IOPS performance counter charts
The Performance Explorer IOPS counter charts display the number of input/output operations processed per second by the selected storage object.
The popup window that is displayed when your cursor is in the chart area shows the specific counter values at specific times.
When displayed in Zoom view, the volume and LUN IOPS charts also display Quality of Service (QoS) maximum and minimum throughput threshold settings, if configured in ONTAP. The IOPS/TB charts display QoS peak and expected throughput threshold settings, if configured.
When viewing a volume or LUN that is sharing the IOPS of a shared QoS policy, a line for “Total Workload IOPS” is displayed to show the IOPS that are being used by all other workloads sharing this policy.
The bottom of the chart page displays information for the minimum, maximum, average, and 95th percentile IOPS for the selected time range.
There are four types of IOPS charts available:
IOPS - Total counter chart
Displays the number of input/output operations processed per second.
IOPS - Breakdown counter chart
Displays the same IOPS data separated into read, write, and other IOPS.
This chart option applies when the selected object is an SVM, node, aggregate, volume, or LUN.
IOPS - Protocols counter chart
Displays the same IOPS data, but for SVMs the performance data is separated into individual components for CIFS, NFS, FCP, NVMe, and iSCSI protocol traffic.
IOPS/TB - Total counter chart
Displays the number of input/output operations processed per second based on the total logical space that is being consumed by the volume, in terabytes. Also called I/O density, this counter measures how much performance can be delivered by a given amount of storage capacity.
This chart option is available only when the selected object is a volume. It displays performance data only when the logical capacity used by the volume is greater than or equal to 1 TB. Gaps will be displayed in the chart when the used capacity falls below 1 TB during the selected timeframe.
In some situations the IOPS/TB chart might show large spikes in data while the IOPS chart does not show the same behavior. This is a known limitation where some performance data is captured less frequently than other performance data. This chart will typically return to normal operation in 5 or 10 minutes when the collection cycles are synchronized. |
Zoom View button
Displays a magnified view of the counter chart data.
The occurrence of critical, error, warning, and informational events are indicated on the time lines above the charts.
The dashed, horizontal line indicates the utilization warning threshold value set in Unified Manager.
The solid red line indicates the utilization critical threshold value set in Unified Manager.
The counters in the left pane show which counter values are being displayed. Deselecting or selecting the
that is associated with a counter hides and shows that counter information from the chart and can help when comparing object IOPS.