ChassisID)  Interface Platform
      ----------- ------ ------------------------- --------- ----------
                  e3a    sw1 (b8:ce:f6:19:1a:7e)   swp3      -
                  e3b    sw2 (b8:ce:f6:19:1b:96)   swp3      -
                  e3a    sw1 (b8:ce:f6:19:1a:7e)   swp4      -
                  e3b    sw2 (b8:ce:f6:19:1b:96)   swp4      -
      cluster1::*> system switch ethernet show -is-monitoring-enabled-operational true
      Switch                      Type               Address          Model
      --------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- -----
      sw1                         cluster-network    MSN2100-CB2RC
           Serial Number: MNXXXXXXGD
            Is Monitored: true
                  Reason: None
        Software Version: Cumulus Linux version 4.4.3 running on Mellanox
                          Technologies Ltd. MSN2100
          Version Source: LLDP
      sw2                         cluster-network    MSN2100-CB2RC
           Serial Number: MNCXXXXXXGS
            Is Monitored: true
                  Reason: None
        Software Version: Cumulus Linux version 4.4.3 running on Mellanox
                          Technologies Ltd. MSN2100
          Version Source: LLDP
Cumulus Linux 5.x
  1. Visualizzare le interfacce disponibili sullo switch SN2100:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv show interface
    Interface     MTU   Speed State Remote Host         Remote Port- Type      Summary
    ------------- ----- ----- ----- ------------------- ------------ --------- -------------
    + cluster_isl 9216  200G  up                                      bond
    + eth0        1500  100M  up    mgmt-sw1            Eth105/1/14   eth       IP Address: 10.231.80 206/22
      eth0                                                                      IP Address: fd20:8b1e:f6ff:fe31:4a0e/64
    + lo          65536       up                                      loopback  IP Address:
      lo                                                                        IP Address: ::1/128
    + swp1s0      9216 10G    up cluster01                e0b         swp
    + swp15      9216 100G    up sw2                      swp15       swp
    + swp16      9216 100G    up sw2                      swp16       swp
  2. Copiare lo script python RCF sullo switch.

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ cd /tmp
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:/tmp$ scp <user>@<host:/<path>/MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-HA-Breakout-LLDP .
    ssologin@'s password:
    MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-HA-Breakout-LLDP          100% 8607   111.2KB/s         00:00
    Nota Mentre scp viene utilizzato nell'esempio, è possibile utilizzare il metodo di trasferimento file preferito.
  3. Applicare lo script python RCF MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-ha-Breakout-LLDP.

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:/tmp$ sudo python3 MSN2100-RCF-v1.x-Cluster-HA-Breakout-LLDP
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    Step 1: Creating the banner file
    Step 2: Registering banner message
    Step 3: Updating the MOTD file
    Step 4: Ensuring passwordless use of cl-support command by admin
    Step 5: Disabling apt-get
    Step 6: Creating the interfaces
    Step 7: Adding the interface config
    Step 8: Disabling cdp
    Step 9: Adding the lldp config
    Step 10: Adding the RoCE base config
    Step 11: Modifying RoCE Config
    Step 12: Configure SNMP
    Step 13: Reboot the switch

    Lo script RCF completa le istruzioni elencate nell'esempio precedente.

    Nota Nel passaggio 3 aggiornamento del file MOTD precedente, il comando cat /etc/issue è eseguito. Questo consente di verificare il nome file RCF, la versione RCF, le porte da utilizzare e altre informazioni importanti nel banner RCF.

    Ad esempio:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ cat /etc/issue
    * NetApp Reference Configuration File (RCF)
    * Switch       : Mellanox MSN2100
    * Filename     : MSN2100-RCF-1._x_-Cluster-HA-Breakout-LLDP
    * Release Date : 13-02-2023
    * Version      : 1._x_-Cluster-HA-Breakout-LLDP
    * Port Usage:
    * Port 1      : 4x10G Breakout mode for Cluster+HA Ports, swp1s0-3
    * Port 2      : 4x25G Breakout mode for Cluster+HA Ports, swp2s0-3
    * Ports 3-14  : 40/100G for Cluster+HA Ports, swp3-14
    * Ports 15-16 : 100G Cluster ISL Ports, swp15-16
    * NOTE:
    *   RCF manually sets swp1s0-3 link speed to 10000 and
    *   auto-negotiation to off for Intel 10G
    *   RCF manually sets swp2s0-3 link speed to 25000 and
    *   auto-negotiation to off for Chelsio 25G
    * IMPORTANT: Perform the following steps to ensure proper RCF installation:
    * - Copy the RCF file to /tmp
    * - Ensure the file has execute permission
    * - From /tmp run the file as sudo python3 <filename>
    Nota Per qualsiasi problema di script RCF python che non può essere corretto, contatta "Supporto NetApp" per assistenza.
  4. Riapplicare le eventuali personalizzazioni precedenti alla configurazione dello switch. Fare riferimento a "Esaminare le considerazioni relative al cablaggio e alla configurazione" per i dettagli su eventuali ulteriori modifiche necessarie.

