Acquisition unit status
The Acquisition Unit screen provides a view of all your acquisition units, including status and any errors present.
The status of the Insight acquisition units connected to your server is displayed in the Admin > Acquisition Units table. This table displays the following information for each acquisition unit:
Status is the operating status of the acquisition unit.
Last reporteddisplays the last time a data source connected to the acquisition unit reported.
Note displays a user-entered note related to the AU.
If an acquisition unit in the list has a problem, the Status field will show a red circle with brief information about the problem. You should investigate any acquisition unit problems, as they likely affect data collection.
To restart an acquisition unit, hover over the unit and click on the Restart Acquisition Unit button that appears..
To add a text note, hover over an acquisition unit and click the Add Note button that appears. Only the most recently entered note is displayed.