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Active IQ Unified Manager 9.14

Viewing volume latency by cluster component

Contributors netapp-chikkusu

You can view detailed latency information for a volume by using the Volume Performance Explorer page. The Latency - Total counter chart shows total latency on the volume, and the Latency - Breakdown counter chart is useful for determining the impact of read and write latency on the volume.

Additionally, the Latency - Cluster Components chart shows a detailed comparison of the latency of each cluster component to help determine how each component contributes to the total latency on the volume. The following cluster components are displayed:

  • Network

  • QoS Limit Max

  • QoS Limit Min

  • Network Processing

  • Cluster Interconnect

  • Data Processing

  • Aggregate Operations

  • Volume Activation

  • MetroCluster Resources

  • Cloud Latency

  • Sync SnapMirror

  1. In the Volume Performance Explorer page for your selected volume, from the Latency chart, select Cluster Components from the drop-down menu.

    The Latency - Cluster Components chart is displayed.

  2. To view a larger version of the chart, select Zoom View.

    The cluster component comparative chart is displayed. You can restrict the comparison by deselecting or selecting the eye icon that is associated with each cluster component.

  3. To view the specific values, move your cursor into the chart area to see the popup window.