  5. Verificare la configurazione dopo il riavvio:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv show interface
    Interface   MTU   Speed State Remote Host Remote Port Type Summary
    ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ----------- ---- -------------
    + cluster_isl 9216 200G up bond
    + eth0 1500 100M up Eth105/1/14 eth IP Address:
    eth0 IP Address: fd20:8b1e:b255:85a0:bace:f6ff:fe31:4a0e/64
    + lo 65536 up loopback IP Address:
    lo IP Address: ::1/128
    + swp1s0 9216 10G up cumulus1 e0b swp
    + swp15 9216 100G up cumulus swp15 swp
    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv show interface
    Interface     MTU   Speed State Remote Host         Remote Port- Type      Summary
    ------------- ----- ----- ----- ------------------- ------------ --------- -------------
    + cluster_isl 9216  200G  up                                      bond
    + eth0        1500  100M  up    mgmt-sw1            Eth105/1/14   eth       IP Address: 10.231.80 206/22
      eth0                                                                      IP Address: fd20:8b1e:f6ff:fe31:4a0e/64
    + lo          65536       up                                      loopback  IP Address:
      lo                                                                        IP Address: ::1/128
    + swp1s0      9216 10G    up cluster01                e0b         swp
    + swp15      9216 100G    up sw2                      swp15       swp
    + swp16      9216 100G    up sw2                      swp16       swp
    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv show qos roce
                       operational  applied   description
    -----------------  -----------  --------- ----------------------------------------
    enable             on                     Turn feature 'on' or 'off'. This feature is disabled by default.
    mode               lossless     lossless  Roce Mode
      congestion-mode   ECN,RED                Congestion config mode
      enabled-tc        0,2,5                  Congestion config enabled Traffic Class
      max-threshold     195.31 KB              Congestion config max-threshold
      min-threshold     39.06 KB               Congestion config min-threshold
      probability       100
      priority          3                      switch-priority of roce
      protocol-id       4791                   L4 port number
      selector          UDP                    L4 protocol
      pfc-priority      2, 5                   switch-prio on which PFC is enabled
      rx-enabled        enabled                PFC Rx Enabled status
      tx-enabled        enabled                PFC Tx Enabled status
      trust-mode        pcp,dscp               Trust Setting on the port for packet classification
    RoCE PCP/DSCP->SP mapping configurations
            pcp  dscp                     switch-prio
        --  ---  -----------------------  -----------
        0   0    0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7          0
        1   1    8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15    1
        2   2    16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23  2
        3   3    24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31  3
        4   4    32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39  4
        5   5    40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47  5
        6   6    48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55  6
        7   7    56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63  7
    RoCE SP->TC mapping and ETS configurations
            switch-prio  traffic-class  scheduler-weight
        --  -----------  -------------  ----------------
        0   0            0              DWRR-28%
        1   1            0              DWRR-28%
        2   2            2              DWRR-28%
        3   3            0              DWRR-28%
        4   4            0              DWRR-28%
        5   5            5              DWRR-43%
        6   6            0              DWRR-28%
        7   7            0              DWRR-28%
    RoCE pool config
            name                   mode     size  switch-priorities  traffic-class
        --  ---------------------  -------  ----  -----------------  -------------
        0   lossy-default-ingress  Dynamic  50%   0,1,3,4,6,7        -
        1   roce-reserved-ingress  Dynamic  50%   2,5                -
        2   lossy-default-egress   Dynamic  50%   -                  0
        3   roce-reserved-egress   Dynamic  inf   -                  2,5
    Exception List
        --  -----------------------------------------------------------------------…
        1   RoCE PFC Priority Mismatch.Expected pfc-priority: 3.
        2   Congestion Config TC Mismatch.Expected enabled-tc: 0,3.
        3   Congestion Config mode Mismatch.Expected congestion-mode: ECN.
        4   Congestion Config min-threshold Mismatch.Expected min-threshold: 150000.
        5   Congestion Config max-threshold Mismatch.Expected max-threshold:
        6   Scheduler config mismatch for traffic-class mapped to switch-prio0.
            Expected scheduler-weight: DWRR-50%.
        7   Scheduler config mismatch for traffic-class mapped to switch-prio1.
            Expected scheduler-weight: DWRR-50%.
        8   Scheduler config mismatch for traffic-class mapped to switch-prio2.
            Expected scheduler-weight: DWRR-50%.
        9   Scheduler config mismatch for traffic-class mapped to switch-prio3.
            Expected scheduler-weight: DWRR-50%.
        10  Scheduler config mismatch for traffic-class mapped to switch-prio4.
            Expected scheduler-weight: DWRR-50%.
        11  Scheduler config mismatch for traffic-class mapped to switch-prio5.
            Expected scheduler-weight: DWRR-50%.
        12  Scheduler config mismatch for traffic-class mapped to switch-prio6.
            Expected scheduler-weight: strict-priority.
        13  Scheduler config mismatch for traffic-class mapped to switch-prio7.
            Expected scheduler-weight: DWRR-50%.
        14  Invalid reserved config for ePort.TC[2].Expected 0 Got 1024
        15  Invalid reserved config for ePort.TC[5].Expected 0 Got 1024
        16  Invalid traffic-class mapping for switch-priority 2.Expected 0 Got 2
        17  Invalid traffic-class mapping for switch-priority 3.Expected 3 Got 0
        18  Invalid traffic-class mapping for switch-priority 5.Expected 0 Got 5
        19  Invalid traffic-class mapping for switch-priority 6.Expected 6 Got 0
    Incomplete Command: set interface swp3-16 link fast-linkupp3-16 link fast-linkup
    Incomplete Command: set interface swp3-16 link fast-linkupp3-16 link fast-linkup
    Incomplete Command: set interface swp3-16 link fast-linkupp3-16 link fast-linkup
    Nota Le eccezioni elencate non influiscono sulle prestazioni e possono essere ignorate in modo sicuro.
  6. Verificare le informazioni relative al ricetrasmettitore nell'interfaccia:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv show interface --view=pluggables
    Interface  Identifier     Vendor Name  Vendor PN        Vendor SN       Vendor Rev
    ---------  -------------  -----------  ---------------  --------------  ----------
    swp1s0     0x00 None
    swp1s1     0x00 None
    swp1s2     0x00 None
    swp1s3     0x00 None
    swp2s0     0x11 (QSFP28)  CISCO-LEONI  L45593-D278-D20  LCC2321GTTJ     00
    swp2s1     0x11 (QSFP28)  CISCO-LEONI  L45593-D278-D20  LCC2321GTTJ     00
    swp2s2     0x11 (QSFP28)  CISCO-LEONI  L45593-D278-D20  LCC2321GTTJ     00
    swp2s3     0x11 (QSFP28)  CISCO-LEONI  L45593-D278-D20  LCC2321GTTJ     00
    swp3       0x00 None
    swp4       0x00 None
    swp5       0x00 None
    swp6       0x00 None
    swp15      0x11 (QSFP28)  Amphenol     112-00595        APF20279210117  B0
    swp16      0x11 (QSFP28)  Amphenol     112-00595        APF20279210166  B0
  7. Verificare che i nodi dispongano di una connessione a ciascuno switch:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv show interface --view=lldp
    LocalPort  Speed  Mode        RemoteHost               RemotePort
    ---------  -----  ----------  -----------------------  -----------
    eth0       100M   Mgmt        mgmt-sw1                 Eth110/1/29
    swp2s1     25G    Trunk/L2    node1                    e0a
    swp15      100G   BondMember  sw2                      swp15
    swp16      100G   BondMember  sw2                      swp16
  8. Verificare lo stato delle porte del cluster sul cluster.

