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OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5
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Configuration/Health Thresholds page for Volumes

Contributors netapp-adityaw

The Configuration/Health Thresholds page for Volumes enables you to configure global health threshold values for monitored volumes. You can set thresholds for individual volumes or for all the volumes globally. When you configure the options globally, the default values of all objects are modified. However, if the default values have been changed at the object level, the global values are not modified.

You must have the OnCommand Administrator or Storage Administrator role.

Events are generated when a threshold is breached. You can take corrective actions for such events.

You can set thresholds for the following: capacity, volume Snapshot copies, quotas, volume growth, and inodes.

Capacity area

The Capacity area enables you to set the following volume capacity threshold conditions. Note that when Autogrow is enabled on a volume that capacity thresholds are considered breached based on the maximum volume size set by autogrow, not based on the original volume size.

  • Space Nearly Full

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to be nearly full:

    • Default value: 80 percent

      The value for this threshold must be lower than the value for the Volume Full threshold in order for the management server to generate an event.

    • Event generated: Volume Nearly Full

    • Event severity: Warning

  • Space Full

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered full:

    • Default value: 90 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Full

    • Event Severity: Error

  • Days Until Full

    Specifies the number of days remaining before the volume reaches full capacity:

    • Default value: 7

    • Event generated: Volume Days Until Full

    • Event severity: Error

Snapshot copies area

The Snapshot copies area enables you to set the following threshold conditions for the Snapshot copies in the volume:

  • Snapshot Reserve Full

    Specifies the percentage at which the space reserved for Snapshot copies is considered full:

    • Default value: 90 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Snapshot Reserve Full

    • Event severity: Error

  • Days Until Full

    Specifies the number of days remaining before the space reserved for Snapshot copies reaches full capacity:

    • Default value: 7

    • Event generated: Volume Snapshot Reserve Days Until Full

    • Event severity: Error

  • Count

    Specifies the number of Snapshot copies on a volume that are considered to be too many:

    • Default value: 250

    • Event generated: Too Many Snapshot Copies

    • Event severity: Error

Qtree Quota area

The Qtree Quota area enables you to set the following volume quota threshold conditions:

  • Nearly Overcommitted

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to be nearly overcommitted by qtree quotas:

    • Default value: 95 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Qtree Quota Nearly Overcommitted

    • Event severity: Warning

  • Overcommitted

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to be overcommitted by qtree quotas:

    • Default value: 100 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Qtree Quota Overcommitted

    • Event severity: Error

Growth area

The Growth area enables you to set the following threshold conditions for volume growth:

  • Growth Rate

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume's growth rate is considered to be normal before the system generates a Volume Growth Rate Abnormal event:

    • Default value: 1 percent

    • Event generated: Volume Growth Rate Abnormal

    • Event severity: Warning

  • Growth Rate Sensitivity

    Specifies the factor that is applied to the standard deviation of a volume's growth rate. If the growth rate exceeds the factored standard deviation, a Volume Growth Rate Abnormal event is generated.

    A lower value for growth rate sensitivity indicates that the volume is highly sensitive to changes in the growth rate. The range for the growth rate sensitivity is 1 through 5.

    • Default value: 2


    If you modify the growth rate sensitivity for volumes at the global threshold level, the change is also applied to the growth rate sensitivity for aggregates at the global threshold level.

Inodes area

The Inodes area enables you to set the following threshold conditions for inodes:

  • Nearly Full

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to have consumed most of its inodes:

    • Default value: 80 percent

    • Event generated: Inodes Nearly Full

    • Event severity: Warning

  • Full

    Specifies the percentage at which a volume is considered to have consumed all of its inodes:

    • Default value: 90 percent

    • Event generated: Inodes Full

    • Event severity: Error

Command buttons

  • Restore to Factory Defaults

    Enables you to restore the configuration settings to the factory default values.

  • Save

    Saves the configuration settings for the selected option.