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OnCommand Insight

Insight Security

Contributors netapp-alavoie

OnCommand Insight provides features that allow Insight environments to operate with enhanced security. These features include encryption, password hashing, and the ability to change internal user passwords and key pairs that encrypt and decrypt passwords. You can manage these features on all servers in the Insight environment using the SecurityAdmin Tool.

What is the SecurityAdmin Tool?

The security admin tool supports making changes to the contents of the vaults as well as making coordinated changes to the OnCommand Insight installation.

The primary uses for the SecurityAdmin tool are for Backup and Restore of security configuration (i.e. vault) and passwords. For example, you can back up the vault on a Local Acquisition Unit and restore that on a Remote Acquisition Unit, ensuring password coordination throughout your environment. Or if you have multiple OnCommand Insight Servers in your environment, you may want to take a backup of the Server vault and restore that to other Servers to keep passwords the same. These are just two examples of the ways SecurityAdmin can be used to ensure cohesion in your environments.


It is strongly recommended to back up the vault whenever you backup an OnCommand Insight database. Failure to do so may result in loss of access.

The tool provides both interactive and command line modes.

Many SecurityAdmin Tool operations change the contents of the vault and also make changes to the installation, ensuring that the vault and the installation remain in sync.

For example,

  • When you change an Insight user password, the user's entry in the sanscreen.users table will be updated with the new hash.

  • When you change a mySQL user's password, the appropriate SQL statement will be executed to update the user's password in the mySQL instance.

In some situations, there will be multiple changes made to the installation:

  • When you modify the dwh mySQL user, in addition to updating the password in the mySQL database, multiple registry entries for ODBC will be updated as well.

In the following sections the term "coordinated changes" is used to describe these changes.

Execution Modes

  • Normal/Default Operation - SANscreen Server Service must be running

    For the default execution mode, the SecurityAdmin Tool requires that the SANscreen Server service is running. The server is used for authentication, and many coordinated changes to the installation are made by making calls to the server.

  • Direct Operation - SANscreen Server Service may be running or stopped.

    When run on an OCI Server or DWH installation, the tool may also be run in "direct" mode. In this mode authentication and coordinated changes are performed using the database. The Server service is not used.

    Operation is the same as normal mode with the following exceptions:

  • Authentication is supported only for non-domain admin users. (Users whose password and roles are in the database, not LDAP).

  • The "replace keys" operation is not supported.

  • The re-encryption step of vault restore is skipped.

  • Recovery Mode The tool may also be run even when access to both the server and the database is not possible (for example because the root password in the vault is incorrect).

    When run in this mode, authentication is not possible and, hence, no operation with a coordinated change to the installation may be performed.

    Recovery mode may be used to:

  • determine which vault entries are wrong (using the verify operation)

  • replace the incorrect root password with the correct value. (This does not change the password. The user must enter the current password.)

Note If the root password in the vault is incorrect and the password is not known and there is no backup of the vault with the correct root password, the installation cannot be recovered using the SecurityAdmin Tool. The only way to recover the installation is to reset the mySQL instance's password following the procedure documented at After performing the reset procedure, use the correct-stored-password operation to enter the new password into the vault.


Unrestricted Commands

Unrestricted commands make any coordinated changes to the installation (except trust stores). Unrestricted commands may be performed without user authentication.




Create a zip file containing the vault. The relative path to the vault files will match the vaults path relative to the installation root.

  • wildfly/standalone/configuration/vault/*

  • acq/conf/vault/*


Check to see if the vault's keys match those of the default vault used in pre-7.3.16 instances.


Replace an (incorrect) password stored in the vault with the correct password known to the user.

This may be used when the vault and installation are not consistent. Note that it does not change the actual password in the installation.


Change the password used for a trust-store and store the new password in the vault. The trust-store's current password must be "known".


check whether the values in the vault are correct:

  • for OCI users, does the hash of the password match the value in the database

  • for mySQL users, can a database connection be made

  • for keystores, can the keystore be loaded and its keys (if any) read


list the entries in the vault (without showing the stored value)

Restricted Commands

Authentication is required for any non-hidden command which makes coordinated changes to the installation:




Replaces the current vault with the vault contained in the specified vault backup file.

