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Cluster and storage switches

Prepare to install NX-OS software and RCF

Contributors netapp-jolieg

Before you install the NX-OS software and the Reference Configuration File (RCF), follow this procedure.

About the examples

The examples in this procedure use the following switch and node nomenclature:

  • The names of the two Cisco switches are cs1 and cs2.

  • The node names are cluster1-01 and cluster1-02.

  • The cluster LIF names are cluster1-01_clus1 and cluster1-01_clus2 for cluster1-01 and cluster1-02_clus1 and cluster1-02_clus2 for cluster1-02.

  • The cluster1::*> prompt indicates the name of the cluster.

About this task

The procedure requires the use of both ONTAP commands and Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches commands; ONTAP commands are used unless otherwise indicated.

  1. If AutoSupport is enabled on this cluster, suppress automatic case creation by invoking an AutoSupport message: system node autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message MAINT=x h

    where x is the duration of the maintenance window in hours.

    Note The AutoSupport message notifies technical support of this maintenance task so that automatic case creation is suppressed during the maintenance window.
  2. Change the privilege level to advanced, entering y when prompted to continue:

    set -privilege advanced

    The advanced prompt (*>) appears.

  3. Display how many cluster interconnect interfaces are configured in each node for each cluster interconnect switch:

    network device-discovery show -protocol cdp
    Show example
    cluster1::*> network device-discovery show -protocol cdp
    Node/       Local  Discovered
    Protocol    Port   Device (LLDP: ChassisID)  Interface         Platform
    ----------- ------ ------------------------- ----------------- --------
                e0a    cs1                       Eth1/2            N9K-C9336C
                e0b    cs2                       Eth1/2            N9K-C9336C
                e0a    cs1                       Eth1/1            N9K-C9336C
                e0b    cs2                       Eth1/1            N9K-C9336C
    4 entries were displayed.
  4. Check the administrative or operational status of each cluster interface.

    1. Display the network port attributes:

      network port show -ipspace Cluster
      Show example
      cluster1::*> network port show -ipspace Cluster
      Node: cluster1-02
                                                        Speed(Mbps) Health
      Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status
      --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- ------
      e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy
      e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy
      Node: cluster1-01
                                                        Speed(Mbps) Health
      Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status
      --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- ------
      e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy
      e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy
      4 entries were displayed.
    2. Display information about the LIFs:

      network interface show -vserver Cluster
      Show example
      cluster1::*> network interface show -vserver Cluster
                  Logical            Status     Network            Current       Current Is
      Vserver     Interface          Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
      ----------- ------------------ ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                  cluster1-01_clus1  up/up  cluster1-01   e0a     true
                  cluster1-01_clus2  up/up  cluster1-01   e0b     true
                  cluster1-02_clus1  up/up  cluster1-02   e0a     true
                  cluster1-02_clus2  up/up  cluster1-02   e0b     true
      4 entries were displayed.
  5. Ping the remote cluster LIFs:

    cluster ping-cluster -node node-name
    Show example
    cluster1::*> cluster ping-cluster -node cluster1-02
    Host is cluster1-02
    Getting addresses from network interface table...
    Cluster cluster1-01_clus1 cluster1-01     e0a
    Cluster cluster1-01_clus2 cluster1-01     e0b
    Cluster cluster1-02_clus1 cluster1-02     e0a
    Cluster cluster1-02_clus2 cluster1-02     e0b
    Local =
    Remote =
    Cluster Vserver Id = 4294967293
    Ping status:
    Basic connectivity succeeds on 4 path(s)
    Basic connectivity fails on 0 path(s)
    Detected 9000 byte MTU on 4 path(s):
        Local to Remote
        Local to Remote
        Local to Remote
        Local to Remote
    Larger than PMTU communication succeeds on 4 path(s)
    RPC status:
    2 paths up, 0 paths down (tcp check)
    2 paths up, 0 paths down (udp check)
  6. Verify that the auto-revert command is enabled on all cluster LIFs:

    network interface show -vserver Cluster -fields auto-revert
    Show example
    cluster1::*> network interface show -vserver Cluster -fields auto-revert
    Vserver   Interface           Auto-revert
    --------- ––––––-------------- ------------
              cluster1-01_clus1   true
              cluster1-01_clus2   true
              cluster1-02_clus1   true
              cluster1-02_clus2   true
    4 entries were displayed.