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OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5
A newer release of this product is available.

Editing user-defined performance threshold policies

Contributors netapp-adityaw

You can edit the threshold settings for existing performance threshold policies. This can be useful if you find that you are receiving too many or too few alerts for certain threshold conditions.

Before you begin

You must have the OnCommand Administrator role.

About this task

You cannot change the policy name or the type of storage object that is being monitored for existing threshold policies.


  1. In the left navigation pane, select Configuration > Performance Thresholds.

    The Configuration/Performance Thresholds page displays.

  2. Select the threshold policy that you want to change and click Edit.

    The Edit Threshold Policy page is displayed.

  3. Make your changes to the threshold policy and click Save.

    You are returned to the Configuration/Performance Thresholds page.


After they are saved, changes are updated immediately on all storage objects that use the policy.

After you finish

Depending on the type of changes that you made to the policy, you may want to review the alert settings configured for the objects that use the policy in the Configuration/Alerting page.