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OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5
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Create Schedule dialog box

Contributors netapp-adityaw

The Create Schedule dialog box enables you to create a basic or advanced protection schedule for SnapMirror and SnapVault relationship transfers. You might create a new schedule to increase the frequency of data transfers due to frequent data updates, or you might create a less frequent schedule when data changes infrequently.

Schedules cannot be configured for SnapMirror Synchronous relationships.

  • Destination Cluster

    The name of the cluster you selected in the SnapVault tab or SnapMirror tab of the Configure Protection dialog box.

  • Schedule Name

    The name you provide for the schedule. Schedule names can consist of the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, as well as any of the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ -. Schedule names may not include the following characters: < >.

  • Basic or Advanced

    The schedule mode you want to use.

    Basic mode includes the following elements:

    • Repeat

      How often a scheduled transfer occurs. Choices include hourly, daily, and weekly.

    • Day

      When a repeat of weekly is selected, the day of the week a transfer occurs.

    • Time

      When Daily or Weekly is selected, the time of day a transfer occurs.

    Advanced mode includes the following elements:

    • Months

      A comma-separated numerical list representing the months of the year. Valid values are 0 through 11, with zero representing January, and so on. This element is optional. Leaving the field blank implies that transfers occur every month.

    • Days

      A comma-separated numerical list representing the day of the month. Valid values are 1 through 31. This element is optional. Leaving the field blank implies that a transfer occurs every day of the month.

    • Weekdays

      A comma-separated numerical list representing the days of the week. Valid values are 0 through 6, with 0 representing Sunday, and so on. This element is optional. Leaving the field blank implies that a transfer occurs every day of the week. If a day of the week is specified but a day of the month is not specified, a transfer occurs only on the specified day of the week and not every day.

    • Hours

      A comma-separated numerical list representing the number of hours in a day. Valid values are 0 through 23, with 0 representing midnight. This element is optional.

    • Minutes

      A comma-separated numerical list representing the minutes in an hour. Valid values are 0 through 59. This element is required.