Configuring the AWS Cloud Cost data source
You configure the AWS Cloud Cost data source as you would for any Insight data source.
Before you begin
You must have your Amazon AWS account already set up and prepared for Insight data collection, and have the following pieces of information at hand.
Report Name
S3 Bucket Name
AWS Region where your S3 bucket resides.
Report path prefix
About this task
Once your AWS account is ready and has the proper permissions set, you are ready to configure OnCommand Insight to collect billing report data.
You will need to add a separate AWS Cloud Cost data source for each billable user/account from which you wish to retrieve billing data. |
Log in to OnCommand Insight as an administrator.
Click on Admin > Data sources to open the Insight Data Source page.
Click +Add to add a new data source. Choose Amazon and select AWS Cloud Cost.
In the Configuration section, fill in the Report name, S3 Bucket name, S3 Region (must be the region where your S3 bucket resides), Report path prefix, AWS IAM Access Key ID, and AWS IAM Secret Access Key. If you are unsure of any of these, check with your cloud provider or AWS account holder.
Click the checkbox to verify your understanding that AWS will bill you for API requests and data transfers made by the Insight data source.
In Advanced Configuration, enter the HTTP connection and socket timeout. The default is 300 seconds.
Click Save.