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OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5
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Configuring Unified Manager server with MSCS using configuration scripts

Contributors netapp-adityaw

After installing Unified Manager on both cluster nodes, you can configure Unified Manager with Failover Cluster Manager using configuration scripts.

Before you begin

You must have created a shared LUN that is of a sufficient size to accommodate the source Unified Manager data.


  1. Log in to the first node of the cluster.

  2. Create a role in Windows 2012 or Windows 2016 using Failover Cluster Manager:

    1. Launch Failover Cluster Manager.

    2. Create the empty role by clicking Roles > Create Empty Role.

    3. Add the global IP address to the role by right-clicking Role > Add Resources > More Resources > IP address.


      Both nodes must be able to ping this IP address because Unified Manager is launched using this IP address after high availability is configured.

    4. Add the data disk to the role by right-clicking Role > Add Storage.

  3. Run the script on the first node: perl --first -t mscs -g group_name -i ip address -n fully_qualified_domain_cluster_name -f shared_location_path -k data_disk -u user_name -p password

    C:\Program Files\NetApp\ocum\bin>perl .\ --first -t mscs -g umgroup -i "IP Address" -n -k "Cluster Disk 2" -f E:\ -u admin -p wx17yz

    The script is available at Install_Dir\NetApp\ocum\bin.

    • You can obtain the value of the -g, -k, and -i options using the cluster res command.

    • The -n option must be the FQDN of the global IP address that can be pinged from both nodes.

  4. Verify that the Unified Manager server services, data disk, and cluster IP address are added to the cluster group by using the Failover Cluster Manager web console.

  5. Stop all Unified Manager server services (MySQL, ocie, and ocieau) by using the services.msc command.

  6. Switch the service group to the second node in Failover Cluster Manager.

  7. Run the command perl --join -t mscs -f``shared_location_path on the second node of the cluster to point to the Unified Manager server data to the LUN.

    perl --join -t mscs -f E:\

  8. Bring all the Unified Manager services online using Failover Cluster Manager.

  9. Manually switch to the other node of the Microsoft Cluster Server.

  10. Verify that the Unified Manager server services are starting properly on the other node of the cluster.

  11. Regenerate the Unified Manager certificate after running configuration scripts to obtain the global IP address.

    1. In the toolbar, click clusterpage settings icon, and then click HTTPS Certificate from the Setup menu.

    2. Click Regenerate HTTPS Certificate.

    The regenerated certificate provides the cluster IP address, not the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). You must use the global IP address to set up Unified Manager for high-availability.

  12. Access the Unified Manager UI using the following: https://<FQDN of Global IP>

After you finish

You must create a shared backup location after high availability is configured. The shared location is required for containing the backups before and after failover. Both nodes in the high-availability setup must be able to access the shared location.