Assigning applications to assets
After defining applications with or without business entities, you can associate the applications with assets.
Log in to the OnCommand Insight web UI.
Locate the asset (host, virtual machine, volume, or internal volume) to which you want to apply the application by doing either of the following:
Click Dashboard, select Assets Dashboard, and click the asset.
on the toolbar to display the Search assets box, type the name of the asset, and then select the asset from the list.
In the User Data section of the asset page, position your cursor over the name of the application currently assigned to the asset (if there is no application assigned, None displays instead) and then click
(Edit application).
The list of available applications for the selected asset display. The applications that are currently associated with the asset are preceded by a check mark.
You can type in the Search box to filter the application names, or you can scroll down the list.
Select the applications you want to associate with the asset.
You can assign multiple applications to host, virtual machine, and internal volume; however, you can only assign one application to volume.
to assign the selected application or applications to the asset.
The application names appear in the User Data section; if the application is associated with a business entity, the name of the business entity appears in this section also.