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OnCommand Insight

Including a backup of the Data Warehouse database


By default, ASUP sends only the Data Warehouse log files to technical support for assistance in troubleshooting; however, you can also choose to include a backup of the Data Warehouse database and select the type of data that is sent.


  1. Log in to the Data Warehouse portal at https://hostname/dwh, where hostname is the name of the system where OnCommand Insight Data Warehouse is installed.

  2. From the navigation pane on the left, click Troubleshooting.

  3. To specify that ASUP should include a backup of the Data Warehouse database, click the Include DWH Database Backup list and select one of the following options for the type of data that the backup should include:

    • All (including Performance)

    • All Except Performance

    • Inventory Only

  4. Click Update.