    1. Verificare che le porte del cluster siano funzionanti in tutti i nodi del cluster:

      cluster1::*> network port show -role cluster
      Node: node1
                                                        Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
      Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
      --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
      e3a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
      e3b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
      Node: node2
                                                        Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
      Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
      --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
      e3a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
      e3b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy  false
    2. Verificare lo stato dello switch dal cluster (potrebbe non essere visualizzato lo switch sw2, poiché i LIF non sono presenti su e0d).

      cluster1::*> network device-discovery show -protocol lldp
      Node/       Local  Discovered
      Protocol    Port   Device (LLDP: ChassisID)  Interface Platform
      ----------- ------ ------------------------- --------- ----------
                  e3a    sw1 (b8:ce:f6:19:1a:7e)   swp3      -
                  e3b    sw2 (b8:ce:f6:19:1b:96)   swp3      -
                  e3a    sw1 (b8:ce:f6:19:1a:7e)   swp4      -
                  e3b    sw2 (b8:ce:f6:19:1b:96)   swp4      -
      cluster1::*> system switch ethernet show -is-monitoring-enabled-operational true
      Switch                      Type               Address          Model
      --------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- -----
      sw1                         cluster-network    MSN2100-CB2RC
           Serial Number: MNXXXXXXGD
            Is Monitored: true
                  Reason: None
        Software Version: Cumulus Linux version 5.4.0 running on Mellanox
                          Technologies Ltd. MSN2100
          Version Source: LLDP
      sw2                         cluster-network    MSN2100-CB2RC
           Serial Number: MNCXXXXXXGS
            Is Monitored: true
                  Reason: None
        Software Version: Cumulus Linux version 5.4.0 running on Mellanox
                          Technologies Ltd. MSN2100
          Version Source: LLDP
Quali sono le prossime novità?

"Installare il file CSHM".