Performs all the coordinated actions to update the installation to match the passwords in the restored vault:

  • update the OCI communication user passwords

  • update the mySQL user passwords, including root

  • for each keystore, if the keystore password is "known", update the keystore using the passwords from the restored vault.

When run in normal mode, also reads each encrypted value from the instance, decrypts it using the current vault's encryption service, re-encrypts it using the restored vault's encryption service, and stores the re-encrypted value.


Performs all the coordinated actions to update the installation to match the user passwords in the restored vault:

  • updates the OCI communication user passwords

  • updates the mySQL user passwords, including root


Changes the password in the vault and performs the coordinated actions.


Create a new empty vault (which will have different keys than the existing vault). Then copy the entries from the current vault to the new vault. Then reads each encrypted value from the instance, decrypt it using the current vault's encryption service, re-encrypt it using the restored vault's encryption service, and store the re-encrypted value.

Hidden Commands

The SA tool provides the following commands which do not require authentication but do make coordinated changes to the installation.

list-keys upgrade (server)

If user hasn't authenticated, authenticate using the _internal account and password in the current vault. Then replace the current vault with the vault in the backup file and perform the coordinated actions.

upgrade (acquisition)

Replace the current vault with the vault in the backup file and perform the coordinated actions.

Coordinated Actions

Server Vault


Update password hash for user in database


Update password hash for user in database

If acquisition vault is present, also update the entry in the acquisition vault


Update password hash for user in database


Update password hash for user in database

If DWH and windows, update SANscreen/cognos/analytics/configuration/ to set the cognos.admin property to the password.


Execute SQL to update the user password in mySQL instance


Execute SQL to update the user password in mySQL instance


Execute SQL to update the user password in mySQL instance

If DWH and windows, update the windows registry to set the following ODBC related entries to the new password:


  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ODBC\ODBC.INI\dwh_capacity_efficiency\PWD








Execute SQL to update the user password in mySQL instance


Execute SQL to update the user password in mySQL instance


Rewrite the keystore with the new password - wildfly/standalone/configuration/server.keystore


Rewrite the keystore with the new password - wildfly/standalone/configuration/server.trustore


Rewrite the keystore with the new password - wildfly/standalone/configuration/sso.jks



Acquisition Vault




Rewrite the keystore with the new password (if it exists) - acq/conf/cert/client.keystore

Running the Security Admin Tool - Command Line

The syntax to run the SA tool in command line mode is:

securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] [-lu <user> [-lp <password>]] <additional-options>


-s                      selects server vault
-au                     selects acquisition vault

-db                     selects direct operation mode

-lu <user>              user for authentication
-lp <password>          password for authentication
<addition-options>      specifies command and command arguments as described below


  • The "-i" option may not be present on the command line (as this selects interactive mode).

  • for the "-s" and "-au" options:

    • "-s" is not allowed on an RAU

    • "-au" is not allowed on DWH

    • if neither is present, then

      • the server vault is selected on Server, DWH, and Dual

      • the acquisition vault is selected on RAU

  • The -lu and -lp options are used for user authentication.

    • If <user> is specified and <password> is not, then user will be prompted for the password.

    • If <user> is not supplied and authentication is required, then the user will be prompted for both <user> and <password>.





securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] -pt <key> [<value>]


-pt             specifies the command ("put")
<key>           is the key
<value>         is the value.  If not present, user will be prompted for value


securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] -b [<backup-dir>]


-b              specified command
<backup-dir>    is the output directory.  If not present, default location of SANscreen/backup/vault is used
                The backup file will be named


securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] -ub <backup-file>


-ub             specified command ("upgrade-backup")
<backup-file>   The location to write the backup file


securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] -l


-l              specified command


securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] -ck


-ck             specified command

exit code:
  1     error
  2     default key(s)
  3     unique keys

verify-keystore (server)

securityadmin [-s] [-db] -v


-v              specified command


securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] [-lu <user>] [-lp <password>] -u


-u              specified command

For server vault, if -lu is not present, then authentication will be performed for <user> =_internal and <password> = _internal's password from vault.
For acquisition vault, if -lu is not present, then no authentication will be attempted


securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] [-lu <user>] [-lp <password>] -rk


-rk              specified command


securityadmin [-s | -au] [-db] [-lu <user>] [-lp <password>] -r <backup-file>


-r               specified command
<backup-file>    the backup file location

change-password (server)

securityadmin [-s] [-db] [-lu <user>] [-lp <password>] -up -un <user> -p [<password>] [-sh]


