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Cluster and storage switches
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Configurare SNMPv3


Seguire questa procedura per configurare SNMPv3, che supporta il monitoraggio dello stato dello switch Ethernet (CSHM).

A proposito di questa attività

I seguenti comandi configurano un nome utente SNMPv3 sugli switch NVIDIA SN2100:

  • Per nessuna autenticazione: net add snmp-server username SNMPv3_USER auth-none

  • Per l'autenticazione MD5/SHA: net add snmp-server username SNMPv3_USER [auth-md5|auth-sha] AUTH-PASSWORD

  • Per l'autenticazione MD5/SHA con crittografia AES/DES: net add snmp-server username SNMPv3_USER [auth-md5|auth-sha] AUTH-PASSWORD [encrypt-aes|encrypt-des] PRIV-PASSWORD

Il seguente comando configura un nome utente SNMPv3 sul lato ONTAP: cluster1::*> security login create -user-or-group-name SNMPv3_USER -application snmp -authentication-method usm -remote-switch-ipaddress ADDRESS

Il seguente comando stabilisce il nome utente SNMPv3 con CSHM: cluster1::*> system switch ethernet modify -device DEVICE -snmp-version SNMPv3 -community-or-username SNMPv3_USER

  1. Impostare l'utente SNMPv3 sullo switch per l'utilizzo dell'autenticazione e della crittografia:

    net show snmp status

    Mostra esempio
    cumulus@sw1:~$ net show snmp status
    Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Daemon.
    ---------------------------------  ----------------
    Current Status                     active (running)
    Reload Status                      enabled
    Listening IP Addresses             all vrf mgmt
    Main snmpd PID                     4318
    Version 1 and 2c Community String  Configured
    Version 3 Usernames                Not Configured
    ---------------------------------  ----------------
    cumulus@sw1:~$ net add snmp-server username SNMPv3User auth-md5 <password> encrypt-aes <password>
    cumulus@sw1:~$ net commit
    --- /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf        2020-08-02 21:09:34.686949282 +0000
    +++ /run/nclu/snmp/snmpd.conf   2020-08-11 00:13:51.826126655 +0000
    @@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
     # Auto-generated config file: do not edit. #
     agentaddress udp:@mgmt:161
     agentxperms 777 777 snmp snmp
     agentxsocket /var/agentx/master
     createuser _snmptrapusernameX
    +createuser SNMPv3User MD5 <password> AES <password>
     ifmib_max_num_ifaces 500
     iquerysecname _snmptrapusernameX
     master agentx
     monitor -r 60 -o laNames -o laErrMessage "laTable" laErrorFlag != 0
     pass -p 10 /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist 1.2.840.10006.300.43 /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
     pass_persist /usr/share/snmp/
    +rocommunity cshm1! default
     rouser _snmptrapusernameX
    +rouser SNMPv3User priv
     sysservices 72
    -rocommunity cshm1! default
    net add/del commands since the last "net commit"
    User        Timestamp                   Command
    ----------  --------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    SNMPv3User  2020-08-11 00:13:51.826987  net add snmp-server username SNMPv3User auth-md5 <password> encrypt-aes <password>
    cumulus@sw1:~$ net show snmp status
    Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Daemon.
    ---------------------------------  ----------------
    Current Status                     active (running)
    Reload Status                      enabled
    Listening IP Addresses             all vrf mgmt
    Main snmpd PID                     24253
    Version 1 and 2c Community String  Configured
    Version 3 Usernames                Configured     <---- Configured here
    ---------------------------------  ----------------
  2. Impostare l'utente SNMPv3 sul lato ONTAP:

    security login create -user-or-group-name SNMPv3User -application snmp -authentication-method usm -remote-switch-ipaddress

    Mostra esempio
    cluster1::*> security login create -user-or-group-name SNMPv3User -application snmp -authentication-method usm -remote-switch-ipaddress
    Enter the authoritative entity's EngineID [remote EngineID]:
    Which authentication protocol do you want to choose (none, md5, sha, sha2-256)
    [none]: md5
    Enter the authentication protocol password (minimum 8 characters long):
    Enter the authentication protocol password again:
    Which privacy protocol do you want to choose (none, des, aes128) [none]: aes128
    Enter privacy protocol password (minimum 8 characters long):
    Enter privacy protocol password again:
  3. Configurare CSHM per il monitoraggio con il nuovo utente SNMPv3:

    system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1 (b8:59:9f:09:7c:22)" -instance

    Mostra esempio
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1 (b8:59:9f:09:7c:22)" -instance
                                       Device Name: sw1 (b8:59:9f:09:7c:22)
                                        IP Address:
                                      SNMP Version: SNMPv2c
                                     Is Discovered: true
    DEPRECATED-Community String or SNMPv3 Username: -
               Community String or SNMPv3 Username: cshm1!
                                      Model Number: MSN2100-CB2FC
                                    Switch Network: cluster-network
                                  Software Version: Cumulus Linux version 4.4.3 running on Mellanox Technologies Ltd. MSN2100
                         Reason For Not Monitoring: None
                          Source Of Switch Version: LLDP
                                    Is Monitored ?: true
                       Serial Number of the Device: MT2110X06399  <---- serial number to check
                                       RCF Version: MSN2100-RCF-v1.9X6-Cluster-LLDP Aug-18-2022
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet modify -device "sw1 (b8:59:9f:09:7c:22)" -snmp-version SNMPv3 -community-or-username SNMPv3User
  4. Verificare che il numero seriale da interrogare con l'utente SNMPv3 appena creato sia lo stesso descritto nel passaggio precedente una volta completato il periodo di polling CSHM.

    system switch ethernet polling-interval show

    Mostra esempio
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet polling-interval show
             Polling Interval (in minutes): 5
    cluster1::*> system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1 (b8:59:9f:09:7c:22)" -instance
                                       Device Name: sw1 (b8:59:9f:09:7c:22)
                                        IP Address:
                                      SNMP Version: SNMPv3
                                     Is Discovered: true
    DEPRECATED-Community String or SNMPv3 Username: -
               Community String or SNMPv3 Username: SNMPv3User
                                      Model Number: MSN2100-CB2FC
                                    Switch Network: cluster-network
                                  Software Version: Cumulus Linux version 4.4.3 running on Mellanox Technologies Ltd. MSN2100
                         Reason For Not Monitoring: None
                          Source Of Switch Version: LLDP
                                    Is Monitored ?: true
                       Serial Number of the Device: MT2110X06399  <---- serial number to check
                                       RCF Version: MSN2100-RCF-v1.9X6-Cluster-LLDP Aug-18-2022