Setup Python middleware
Now that Python and the necessary libraries are installed, you can configure the middleware connector to communicate with OnCommand Insight and ServiceNow.
On the host or VM where you downloaded the connector software, open a cmd window as administrator and change to the
folder. -
You must initialize the script to generate an empty config.ini file. Run the following command:
oci_snow_sync.pyz init
Open the config.inifile in a text editor and make the following changes in the [OCI] section:
Set url to
orhttps://<ip address>
for the Insight instance. -
Set user and password to the Insight user created, for example, OCI2SNOW.
Set include_off_vms to false
In the [SNOW] section, make the following changes:
Set Instance to the FQDN or ip address for your ServiceNow instance
Set User and Password to the ServiceNow service account user, for example, the OCI2SNOW.
Under Field for the OCI URL, set the url field to “u_oci_url”. This field is created as part of the connector OCI update set. You can change this in the customer environment, but if you do so, you need to modify it here and in ServiceNow. Best practice is to leave this field as is.
Set the filter_status field to “Installed, In Stock”. If you have a status that is different, you must set that status here in order to get all the records to match with Insight records prior to upload of new records. In most cases this field should remain unchanged.
Set stale_statusto “Retired”.
The [Proxy] section is only required if you use a proxy server. If you need to use this section, ensure the following settings:
;https = http://<host>:<port>
;http = http://<host>:<port>
;include_oci = True
;include_snow = True
Edit the [Log] section only if you need deeper debug information.
To test the connector, open a cmd prompt as administrator and change to the \OCI2SNOW folder. Run the following command:
oci_snow_sync.pyz test
Details can be seen in the