-up             specified command ("update-password")
-un <user>        entry ("user") name to update
-p <password> new password.  If <password not supplied, user will be prompted.
-sh             for mySQL user, use strong hash

change-password for acquisition user (acquisition)

securityadmin [-au] [-db] [-lu <user>] [-lp <password>] -up -p [<password>]


-up             specified command ("update-password")
-p <password> new password.  If <password not supplied, user will be prompted.

change-password for truststore-_password (acquisition)

securityadmin [-au] [-db] [-lu <user>] [-lp <password>] -utp -p [<password>]


-utp            specified command ("update-truststore-password")
-p <password> new password.  If <password not supplied, user will be prompted.

synchronize-with-vault (server)

securityadmin [-s] [-db] [-lu <user>] [-lp <password>] -sv <backup-file>


-sv              specified command

Running the Security Admin Tool - Interactive Mode

Interactive - Main Menu

To run the SA tool in interactive mode, enter the following command:

securityadmin -i

On a server or dual install, SecurityAdmin will prompt the user to select either the server or local acquisition unit.

Server and Acquisition Unit nodes Detected! Select the node whose security needs to be re-configured:

1 - Server

2 - Local Acquisition Unit

9 - Exit

Enter your choice:

On DWH, "Server" is automatically selected. On a remote AU, "Acquisition Unit" will automatically be selected.

Interactive - Server: Root password recovery

In Server mode, the SecurityAdmin Tool will first check that the stored root password is correct. If not, the tool will display the root password recovery screen.

ERROR: Database is not accessible

1 - Enter root password

2 - Get root password from vault backup

9 - Exit

Enter your choice:

If option 1 is selected, the user will be prompted for the correct password.

Enter password (blank = don't change)
Enter correct password for 'root':

If the correct password is entered, the following will be displayed.

Password verified.  Vault updated

Pressing enter will display the server unrestricted menu.

If the wrong password is entered, the following will be displayed

Password verification failed - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Pressing enter will return to the recovery menu.

If option 2 is selected, the user will be prompted to provide the name of a backup file from which to read the correct password:

Enter Backup File Location:

If the password from the backup is correct, the following will be displayed.

Password verified.  Vault updated

Pressing enter will display the server unrestricted menu.

If the password in the backup is incorrect, the following will be displayed

Password verification failed - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Pressing enter will return to the recovery menu.

Interactive - Server: Correct Password

The "Correct Password" action is used to change the password stored in the vault so that it matches the actual password required by the installation. This command is useful in situations where a change to the installation has been made by something other than the securityadmin tool. Examples include:

  • The password for a SQL user was modified by direct access to mySQL.

  • A keystore is replaced or a keystore's password is changed using keytool.

  • An OCI database has been restored and that database has different passwords for the internal users

"Correct Password" will first prompt the user to select which password to store the correct value.

Replace incorrect stored password with correct password.  (Does not change the required password)
Select User:  (Enter 'b' to go Back)

1 - _internal

2 - acquisition

3 - cognos_admin

4 - cognos keystore

5 - dwh

6 - dwh_internal

7 - dwhuser

8 - hosts

9 - inventory

10 - sso keystore

11 - server keystore

12 - root

13 - server truststore

14 - AU truststore

Enter your choice:

After selecting which entry to correct, the user is prompted for how they wish to provide the value.

1 - Enter {user} password

2 - Get {user} password from vault backup

9 - Exit

Enter your choice:

If option 1 is selected, the user will be prompted for the correct password.

Enter password (blank = don't change)
Enter correct password for '{user}':

If the correct password is entered, the following will be displayed.

Password verified.  Vault updated

Pressing enter will return to the server unrestricted menu.

If the wrong password is entered, the following will be displayed

Password verification failed - {additional information}
Vault entry not updated.

Pressing enter will return to the server unrestricted menu.

If option 2 is selected, the user will be prompted to provide the name of a backup file from which to read the correct password:

Enter Backup File Location:

If the password from the backup is correct, the following will be displayed.

Password verified.  Vault updated

Pressing enter will display the server unrestricted menu.

If the password in the backup is incorrect, the following will be displayed

Password verification failed - {additional information}
Vault entry not updated.

Pressing enter will display the server unrestricted menu.

Interactive - Server: Verify Vault Contents

Verify Vault Contents will check whether the vault has keys which match the default vault distributed with earlier OCI versions and will check whether each value in the vault matches the installation.

The possible results for each key are:


The vault value is correct

Not Checked

The value cannot be checked against the installation


The value does not match the installation


An expected entry is missing.

Encryption keys secure: unique, non-default encryption keys detected

             cognos_admin: OK
                    hosts: OK
             dwh_internal: OK
                inventory: OK
                  dwhuser: OK
        keystore_password: OK
                      dwh: OK
      truststore_password: OK
                     root: OK
                _internal: OK
          cognos_internal: Not Checked
             key_password: OK
              acquisition: OK
           cognos_archive: Not Checked
 cognos_keystore_password: Missing

Press enter to continue

Interactive - Server: Backup

Backup will prompt for the directory into which the backup zip file should be stored. The directory must already exist, and the file name will be

Enter backup directory location [C:\Program Files\SANscreen\backup\vault] :

Backup Succeeded!   Backup File: C:\Program Files\SANscreen\backup\vault\

Interactive - Server: Login

The login action is used to authenticate a user and gain access to operations which modify the installation. The user must have admin privileges. When running with the server, any admin user may be used; when running in direct mode, the user must be a local user rather than an LDAP user.

Authenticating via server. Enter user and password

UserName: admin



Authenticating via database.  Enter local user and password.

UserName: admin


If the password is correct and the user is an admin user, the restricted menu will be displayed.

If the password is incorrect, the following will be displayed:

Authenticating via database.  Enter local user and password.

UserName: admin


Login Failed!

If the user is not an admin, the following will be displayed:

Authenticating via server. Enter user and password

UserName: user


User 'user' does not have 'admin' role!

Interactive - Server: Restricted Menu

Once the user logs in, the tool displays the Restricted Menu.

Logged in as: admin
Select Action:

2 - Change Password

3 - Verify Vault Contents

4 - Backup

5 - Restore

6 - Change Encryption Keys

7 - Fix installation to match vault

9 - Exit

Enter your choice:

Interactive - Server: Change Password

The "Change Password" action is used to change an installation password to a new value.

"Change Password" will first prompt the user to select which password to change.

Change Password
Select User:  (Enter 'b' to go Back)

1 - _internal

2 - acquisition

3 - cognos_admin

4 - cognos keystore

5 - dwh

6 - dwh_internal

7 - dwhuser

8 - hosts

9 - inventory

10 - sso keystore

11 - server keystore

12 - root

13 - server truststore

14 - AU truststore

Enter your choice:

After selecting which entry to correct, if the user is a mySQL user, the user will be asked whether to strong hashing for the password

MySQL supports SHA-1 and SHA-256 password hashes. SHA-256 is stronger but requires all clients use SSL connections

Use strong password hash? (Y/n): y

Next, the user is prompted for the new password.

New Password for '{user}':
If the password is empty, the operation is cancelled.

Password is empty - cancelling operation

If a non-empty password is entered, the user is prompted to confirm the password.

New Password for '{user}':

Confirm New Password for '{user}':

Password successfully updated for 'dwhuser'!

If the change is unsuccessful, the error or exception will be displayed.

Interactive - Server: Restore

Interactive - Server: Change Encryption Keys

The Change Encryption Keys action will replace the encryption key used to encrypt the vault entries and replace the encryption key used for the vault's encryption service. Because the encryption service's key is changed, encrypted values in the database will be re-encrypted; they will be read, decrypted with the current key, encrypted with the new key, and saved back to the database.

This action is not supported in direct mode as the server provides the re-encryption operation for some database content.

Replace encryption key with new key and update encrypted database values

Confirm (y/N): y

Change Encryption Keys succeeded! Restart 'Server' Service!

Interactive - Server: Fix Installation

The Fix Installation action will update the installation. All installation passwords that are changeable via the securityadmin tool, except root, will be set to the passwords in the vault.

  • The OCI internal users' passwords will be updated.

  • mySQL users' passwords, except root, will be updated.

  • The keystores' passwords will be updated.

Fix installation - update installation passwords to match values in vault

Confirm:  (y/N): y

Installation update succeeded! Restart 'Server' Service.

The action will stop at the first unsuccessful update and display the error or exception.